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Title: What Everybody Wants
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/John Reese
Fandom: Hannibal/Person of Interest
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,112
Author's Note: Sequel to "For the Future."
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or John Reese, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


What did he really want out of life?

Will sighed as he leaned back in his chair behind the counter of the bookshop, glancing out of the window. Winston stirred at his feet, yawning and then settling back into sleep.

It was hard to say just what he wanted. He honestly wasn't sure of it. He had thought that what he wanted was to live a normal life, here in New York City; but who was to say what a normal life was? His own life had already been anything but normal; he wasn't able to judge normality for himself.

What he wanted was a life free of Hannibal, but he didn't think that was something he could ever have. No matter what he did or where he went, his nemesis would track him down.

That had already been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

But at least now he had John in his life to help him deal with Hannibal. His spirits rose at the thought of John; he could feel a little glow, a clutch around his heart.

It still seemed impossible to him that he could have met someone like John. How could a man like that simply walk into his life the way he had, and take over everything?

Yet that was just what had happened. He couldn't get John out of his mind; he found himself thinking of the other man every waking moment, and even dreaming of him when he slept. Strangely enough, those dreams were comforting, instead of the disturbing nightmares that he was used to having.

He wanted a future with John. Yes, that was what he wanted. And from the way that the other man acted around him, he was sure that John wanted the same thing.

But with Hannibal still out there, could they have a future together? Will knew that Hannibal would try to destroy anything good in his life. He was never going to go away, never going to stop.

There was no way to get rid of him, unless it was permanent.

That was what John was here for, Will reminded himself, shuddering at the thought. Even with all of his work with the FBI, he still didn't like the thought of killing people.

Though Hannibal had tried to kill him several times, he reminded himself. He couldn't let himself forget that. And he couldn't forget all of the innocent people that Hannibal had murdered.

Hannibal was a killer. And whatever justice that John meted out to him would be what he deserved. He had to be made to pay for all the horror and havoc he had caused, for all of the deaths he was responsible for. And if that meant that Hannibal had to die, then it would be a well-deserved end.

If Hannibal had to die for him to have a future with John -- or any kind of a future at all -- then he would accept that, and count himself lucky, Will thought, the words firm in his mind.

He just wanted what everybody wants -- a life free of fear, a home, and someone to love him. And for once in his life, it looked as though all of that just might be within his grasp at last.

All that remained now was to clear the way of obstacles -- namely, the man who was obsessed with him, and who wanted to take that future away from him. Of course, Hannibal contemplated the two of them having some kind of future together, which to Will was no kind of future at all.

He didn't even want to think about what a life with Hannibal would be like. Always lying, always running, always hiding -- and always trying to avoid giving in to the darkness within him.

He wouldn't do that, he vowed to himself. He wouldn't let himself become the same kind of monster that Hannibal was. He would have a life with John. He would.

Yes, that was what he wanted. That was what he needed.

He had never been like everyone else, Will thought with a soft sigh. And he never would be. But with John in his life, at least he would have someone who accepted him the way he was.

He'd never dared to let himself dream of a life where he was loved and cherished, because he'd never thought that he woudl have it. But now .... things were different.

What was it about John that made him feel this way? Why did this man make him think that his life could change, could be transformed into what he had always wanted it to be? Was it the way that John smiled at him? Was it the look in those eyes, the look that said so much more than words ever could?

He didn't know why John made him feel that anything was possible. But the fact remained that he did, and Will badly wanted -- and needed -- to believe in that feeling.

He would see John today, before the store closed. Then they would go out to his apartment, and they would talk. And maybe .... just maybe .... something would happen between them.

His breath caught in his throat at the mere thought of it.

That was something else that he wanted -- to be loved not only in the emotional sense, but physically as well. And he wanted John to be the one who loved him.

Would it happen tonight? He didn't know. He had no way to tell. He couldn't see the future, after all. His ability didn't include being able to look into a crystal ball and know what was going to happen. But he was going to reach for the stars, and with any luck, he could hold on to one of them.

He was going to have what everybody wanted, no matter what it took. He was going to reach for what he wanted, and this time, he wasn't going to give up.

It might not be easy, but then again, for him, nothing ever was.

Will smiled at that thought, then shook his head.

Except falling for John. That had been the easiest thing he had ever done.
