Title: In der H'lle
Author: Copinggoggles
Pairing: gen
Fandom: Good Omens
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Good Omens belongs to the geniuses known as Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.
Summary: Snapshot in the trenches.


The door to the medical bunker swung open, and a dark-haired man staggered in, carrying a fallen soldier over each shoulder. As more soldiers scurried past in the trench outside, and rifles coughed their staccatto hatred, he set them down on unoccupied slabs. The doctor hurried over, and the man stepped back, allowing him access. A damn good doctor, even if nobody had ever seen his credentials. Still, no one was going to complain. He had healing hands.

'Wo bin ich?' A quavering enquiry from one of the soldiers. The doctor almost dropped his handtowel in shock.

'A German? You brought back a German?' Corporal Crowley met the doctor's clear blue eyes, and shrugged.

'They all look the same under the blood and mud. Besides, not like you to discriminate between souls in need.' Aziraphale shook his head.

'I don't care, but the Captain will have my head for this...' The German spoke up again.

'Wo bin ich?'

'In der Hölle,' answered Crowley. 'In der Hölle.' Aziraphale, weary eyes still on Crowley, said nothing. Crowley felt what might have passed for his heartstrings pull in sympathy for the haggard-looking angel. 'Hey angel.'


'Guess what day it is tomorrow?' Aziraphale looked at the demon blankly.

