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Title: Courtship Rituals
By: nancy
Pairing: Tony/Gibbs
Fandom: NCIS
Rating: R
Series: 1) The Stakeout, 2) The Meeting
Summary: Gibbs takes the high road...sort of.


Tony didn't dare linger in his car, once he'd pulled into Gibbs' driveway, sure that he would lose his nerve if he did. He jumped out, slammed the door shut and strode up to the front door, knocking loud enough that he winced at the impact of knuckles to wood. It was a few minutes before Gibbs opened the door, though for all Tony knew, the other man had spent those few minutes just waiting to do so, to further unnerve him.

Not that any additional unnerving was needed.

"Twenty-seven minutes. I'm impressed, DiNozzo," Gibbs said, stepping back to let him in. "Food should be here in about ten more minutes. Have a seat."

Even though Tony hadn't been sure what to expect, this genial host was not it. He sat almost gingerly on the sofa, where indicated, and startled a little when Gibbs' hand brushed his shoulder. What the hell am I doing here?

"You want a drink?"

"Uh, sure."

"Soda okay? I'm out of anything stronger, unless you count coffee."

"Soda's fine," Tony agreed, still trying to make sense of the other man's actions.

Gibbs came back with two glasses and set one on the coffee table in front of Tony, before sitting in the chair. When the doorbell rang, Tony about jumped out of his skin. Gibbs arched an eyebrow at him and questioned, "Jumpy much, DiNozzo?" before standing to answer the door.


Forcing himself to take a couple of deep breaths to relax, as much as possible anyhow, Tony leaned back against the comfortable cushions.

Gibbs came back with a couple of paper bags, trademark of Chinese takeout, and set them on the table as well. On his way to the kitchen, he said, "Help yourself. I'll get plates."

Tony called after him, "You don't want to eat at the table?"

"We are at the table," Gibbs pointed out, sitting in his chair again and holding out a plate.

Taking the plate, Tony amended, "The kitchen table."

With a brief grin, Gibbs asked, "You trying to put distance between us or something?"

"No!" Tony exclaimed, flushing. "I mean, no, I just, you're usually know...about neatness."


He really hadn't wanted to throw that word into conversation, considering what he was pretty sure would happen that night, but Tony had to nod.

"I'll let you in on a secret, Tony. I'm not nearly as anal as I make out, at the office. At home, I eat wherever it's comfortable. Dig in."

Decidedly off-balance, Tony helped himself from the chow mein and egg foo yong. Gibbs snagged a few fried shrimp and heaped his plate with a little of everything. The conversation that popped up was, not surprisingly, about work. A cold case that they'd worked on before Kate had joined the team, and, before he knew it, Tony was arguing with Gibbs about the potential suspects and two hours had gone by.

"You'd best get home, if you're not going to be dead on your feet tomorrow," Gibbs said, looking at his watch.

Tony looked at his own watch, startled, then back at Gibbs. The easy words dried up and he had no idea what to say as he stood. He finally managed a lame, "Well, um, thanks for dinner."

"My pleasure," Gibbs replied, walking with him to the door. "Don't forget I'm out of the office tomorrow."

A sense of irritation surfaced that Gibbs would be gone and Tony said, "Right. Conference."

"Have a good weekend," Gibbs replied, smiling as briefly as he always did.

Tony nodded and started to say, "You too," except that his back was suddenly against the wall and Gibbs' mouth was stifling the words with his tongue. It was a hard, demanding kiss and Tony melted into it, mouth opening to allow Gibbs whatever access he wanted. A wicked hand cupped his crotch and squeezed, rubbing him through the fabric and causing him to harden almost painfully fast. His hips jerked in an automatic response, thrusting into the grip and he moaned, shuddering.

Then Gibbs was stepped back, leaving him bereft, and Tony blinked at him dumbly as he tried to regain control of his body.

A slow grin spread over Gibbs' face as he said, "I'll see you on Monday, DiNozzo. You know the way out."

Tony watched the other man walk back into the living room and start to clean up their leftovers, but couldn't summon the strength to move at first. Thumping his head against the wall a couple of times helped to clear it, and he pushed off, literally stumbling out of Gibbs' front door.

It was going to be a long-assed weekend.

*  *  *  *

The second the door closed behind Tony, Jethro dropped the carton in his hand and sank onto the sofa, still slightly warmed by Tony's body heat. His hand stroked through his pants to the hard cock beneath for a few moments, then he growled impatiently and undid his pants. He shoved them down, along with his boxers, and sighed in relief as his cock jutted out.

Dialing it back a little, Jethro took his time, just like he was doing with Tony. His hand moved slow and tight, just like he imagined Tony's ass would be. He was pretty sure Tony had never done anything with another guy before, even though he'd obviously entertained the notion. There was just something inexperienced about the way he was reacting to Jethro's overtures. Not a word used often in conjunction with Tony, which made him grin.

He imagined Tony bent over the bed, legs spread, taking Jethro's cock as it spread him open. He imagined taking Tony for the first time, being the first one to do it, going so slow and gentle at the beginning and then harder...and harder...and going as deep as he could, filling the pliant body with his he came...digging into Tony with his cock...

Jethro groaned as he spilled over his own hands, panting and gasping for breath as his body strained to come inside its mate, though the other wasn't even present.

Sagging completely on the sofa, Jethro enjoyed the sated feeling and smiled at the ceiling, deciding that it was definitely time to step things up in Operation Taming DiNozzo.

*  *  *  *

Holding out a manila folder, Abby questioned, "So what's up with you and Bossman?"

Tony feigned innocence as he took the folder and answered, "Just the usual smackinnaheads is all."

Squinting at him, Abby shook her head and countered, "Seems way more than that, Tony."

"Like what?" he bluffed.

She grinned and said, "I don't know for sure, but you're awfully jumpy around him. And not in the 'my head already hurts' kind of way. More in a 'is he going to chase me around the table or not?' kind of way."

About ready to burst from keeping everything to himself, Tony collapsed forward onto the lab counter and groaned, "He's going to kill me, Abs! I swear to God! Every time we're alone, he gropes. He kisses. He fondles."

"And you're complaining?" she questioned amidst the laughter.

Leaning on his elbows, he replied, "That's all he does, Abs! That, and the whole courting thing, which frankly? Is starting to creep me out a little."

Intrigued, Abby leaned on her elbows opposite Tony, demanding, "Spill, DiNozzo! What are the courtship and mating rituals of the wild Gibbs?"

"Well, there's my own personal favorite which involves the mysterious appearance of food at all times of the day."

"I thought you were gaining weight."


"Go on," Abby prompted hurriedly.

With a minor glare, he continued, "Every time I go to clean my gun, it's already clean. And how he manages to do that, I have no idea."

"Ooh. Weaponry being fondled. Must be serious."


She pulled a stern face. "Sorry. Being serious now. Go on."

Tony hesitated, then said in a lowered voice, "Boxed set of Leave It To Beaver. DVDs."

Abby's eyes widened.

"What the hell do I do?" Tony wailed, thumping his head against the countertop. "I can't take it any more, Abs!"

Abby petted him on the head. "What's to take? Bossman is way sexy and who else would you want watching your back twenty-four seven? Or washing it, for that matter."

"I can't do the whole "relationship" thing," Tony said, standing up straight.

"Why not?"

"Because I suck at them."


"Because I do!"

"Tony, come on! Do you know how much Gibbs has to feel for you for him to make this kind of effort?"

Miserable, Tony nodded and agreed, "Exactly. And there's no way that I can live up to whatever image he's got of me."

Abby's lips pursed as she looked at him thoughtfully. A few moments later, she walked around the lab table and asked, "Gibbs is hardly a saint, Tony, and you know it. I really doubt he's got some kind of idealized image of anyone in his head, not even you, great catch though you are."

"Very funny," Tony scoffed.

Abby punched him in the shoulder. "I'm being serious here! Don't you know what a great guy you are?"

Shaking his head, he denied, "I am not."

"Yeah, you are. But it's up to you and a therapist to realize it, I guess," she sighed. "Look, just think about what you say, before you say it, okay? Despite his reputation, Gibbs is the ultimate and I think you two would be totally great together."

Tony gave her a lopsided grin and said, "Thanks for the shot to the ego, Abs. And the results."

"That's what I'm here for," she muttered as he walked away.

*  *  *  *

Jethro scowled as he pulled back into the doorway as Tony walked by, a frown too evident on his face after his conversation with Abby. He hadn't meant to eavesdrop, but knowing how close Abby and Tony were had just seemed to scream out, 'listen! insights!' because what he was doing so far, sure as hell wasn't working. Not only had Tony not gotten easier with the continued attention, he seemed more skittish than ever. And given what he'd just heard, it was apparent that Jethro's own actions were what was driving the nervousness.

Once Tony got on the elevator and the doors closed behind him, Jethro walked into the lab, coming up behind Abby hunched over a microscope.

She jerked in surprise when he tapped her on the shoulder and glared at him. "Gibbs! How many times do I have to tell you to stop sneaking up on me?"

"It's not sneaking when there's music going that loud," Jethro pointed out.

With an eye roll, she used the remote to turn the music down, asking, "Did you bump into Tony on the way in?"

"Must've just missed him."


His lips twitched and he said, "So if the gifts are freaking him out, what do you recommend?"

"Fuck him through the mattress and tell him how important he is to you," Abby answered promptly. "But, you know, in that order so he doesn't think you're just trying to get into his pants. You're not just trying to do that, right?"

"Give me some credit, Abs."

"Right. There's easier lays out there."

Jethro winced slightly at the phrasing, but it was accurate. "Thanks."

She chuckled and leaned against him, saying, "Just call me Yenta Abby."

"I think Barbara Streisand would turn over in her grave."

"She's not dead yet."


*  *  *  *

The knock at the door screamed "Gibbs! Run and hide!" but Tony forced himself to walk over to it without pulling on a robe. This was his apartment, damn it, and he wasn't going to cover himself up just because Gibbs was having a mid-life crisis. So it was that he was dressed only in jeans, barefoot and bare chested, when he opened the door on a drenched Gibbs. Eyebrows raised, he pointed out, "They make these things called umbrellas now, Boss. You should invest."

Gibbs offered a faint smile, but it faded quickly as the pale eyes slid away. That alone was enough to put Tony on his guard, but the fortifying breath added to the clenching of his stomach.

"Look, Tony, I know I've been...persistent...about chasing you around the last few weeks and I want to apologize. I know the attention isn't welcome and it's wrong for me to keep harassing you like this. I know when to back off."

Floored, not having expected that in the least, Tony just stared at him.

"I just hope that we can continue to work together the same way we always have. You're my best agent and I would hate to lose you," Gibbs continued in the face of Tony's silence. "If you feel like you need to report me to the Director, I would totally understand. It's your decision, whatever you want to do."

"Gibbs, I..."

Gibbs held up a hand and said, "No, don't. I'm just...I am sorry for bothering you the way I have. I'll see you on Monday. Good night, Tony."

Tony stared after him in shock and actually stepped out into the hall to watch him get on the elevator. When Gibbs was out of sight, the elevator doors closed shut, Tony blinked a few times and muttered, "What the fuck just happened?"

Utterly confused, he retreated back into his apartment and locked the door, thoughts in a whirl. Pacing around the living room, Tony stopped now and again to glare at the door.

So what, after all that he's just going to back out on me? Tony thought, anger growing. He goes through all that trouble to buy me shit and then treats me like I'm nothing? I don't fucking think so!

Stomping to the kitchen, Tony pulled out a bottle of beer and scowled at the floor. How could Gibbs just drop him like that? Had it all been a game? Had he been trying to see just what it would take to get Tony to bend over? Was it a joke? Were Kate and McGee in on it? He had to shake his head at that. It wasn't possible that Gibbs would collaborate with the rest of the team about something like this.

Tony put the beer on the counter untouched and strode back out to the living room. Dropping onto the sofa, he turned on the television and determinedly started watching an I Love Lucy rerun for all of ten minutes before succumbing to the impulse to pace again. He lasted another fifteen minutes before giving up the ghost and going to his bedroom to put on shirt, socks, and shoes. He was going to hunt Gibbs down and demand answers.

And if he survived, Tony might even demand more.
