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Title: Admitting the Truth
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
Fandom: Hannibal
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: Sequel to "Burning Out."
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Hannibal Lecter or Will Graham, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Will blinked in the early morning light, staring up at the ceiling.

He'd actually slept last night. The entire night through, without waking up to toss and turn for a while. That amazed him, as it rarely ever happened.

Usually, the only time he slept the entire night through was when he was so exhausted that his body simply shut down and demanded that he get some sleep.

But last night, he had actually gone to bed at a little after midnight because he'd felt tired, and his eyes had blurred so much while he was reading that he had barely been able to see the page. He had thought that he wouldn't sleep for more than a couple of hours, but he'd been wrong.

He glanced over at the clock on his bedside table, surprised to see that it was past nine in the morning. Had he really slept for nine hours straight, without waking even once?

It appeared so. And that was a good sign, he told himself with a slight smile. It meant that he was starting to achieve some kind of balance, that he was regulating himself.

Hannibal would be proud of him.

Hannibal. The man he wanted to be closer to, the man he had a hard time keeping himself away from. The man he wanted in his life as more than a friend.

He'd thought that it might happen during this vacation, but Hannibal hadn't been here to see him, and he hadn't gone into Baltimore, not even for a psychiatric session.

Hannibal had told him that he should enjoy his time away from work, and that meant that he shouldn't worry himself about their sessions. He had told Will, in a rather stern voice, that he didn't expect to see him in Baltimore for two entire weeks, that he needed to thoroughly immerse himself in his free time.

How was he supposed to do that? Will thought with a sigh. Hannibal had to know that his brain didn't work that way. He was always looking for something to do.

The only time that he could completely relax was when he was fishing, but he couldn't do that twenty-four hours a day. He had to have some other kind of distraction.

Hannibal could always distract him from whatever he'd had to deal with at work; he could always focus on the other man and let himself be led into new avenues of thought. No one else had that ability; no one else could hold his attention so thoroughly, intrigue him so completely.

But then, Hannibal wasn't like anyone else he'd ever known. He was a different animal entirely from any other human being that Will had ever met.

That was part of his fascination, wasn't it? Will sighed, closing his eyes again and turning over onto his side, tucking one hand under the pillow, beneath his cheek.

He might as well admit the truth to himself.

He was interested in Hannibal in ways that went far beyond friendship. He hadn't wanted to admit it, but there it was. He wanted to become romantically involved with Hannibal.

The problem was, he had no idea whether or not Hannibal could feel the same way about him. From all that he'd seen, Hannibal thought of him as a friend, and nothing more.

He'd known for a long time that he wanted more than friendship from Hannibal, but he'd never let himself admit that fact. He had tried to close the door on those desires, but the more he was around Hannibal, the stronger they became. So maybe it was a good thing that he hadn't seen the other man in a few days.

Would Hannibal come here? Will asked himself, his stomach tightening and his heart beating more rapidly at the thought. Would Hannibal miss him enough to want to check on him?

So far, he hadn't -- bu then, it had only been four days. Hannibal probably hadn't wanted to encroach on his privacy; he'd stayed away because he thought that Will needed some time alone.

What he really needed was some time with Hannibal.

Why hadn't he realized this before now? Will asked himself. He almost smiled at that question; the truth was that he had always known, he just hadn't let himself admit it.

This vacation wasn't going to be truly relaxing until he saw Hannibal. He knew that. For some reason, he needed to see the other man to feel truly relaxed, to feel that the time he'd taken off work would be worth it. Being here alone wasn't going to make him happy.

He obviously wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep, now that his thoughts were on Hannibal. Will sighed, kicking back the covers and sitting up.

Maybe he should call Hannibal today. Just to talk to someone.

The thought made him smile. Would Hannibal be surprised by that call -- or would he think that it was inevitable that Will would be tired of his own company?

It didn't matter what Hannibal thought. He would call the other man today -- and maybe do something a little crazy, like invite him to come here for dinner.

Will stood up, stretching, wondering if Hannibal would accept that offer.

He reached for his cell phone, clicking it on. He would find out in just a few minutes.
