Title: Memory Gaps
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Ten.5
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 6, 50ficlets
Prompt: 18, Memory
Author's Note: The human version of the Doctor is being referred to as John Smith in this fic, since it's the Doctor's human alias and his clone needed a name.
Author's Note: Spoilers for Journey's End, somewhat. This is an completely alternate take on the ending of Season Four.
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor, or his human clone. Please do not sue.


The Doctor blinked, shaking his head as he looked around him. That was a mistake; the movement made a sharp pain knife through his skull. He'd been hit on the back of the head, apparently with some kind of heavy object; that was the last thing he remembered.

Where was Jamie? Had he been taken prisoner, too? The Doctor fervently hoped not; he had no idea where he was, and he knew that in this kind of situation, he would need someone at his back. He could only hope that his lover was free, and able to come to his rescue.

Jamie was alive somewhere; he was sure of that. He would feel it if his lover wasn't a part of his world any more; something in him would wither and die along with the man he loved, just as it had when Jamie had died before the Chameleon Arch had brought him back.

He rested his head against the stone wall he was chained to; his arms were stretched out from his sides; securely chained to the immovable stone by strong steels handcuffs and chains. He had no hope of being able to wriggle free; he could barely move.

The Master had to be behind this, he told himself with a scowl. He should have been more careful when he and Jamie were looking around that new planet he'd found; he had thought nothing of the two of them going off in opposite directions, because the place had seemed so safe.

The people there had been friendly; perhaps Jamie would find someone to help him locate the Doctor. All he could do at this point was hope that his lover would be able to do so; he seemed to have nothing but time on his hands, to hope and to wonder what would happen next.

Resolutely, he tried to move his wrists in the chains that bound him, just to see if he could, but he knew before he even tried that he couldn't get free. He would have to wait for someone to break the chains -- or someone who had the key to the handcuffs.

The most worrying thing was that he had no memory of being knocked out and brought here. He didn't think that he had seen whoever had hit him; they had managed to sneak up on him from behind, which shouldn't have been possible if he was as vigilant as he usually was.

He memory was vague, cloudy; but maybe that was only because his head ached so abominably. No human should have been able to deal him such an incapacitating blow. So whoever had knocked him out was more than likely of a very strong species.

Could it have been the Master himself? The Doctor didn't think so; he didn't believe that the other man had the physical strength to do such a thing. He had more than likely hired someone to take out both the Doctor and Jamie.

The Doctor closed his eyes, feeling a tremor go through his body. He hadn't been with Jamie when he was knocked unconscious, so he had no idea what could have happened to his lover. He could only hope with all of his hearts that Jamie was still free.

If the other man had been captured, then they were in more trouble than he wanted to think about. But he had no way of knowing what was going on and why he had been taken prisoner until someone told him -- and if that someone was the Master, he doubted that he would get the truth.

He desperately needed to fill in the gap in his memory; he hated having those gaps, puzzle pieces that didn't fit into his conscious mind. It made him feel at a disadvantage -- and when he was dealing with the Master, that was one thing he didn't need.

He strained against the cuffs again before letting his body go limp; there was no way for him to pull free, and struggling would only cause him more pain. The pain he was dealing with from the blow to his head, as well as the bruises that he was sure he was sporting, were enough to deal with.

Would Jamie find him, wherever he was? He might be on another planet; he might be hidden so well that his lover would never be able to locate him. The Doctor took a deep breath, trying to calm his fears, resting his head gingerly back against the stone wall.

He had to trust that Jamie would find him, and get him out of here. He was depending on his lover to rescue him -- and then, together, they would find out who had done this. What would happen after that, he had no idea -- but he hoped that he and Jamie would come out on the side of victory.


Next story in series - I Won't Break Down.