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Title: Worth Any Price
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Will Graham/Matthew Brown
Fandom: Hannibal
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Will Graham or Lee Fallon, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


"I'll see you tonight, Will."

Will's heart leaped in his chest at Matthew's words, whispered so softly when the other man had locked the door of his cell, words meant only for his ears.

No one else had heard them, he was sure. Even Chilton's spying devices couldn't have picked them up; they had been too softly spoken, in such a low voice.

A voice that was soft and sensual, meant only for him. Will had come to crave hearing that voice, knowing that it wasn't meant for anyone's hearing but his. It was a voice that filled his dreams, a voice that he wanted to hear next to his ear when he was in bed with the man who owned it.

Not that there was a bed here, he thought, scowling as he looked around his cell. This couldn't be called a "bed." It was a slab designed for maximum discomfort.

It amazed him that he could sleep here. But somehow, he did -- even though it was never for very long. And when he did sleep, his dreams were full of Matthew.

Being with him was worth any price Will might have to pay.

It would be a heavy price if Chilton caught the two of them, he knew. Matthew would be fired, perhaps prosecuted, and Will would more than likely never see him again.

He swallowed hard at that thought, knowing that it could be a truth that he would have to face if either of them let their guard down for even a fraction of a moment.

If Chilton thought that there was something going on between them, Will didn't doubt that he would prosecute Matthew to the full extent of the law -- and that he himself would suffer for their indiscretion, too. Chilton wasn't the kind of person who would take something like this lightly.

Matthew could even be sent to prison -- but he wouldn't be here, that was for sure. Chilton would take great pleasure in keeping the two of them apart.

He'd know that he was making Will suffer, and that would be his greatest joy, Will thought sourly. Chilton would love to make his life even more of a living hell than it already was.

Taking Matthew away from here would kill him, Will told himself. He couldn't live without those surreptitious words, the knowledge that Matthew was here and watching him, the surety that they would have another physical encounter. The anticipation of that meeting was keeping him alive.

All that kept him going was waiting to hear Matthew's voice, waiting for the other man to tell him that something would happen. It was why he got up in the mornings, why he kept breathing.

He wasn't going to risk having that taken away from him. He would be as careful and as discreet as he possibly could, not letting anything of that secret life slip out.

Five minutes with Matthew was worth any price he could imagine paying.

Well, not really. He wanted more than five minutes; he wanted five hours with Matthew's hands and lips on his body, doing unmentionable things to him.

He wanted entire days and nights in bed with Matthew, away from this place, out of sight of any prying eyes and ears that could rip his idyllic fantasy to shreds in seconds.

He didn't want the hope of getting out of here and being with Matthew to be ripped away. He kept thinking of the day when he would walk out of the BSHCI a free man, and he could walk into Matthew's arms and be with him outside of the confines that he was currently trapped in.

Did Matthew think of that day, too? Did he also long for the time when they could be together with no secrecy, when they would be free to love each other in the light, out of the shadows?

Will took a deep breath, closing his eyes. Matthew had said that they would meet tonight. No specific time, just that one word. Tonight. Will rolled the word on his tongue, savoring it.

They would meet tonight. They would be together.

Matthew would touch him, in all the forbidden places. Maybe they would even finally become lovers in the full sense of the word tonight. Will had no idea what Matthew was planning.

But whatever it was, he would go along with it. Maybe he was too trusting, too needy. Maybe he craved this intimate contact with Matthew simply because he needed to feel alive, to feel wanted, to feel .... human. Maybe he didn't love Matthew, and this was only a fleeting desire.

No, that wasn't true. He couldn't feel this way about anyone he didn't love. Maybe he didn't have a lot of experience with the emotion, but he was sure that he was feeling it now.

Will took a deep breath, closing his eyes. Well, he'd find out just how he felt, wouldn't he?

Once he was out of here, if he and Matthew still wanted to be together, he would find out just how those feelings might be able to grow and develop.

If they did, then it was love. If they didn't .... well, then it had only been a desire born out of his intense need to feel that he was wanted, the need inmates had to feel as though they were somebody in someone's eyes. It would have been something that wasn't meant to be.

But he didn't think it was. What he felt was worth any price to be able to consummate; he would put everything on the line if he had to. And maybe it would happen tonight.

He'd be counting the minutes until Matthew was with him.
