Title: Knock Me Out
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Cal Lightman
Fandom: Doctor Who/Lie to Me
Rating: NC-17
Table: Cadenza challenge, 5_prompts
Prompt: Title -- Lips like morphine
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor or Cal Lightman, unfortunately. Please do not sue.


"How long has it been this time?" Cal asked softly, stirring his cup of coffee as he looked across the table to where the Doctor sat, their gazes meeting and holding. "It feels like longer every time you're gone, love. I miss you more than I can say."

"I miss you, too," the Doctor said, his voice soft, his gaze resting on the other man's face. The words were true; he missed Cal every moment that they weren't together. "It's been a couple of weeks, I think," he said, frowning, trying to recall the amount of time.

"Two weeks, three days, and nearly twelve hours," Cal told him, the corners of his mouth lifting in a smile. "See? I count the hours when you're away from me, love. I wish you could be here more often -- but I know that's not the best thing for either of us right now."

"It's not the best thing for you, I know that," the Doctor told him with a sigh. "There's your daughter to think of, and your business. And the people you work with, as well. They wouldn't deal with it well if you told them that you're involved with a man, would they?"

"It's not just that, love." Cal put down his coffee cup with a sigh. "It's the fact that you can't stop being who and what you are to be here on Earth with me all the time. And I can't just drop everything and go off with you -- even though I'd love to."

"I know," the Doctor said, sighing again. "I just wish that things could be different for us. I'd like to have more time with you -- at least more than just stolen moments here and there. I think we both deserve more than either one of us can give."

"That sounds like a prelude to you leaving and not coming back." Cal reached across the table with a worried look, taking the Doctor's hand in his and squeezing it gently. "You're not going to do that, are you? Not without at least talking things over?"

"Of course I'm not!" The Doctor was startled that Cal would even think such a thing. "I'm not going anywhere, Cal. I just wish that you and I could have more leeway in our lives. But since we can't, we'll have to make the best of what we do have."

"Then I think we should start making the best of it right now," Cal told him with a smirk, lifting his coffee cup and draining it. Setting it back down on the table, he looked over at the Doctor, brows raised. "Ready to go back to the Tardis, love?"

The Doctor nodded, lifting his own cup to his lips and gulping the last of his coffee. He could already feel his hearts beating faster, the anticipation rising within him; this was what he'd been waiting for since he'd met Cal here only an hour or so ago.

It took him by surprise when Cal leaned across the table and pressed a kiss against his mouth; the contact was fleeting, but the Doctor felt his head spinning in a way that no one else could accomplish. Cal's lips were like a shot of morphine, making his senses reel the moment they touched his.

Cal stood and held out his hand; the Doctor took it, getting to his feet, feeling butterflies start to swarm in the pit of his stomach. What was it about this man that always made him feel so unsettled, as though he had no idea of what was coming next?

That was one of the things he loved about Cal, he realized, going to the counter with the other man and waiting for him to pay their bill. The fact that he never knew exactly what his lover was going to do or say -- and that being with him always felt a little dangerous.

As they exited the café, the Doctor noticed a man staring at Cal with narrowed eyes; he moved closer to the other man, slipping his arm around Cal's waist and glaring at the interloper. Without another glance, he strode away, leaving the two men standing on the pavement.

"What was that about?" Cal asked, raising a hand to shield his eyes from the glare of the sun as he stared after the man who'd been looking at him so intently. "I don't know him, but apparently he knew me. I'll probably hear from him later, at work."

"I hope not," the Doctor told him, the unsettled feeling in his stomach growing stronger. This time, it wasn't Cal who had put that feeling there, but a premonition that all wasn't going to be well in the future. He didn't like the way that man had been staring at Cal.

Cal shrugged, dismissing the man from his thoughts as quickly as he'd entered them. "Don't worry about him, love," he said, guiding the Doctor in the direction of the Tardis. "Let's forget about anything but the two of us for a while. We've earned that, haven't we?"

"Indeed we have," the Doctor murmured, pushing the disturbing sensation of being watched out of his mind and linking his arm with Cal's. He didn't want to think about anything but the time he would spend with this man for the next few hours.

It didn't take them long to reach the Tardis; the Doctor opened the door and ushered Cal inside, then made sure that the door was closed behind them. He didn't want anyone else making their way inside -- mainly because he and Cal would be occupied in his bedroom.

When he turned around, Cal was already going down the corridor to the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes behind him. The Doctor couldn't help smiling at that; his lover had a way of getting directly to the point that not even Jack Harkness could rival.

The Doctor hurried after his boyfriend, shedding his own clothes as he went. By the time he reached his bedroom, Cal had already turned the covers down on the bed and was reclining there, his hands behind his head, obviously waiting for the Time Lord.

"Thought you'd never get here," he murmured, his voice husky, holding out his arms to the Doctor. "Come here, you beautiful man, you. I want to smother you with kisses. Before I make love to you until you're begging for more, that is."

The Doctor didn't hesitate to comply with Cal's words; within moments, he was on the bed next to the other man and Cal was rolling him over onto his back, straddling him and looking down at him, a gleam of mischief sparkling in his eyes.

Neither of them spoke when their eyes met; words weren't needed to express how each of them felt. All that they wanted to say was conveyed with one look; their mutual need and desire for each other telegraphed by their hearts as well as their bodies.

When Cal's lips met his, the Doctor almost felt as though he was losing consciousness; Cal's kiss had knocked him out from the first time their lips had met, all other sensations secondary to the magic of that mouth on his, taking his breath away.

Cal's lips were like morphine, knocking him out whenever they touched him. His senses were spiraling downward into a vortex of pleasure that Cal controlled, a pleasure that he never wanted to stop. And all it had taken was a single kiss.

Those hands were moving down his body, stroking over his skin, gently spreading his legs, then pressing inside him. The pleasure was growing, expanding, lengthening; and still those lips were on his, keeping him poised on the edge of a chasm that he wanted to tumble headlong into.

When Cal slid into him, the pleasure seemed to expand even more; his legs wrapped around the other man's waist, his nails digging into Cal's back. A cry came from his lips, one that he wasn't aware he'd uttered until the sound had faded into the still air.

He'd missed those kisses far more than he'd realized, the Doctor thought as Cal's lips met his again, that shot of morphine speeding through his veins. No one had ever been able to knock him out with a kiss before, but there was a first time for everything.

His arms tightened around Cal, pulling the other man closer to him for yet another kiss as those slim hips thrust against his own. The Doctor let himself melt into a maelstrom of pleasure, a tidal wave that he was being swept along on with no idea of whether he would safely make it back to shore.
