Title: Moonlit Kiss
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Brendan Block
Fandom: Doctor Who/Secret Smile
Rating: PG-13
Table: 1, 5_prompts
Prompt: 1, Silver
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor or Brendan Block, unfortunately. Please do not sue.


The Doctor awakened slowly, blinking as he surfaced from the depths of sleep. He turned over, expecting to be able to curl up in Brendan's arms -- then sat up abruptly when he realized that his boyfriend wasn't lying beside him in bed.

Where could Brendan be? He wouldn't have just disappeared -- he knew all too well how much that would worry the Doctor, and besides, he wasn't one to go off by himself, not even when they were on Earth, which, at the moment, they most definitely weren't.

He had no fear that anything would happen to Brendan; they were on a planet that he was nearly positive was uninhabited, and they could more than likely wander wherever they wanted to with no fear of being accosted by angry natives or anything of the sort.

But suppose he was wrong? Both of his hearts seemed to pound against his chest at the thought that Brendan might at this very moment be hurt -- or dead.

No. He would know it if the man he loved had somehow slipped out of his life for good. No, Brendan had to be somewhere on the Tardis -- or perhaps standing just outside the ship. Maybe he'd been unable to sleep and was watching the sun come up.

The Time Lord squinted at the clock that Brendan insisted they keep by the bed -- for some reason, his lover always wanted to know what time it was. Though he understood that time passed differently in the Tardis, he still felt comfortable knowing that there was a fixed time somewhere.

He couldn't really blame Brendan for feeling that way, the Doctor told himself as he threw back the covers and swung his long legs out of bed, reaching for his dressing gown. Humans were comfortable with knowing that they were in a certain time frame, no matter where they were.

As he moved down the corridor that led to the control room, he took a deep breath, trying to relax and let his senses drift outward towards wherever Brendan might be.

The door of the Tardis was open; the Doctor was surprised to see that it was still night outside. He'd not really looked at the clock, only squinted so that the numbers had blurred together in his mind. It must still be the middle of the night, or very early morning.

If that was the case, then what was Brendan doing up and prowling around the ship? The Doctor could just make out his lover's silhouette, leaning against the doorway of the Tardis; Brendan was motionless, his arms folded across his chest.

Brendan's form was limned in silver light, the moon that rose high above the surface of the planet they were on illuminating his body as he lounged against the doorframe. The Doctor's breath caught in his throat, his eyes drawn to the slender figure standing there.

How had he gotten so lucky as to have this man in his life? Brendan was everything he'd wanted for so many centuries, encompassed in one man.

Of course, he wasn't perfect. He had issues from his past, and the Doctor knew very well that he hadn't always followed a completely blameless path in life. He'd done things that had wounded people, things that he wasn't proud of and that he should never have done.

But he'd also been blamed for things that he hadn't done, and had been painted as being evil for a good deal of his life. Maybe, for Brendan, that had been a self-fulfilling prophecy, the Doctor thought to himself; maybe he would have done worse things if they hadn't met when they did.

That didn't matter now. They had met, and he'd taken Brendan away from what had obviously been a path that he could have careened down to his destruction. He couldn't help but be grateful for the fact that Brendan had chosen to be with him rather than go back to his life on Earth.

He looked like a statue now, his body outlined in a faint glow, the light spilling down on him turning his skin to silvered velvet. The Doctor wanted to hold that image in his mind's eye forever.

Moving to where Brendan stood, the Doctor wrapped his arms around his lover's waist from behind, resting his head against Brendan's shoulder and closing his eyes. He didn't say a word; the other man didn't seem as though he was in the mood to talk.

"I didn't mean to wake you," Brendan murmured after a few minutes. "I was restless, and I didn't want to stay in bed because I was afraid I'd disturb you. So I decided to look up at the moon and stars. I hoped they'd relax me. Make me feel calm enough to go back to bed."

"And did they?" the Doctor asked, pressing a gentle kiss to Brendan's shoulder. The other man took both of the Time Lord's hands in his own, squeezing them gently as the Doctor pressed himself closer against his lover's slim body.

"In a way," Brendan answered, leaning back slightly into the Doctor's embrace. "They made me think of you. Of the first time I saw you lying in our bed kissed by moonlight."

The Doctor looked up at the moon, his gaze fixed on its silvered glow. He'd never thought that the moon and stars would remind anyone of him, but it made sense, in a way, considering that he more or less made his home in their company.

But if that was how this man thought of him, then he was more than happy to be thought of as someone who belonged within the silvery embrace of the moonlit universe. And as long as Brendan was with him, he'd be perfectly happy to stay there for the rest of his days.

"Come back to bed," he whispered, tightening his arms around Brendan's waist. "It doesn't matter that I woke up -- and you can help me get back to sleep, if you want. I'm sure that you can think of something to do that will tire me out."

Brendan turned in his embrace, his own arms wrapping around the Doctor's waist and pulling him close. "Oh, I'm sure that I can come up with something," he murmured as his mouth came down on the Time Lord's, their kiss witnessed only by the Tardis and the silvery light of the moon.
