Title: Fight For Love
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Carl Hickman/Louis Daniel
Fandom: Crossing Lines
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 440
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Carl Hickman or Louis Daniel, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Louis grimaced as he looked down at the message on his desk.

Why did Michael always have to be the one to see the clouds in any given situation? He knew what this note was a portent of. Michael had said that he wanted to talk to Louis about some of the "choices" he'd been making, and he knew exactly what that referred to.

Michael was happy that he and Carl had found each other. He was glad that Louis was happy. He'd made no bones about that.

But at the same time, Michael had already obliquely cautioned him about becoming involved with someone who he worked with. He hadn't said so out loud, but he was afraid that Carl and Louis' new relationship would draw a line through the team.

Louis didn't think that would happen, but he couldn't tell Michael so.

Michael would always believe exactly what he wanted to believe. Nothing would change his opinion about anything, unless he had solid, irrefutable facts in front of him. He would always see the clouds in any silver lining, no matter how bright the day was.

He knew that he couldn't avoid this little chat Michael said that he wanted them to have. It was inevitable, no matter how much he tried to put it off.

He'd tell Carl about it beforehand, of course. It might cause some friction between Carl and Michael, but that would have to be ironed out.

Michael had to realize that his relationship with Carl wasn't something that he was going to give up -- not for the team, not for anyone. This was his second chance at a happiness that he should have been brave enough to reach out for years ago, and he wouldn't let it slip away.

If Michael didn't like it, well, that was just too bad.

He wanted to have Michael's approval. After all, he was the de facto head of the team. He had brought them together -- and even though Louis had been the one to recommend Carl for the team, Michael had brought him in and given them this second chance.

So who was he to find clouds in their silver lining, and not approve of what they had together? Louis wasn't going to let Michael, or anyone, give him doubts.

'If he didn't have his boss and former lover's approval with this relationship ... Louis sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. It didn't really matter. This relationship would continue, no matter what clouds Michael might find to make it rain on them.

He would fight for love, and he would win that battle.
