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Title: Whenever It Happens
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/Everett Hobbs (Original Character)
Fandom: Hannibal
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: Everett's face is Benedict Cumberbatch.
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or Lee Fallon, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Will swallowed hard, forcing a smile to his face, though his heart was beating erratically, and his feet seemed to be rooted to the spot by the door.

He had never been so nervous in his life. What was going to happen between them tonight? Did Everett expect hi m to be ready to make love?

He didn't know what to expect, or what he should do.

Taking an experimental step forward, Will let out a shaky laugh and held his arms out to his sides, palms up. "I don't know why I'm so nervous," he murmured, shaking his head.

Everett smiled softly, holding out his arms to Will. "I do," he said, his voice very soft. "You're thinking that I might expect things of you that you aren't ready for yet."

Will's blue eyes widened; he was amazed to realize that his boyfriend was so perceptive. "It's not that I don't want to, you know," he said, his gaze on the floor, feeling ashamed of himself. "I love you, Everett. You know that. I woudn't be here with you if I didn't love you."

Everett nodded; his arms were still outstretched, his smile not fading. "I do know that, Will," he said, his voice still soft. "And I love you, too. Come here, and let's talk a bit."

Will did as Everett asked, advancing until he was sitting on the bed, stil feeling nervous and even a little shaky. He let Everett take his icy cold hands into those warm ones.

He gazed into those pale eyes, hoping that Everett wasn't annoyed with him.

Everett raised one hand to touch Will's cheek, smiling as he stroked the other man's curls back from his face, their gazes locking and holding.

"Will, I understand that this has all happened very quickly," he said softly, his tone warm and loving. "I don't expect anything from you tonight, sweetheart. I think that it's enough for us to be able to sleep in the same bed and simply hold each other. More would be overdoing it."

Will nodded, relieved at Everett's words. "It's not that I don't want to, he said again, sounding apologetic. "It's just .... I need time to get used to all of this."

Everett nodded, still gazing into Will's eyes.

"And I understand that," he said. There was no hint of annoyance or impatience in his voice. "This is a new place for you, Will. An entirely new life. You need time to take it all in."

Will nodded, feeling tears come to his eyes. Everett understood. He wasn't going to push for more than Will was ready to give. It was going to be okay.

"This is only your first night here," Everett continued. "I know that you're still feeling unsettled -- and that even though you want this new life, you're probably still feeling a bit sad about leaving behind all that you were used to in the past. That's never an easy thing to do."

"You're right about that," Will said with a sigh. "I do want to be here with you, Everett. But it was so hard to give up the home I'd had for so long."

"We'll make a new home, love," Everett said, still speaking softly and gently. "I want you to be happy here. I don't want you to have any regrets."

Will shook his head firmly, denying the words. "I don't have a single regret about being here with you," he said, his voice strong and firm. "I made the right decision."

Everett leaned forward and brushed his lips over Will's, softly, gently. "Then let's not talk about this any longer," he said, his voice a whisper. "Let's just go to sleep."

Will nodded, still feeling a little nervous. Yes, they had slept in the same bed before, at the house in Wolf Trap. They'd done it many times; he was used to the curves and hollows of Everett's body. He knew that they fit well together, that he was comfortable in this man's arms.

But somehow, being here in a new place, everything felt strange and different. The only thing that was the same was what he felt for this man.

He loved Everett, and he always would, he told himself. There was no reason to feel that a barrier had sprung up between them simply because they were now in a different home.

He wasn't going to let such a small thing come between them in any way.

Will pulled back the covers, slipping undernearth them and turning to Everett. He rested his head against the other man's shoulder, sliding his arms around Everett's waist.

And then, somehow, everything was right again. The tension and the strangeness all seemed to melt away within seconds; he was right where he belonged, within the loving circle of Everett's arms, feeling his boyfriend's heart beating under his ear.

Why had he felt so nervous? Why had he thought, for even one fleeting second, that things had changed between them? That had been silly, and childish.

Nothing had changed. They were the same people they'd always been.

There was nothing in the world that could possibly feel as good to him as lying here in Everett's arms did. It didn't matter where they were.

These arms would always be his home. London, Wolf Trap, or anywhere else they might be, when he was with Everett, he was right where he belonged.

This was where he always wanted to be, he thought with a smile. Right here, in Everett's arms, wherever they might happen to be. It didn't matter that they hadn't been closer than this in the physical sense. It was coming, and when it happened, it would be utterly glorious.

Whenever that happened -- and Will knew that it would -- they would both be completely ready for it. There was no need to jump the gun. It would take place in time.

He would look forward to that day, but he wasn't going to worry about when it would happen. He didn't need to. It would occur naturally, when the time was right for both of them.

He smiled as he snuggled into Everett's embrace, feeling warm and loved.

"What are you thinking about, love?" Everett asked him, pressing a gentle kiss to Will's forehead. "You're smiling, so I know that they must be happy thoughts."

Will tilted his head upwards, smiling into his boyfriend's eyes. What was he thinking about? That was an easy question to answer. The words were on the tip of his tongue.

The one thing that he could possibly think about at this moment in time.

"You," he said, his voice soft and loving. "I'm thinking about you."
