Title: Around the Sun
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Fox Mulder
Fandom: Doctor Who/The X-Files
Rating: PG-13
Table: VRD challenge - Yellow, 5_prompts
Prompt: Our spectacular yellow sun
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor or Fox Mulder, unfortunately. Please do not sue.


"So what did you think of your little travelogue around the galaxy?" the Doctor asked Mulder, opening his eyes and looking up at the man sitting on the blanket next to him. "It's not over yet, of course," he hurriedly added, in case Mulder should get the wrong idea.

"It's interesting seeing the world from the perspective of other planets," Mulder answered, his tone musing. "I've always believed that there was other intelligent life out there -- but you've shown me a lot more than I ever would have dreamed existed."

"Even though I enjoy other planets -- I have to admit that this one is closest to my heart, now that Gallifrey is gone," the Doctor said, squinting and raising a hand to shade his eyes from the glare of the sun. "Everything about it fascinates me."

"Is that why you keep coming back here?" Mulder asked, turning to look at the Time Lord. "You really seem to love Earth -- and humans. I can't understand why, given that you have the whole galaxy full of all these different species to choose from."

"Ah, you forget, Fox," the Doctor said softly, his gaze transferring to the face of the man leaning over him. "I'm half-human. My mother was from this planet -- so I feel a kinship with humans that most of my race could never understand. But I don't think it's surprising."

"No, it's not," Mulder murmured, reaching out to take the Doctor's hand in his. "I'm glad you love Earth so much. If you didn't, I'd probably never have met you -- and I wouldn't have had so many questions that I've had in my mind for so long answered."

"Is that the only reason you like being with me?" the Doctor asked, his tone only half-teasing. "I rather thought that there was a bit more to it," he murmured, looking down and avoiding Mulder's gaze, as though he was reluctant to look the other man in the eye.

"No, of course it isn't." Mulder squeezed the Doctor's hand reassuringly, reaching out with his free hand to tilt the Time Lord's face up until their gazes met. "I'm with you because I care about you. Because I want to be with you."

"I was hoping you'd say that," the Doctor murmured, his gaze not wavering from the other man's. "Because I've wanted to ask you something for a while now. And this seems like it's finally the right time and place to do it."

"And what would that be?" Mulder asked, smiling in spite of the seriousness of the Time Lord's tone. He didn't know what this man intended to ask him, but in the mood he was in, he was fairly sure that he would say yes to anything that the Doctor suggested.

The Time Lord looked down at their clasped hands, as though he couldn't meet Mulder's eyes while he was asking whatever his question was. Mulder squeezed his hand again, wanting to reassure the other man and dissipate his obvious nervousness.

"I ...." The Doctor gulped, then started over again. "I wanted to ask you if there was a chance that you might consider staying with me. Going on more trips in the Tardis. Not staying here on Earth. Well .... making the Tardis your home, more or less."

Mulder didn't know what to say for a few moments; he hadn't expected the Time Lord to ask that, or to phrase it so openly. But he knew what his answer was going to be. It was the only answer he could give, considering how he'd lived most of his life on Earth.

"And you were nervous about asking me this .... why?" Mulder inquired, tilting his head to the side with a smile. "You should have known from the first time I walked into the Tardis that I'd never want to give up this kind of life."

The Doctor nodded, still not looking up. Mulder wondered why the Time Lord didn't seem able to face him -- until he replayed his own words in his mind and realized that he might not have said the words that the other man needed to hear.

Well, that could be remedied. After all, those words were in his heart, just waiting to be spoken. "And you should know that I never want to leave you," he added, raising the Doctor face to his own again so that their gazes could meet.

"You're like the sun, Doctor," he whispered, his voice gaining strength as the words poured out. "When I first met you, I was drifting. But you centered me somehow. You gave my life a new meaning. Just like that sun up there --" Mulder looked up, pointing to the blazing sphere high above them.

"My life revolves around you," he continued, taking the Time Lord's hands in his. "I know we've been dancing around each other, not knowing exactly what the other wanted out of this. But I think we know now. At least, I know what I want."

With those words, he dropped the Doctor's hands, raising his own hands to either side of the Time Lord's face. Bowing his head, he brushed his lips gently across the Doctor's mouth at first, then claimed those softly parted lips more fully with his own.

Oh yes, this man was indeed the sun that he revolved around, Mulder thought as he slid his arms around the Doctor's waist and pulled the other man close against him. He wanted to stay here forever, locked in this kiss, letting this particular sun burn him to a crisp.

He'd kissed men before, but none of them had tasted like the Doctor. He could swear that he might be swallowing the sun -- though there was no burning, no discomfort, only a sweet tingling and the knowledge that he wanted as much of this as he could possibly have.

As they drew back slightly from the kiss, the Doctor's gaze met his again. This time, there was no doubt in those dark eyes, no fear that he might be turned down. "I'll take that as meaning yes," the Time Lord breathed, reaching for Mulder's hand and lacing their fingers together.

"Oh, the answer is most definitely yes," Mulder told him, a smile playing around the corners of his lips. "And now there's a question I want to ask you -- and I hope your answer will be the same." His gaze fastened on the Doctor's face, his eyes dark with desire.

"Whatever you're going to ask, I know the answer will be an unqualified yes," the Doctor replied, his voice barely a whisper. "I think I know what you're going to say. And you don't even have to ask. The answer is yes, without a doubt."

Mulder got to his feet, pulling the Time Lord to a standing position along with him. He felt no doubt, no uncertainty. This was finally going to happen; this man was going to be his in every sense of the word. Not just the sun that he revolved around, but a part of him.

The Doctor bent down to pick up the blanket they'd been lying on, shaking it out and draping it over his arm. They made their way back to the Tardis, not stopping to even glance up at the brilliant yellow sun that smiled down on them from its vantage point in the sky.
