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Title: Uneasy
By: Wereleopard58
Pairing: Will Graham/John Reese
Fandom: Hannibal/Person of Interest
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or John Reese, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


He couldn't sit still, no matter how hard he tried.

In the last hour, Will had picked up a book three times and attempted to read for a while, but the words were nothing more than dancing black sticks on the white page.

He couldn't concentrate on anything. He was too uneasy -- uneasy in his mind, and in his heart and soul. He couldn't help feeling that something was going to happen.

He didn't know if that feeling had anything to do with Hannibal, or if it was something else. He had no doubt that he was being watched by his adversary -- and that Hannibal would strike when it was least expected. But he would want Will to be nervous and anxious first and foremost.

That was why he would wait, Will told himself. He wanted to be sure that Will was at a point where he wouldn't be able to react with anything other than fear and defensiveness.

As much as he tried to stay calm, he knew that he couldn't. Even Winston had picked up on his uneasiness; the dog was whining and pacing the apartment, just as Will himself was.

He bent down to scratch behind Winston's ears in an effort to calm the dog.

Will was sure that Winston wasn't fooled. He was, after all, very good at picking up on all that his master was feeling. He was sure that the dog was empathic, just like him.

That wasn't exactly a bad thing, Will thought with a rueful smile. It was good to know that someone else could feel the same way he did, that someone related to his own uneasiness.

Even if that someone was a dog. He chuckled then, shaking his head. Winston was more to him than just a dog, or even a pet. Winston had seen him through some of the worst times of his life, and he was more than grateful to his dog for being so loyal to him through thick and thin.

He missed his other dogs, particularly little Buster. It had been hard to give them away. But he knew that all of them had good, loving homes with people who would cherish them.

And now, there was someone else in his life, he thought, his heartbeat picking up. John was a part of his life. He didn't know why, but there was someone in his life now who he could confide in.

Why did he trust John so much, when he didn't trust anyone else?

It wasn't just the fact that he man was so reassuring, that he felt solid and honest and real. There was just something about John that felt .... right.

John made his breath come faster, made his thoughts careen off into places where they probably shouldn't go. He made Will's heart beat faster, and so much more than that.

John made him want things that he'd told himself he could never have. Now, with the hope that John was bringing into his life, he was starting to rethink the sentence that he had imposed on himself. He was starting to feel as though he could have a future. A future where he wouldn't always be alone.

He knew that he more than likely shouldn't feel this way. His life was still a mess; there was too much danger in the form of Hannibal, too much that he still had to sort out.

But now, it felt as though there was a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. John was that light, and Will felt as if he was making his way towards the other man, slowly but surely.

Still, that was entirely the problem, wasn't it? He didn't have that much time.

Will didn't doubt that Hannibal was going to come after him -- and probably sooner rather than later. He knew that John wanted to help him, but he wasn't sure if that was possible.

Hannibal had been his own problem to deal with for so long that he didn't think anyone could possibly help him. No one else could be prepared for Hannibal's vindictiveness, his psychopathy.

John knew the extent of that, at least as much of it as Will had been able to explain to him in words. But he hadn't seen the physical, concrete proof of Hannibal's obsession -- and Will didn't doubt that when it came out into the open, John would be both shocked and repelled by it.

He himself was repelled by Hannibal's obsession with him. Not that he couldn't deal with the thought that another man wanted him. No, quite the opposite.

He had no problem with another man wanting him. He was, after all, attracted to men. The problem wasn't with the fact that the attraction existed. That could never bother him.

No, it was the fact that it was Hannibal who was obsessed with him that was so terrifying.

WIll knew that Hannibal would go to any lengths to get what -- and who -- he wanted. And he knew that for some bizarre reason, Hannibal thought that Will belonged to him.

No matter how fast and how far he ran, how well he managed to hide himself, he couldn't help feeling that Hannibal would always follow him -- and that he would eventually be found.

That was what made him so uneasy. There was a feeling niggling in the back of his mind, almost a premonition, that tonight was going to bring everything to the surface. It felt as though he was existing inside a pressure cooker, and it was reaching the boiling point, close to explosion.

He couldn't talk to John about this. The other man would probably shake his head and tell Will that he was being ridiculous. After all, he had nothing to go on but a feeling.

Will took one deep breath, then another. He needed to calm down. He needed to make himself relax. And most of all, he needed to put this uneasiness away from him.

His head jerked up when he heard two taps on the door, then another two.

John. That was their signal, the one that they'd agreed upon the last time they'd seen each other and talked. It was John outside his door, here for some reason that Will couldn't fathom.

He went to the door and stood there quietly, waiting for whoever was outside to speak. After all, it might not be John. Hannibal might have somehow overheard them talking, know their signal.

But after a few moments, he heard the other man's voice. "Will? It's John. Let me in. I need to talk to you. I .... needed to see you. I know it's late, but I couldn't stay away."

Will closed his eyes for a moment, the uneasiness draining out of him. John was here. They would talk. He wouldn't be alone with his anxiety; someone was here to share it.

He opened the door, his eyes meeting John's as the other man walked in.

As soon as he closed the door and turned around, he was in John's arms.

And when their lips met, the uneasiness vanished as though it had never existed.
