Title: The Silence Is Broken
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Carl Hickman/Louis Daniel
Fandom: Crossing Lines
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 497
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Carl Hickman or Louis Daniel, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Carl was silent, looking down at his clenched hands.

Louis could feel his stomach twisting into knots; when Carl was silent, that always presaged a storm. He knew that his boyfriend was angry, even if it didn't show at the moment.

Carl had every right to be angry, really. Louis was putting his life on the line; being the one of the team to go undercover on a dangerous mission went against several things that he had promised Carl. But he didn't feel that, in good conscience, he could let anyone do this.

Not only that, but he had his own personal reasons for wanting to go undercover on the particular case, and he didn't intend to reveal them to Carl. Or to anyone, for that matter.

No one needed to know. They would only try to talk him out of it if they did.

He wouldn't allow himself to be talked out of this, no matter what Carl said. As much as he loved this man, he had to do what he felt was right.

Louis hoped that Carl would understand that, and even if he didn't agree with it, that he would respect why Louis was doing this. He didn't want his decision to cause a crack in their relationship; he didn't want this to come between himself and his lover.

After being without Carl for so long, having this man back in his life, getting a second chance with him, was something he treasured more than he'd thought he would.

Perhaps he was doing the wrong thing by taking on this undercover mission. Maybe he would live to regret it. But he couldn't turn away. Not now.

If he did, then he felt that he would somehow be betraying himself, and his conscience. He wanted Carl to understand that, but he didn't want to have to explain it in so many words. He wanted his lover to trust that he was doing what he had to do.

Carl's silence was ominous; it was obvious that he was thinking, and that there was a storm building inside him. Louis hoped that it wouldn't break over him.

Most of all, he hoped that it wouldn't distance the two of them.

When Carl finally looked up at him, Louis could see the shadow of doubt in his eyes, but he nodded, letting out a soft sigh as he closed his eyes.

"If this is what you feel like you've got to do, then I'll support you, Louis," he said, breaking his silence at last. "But I'm going to be right there with you, as close to you as I can be without exposing your cover. I'm not going to let you take any unnecessary risks."

Louis nodded slowly, knowing that this was the best he was going to get. At least the silence had been broken, and now maybe they could discuss the situation.

His gaze met Carl's waiting silently for whatever his lover had to say.
