Title: Finish What You Start
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Josef Kostan/Mick St. John
Fandom: Moonlight
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,157
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Josef Kostan or Mick St. John, unfortunately. Please do not sue.


"Do you ever feel nostalgic when you walk through the streets of this city?" Mick asked Josef as the two of them strolled along the sidewalk. "It's only been a little over fifty-five years for me, and I get that nostalgic feeling a lot. And you're a lot older than me."

"I don't think I ever get nostalgic for any place," Josef told him with a shrug. "I've never been in one place for more than fifty years or so, anyway. I've always moved around a lot. I've been in Los Angeles a lot longer than I've stayed anywhere else in my life."

Mick was curious as to just why Josef had stayed here, even though he thought he might have an idea of the reason. Was it because of him? he wondered, not wanting to ask the question. If so, it had more than likely been just for their friendship than for any other reason.

Though that had all changed the moment they'd become lovers. Now, Josef had more of a reason to be here; and if he ever decided to leave this city, Mick knew that he'd have no choice but to go, too. There was no way he was going to be without Josef.

"You're right, y'know," Josef told him, his tone still nonchalant, not looking at Mick. "I stayed here for you. But if you're thinking that it was because I wanted to mentor you, or just because we were friends, then you're wrong about that. I had other reasons."

"Yeah?" Mick could feel his heart starting to thump against his ribs; he knew what he wanted to hear his lover say, but there was no guarantee that those were the words that would come from Josef's lips. He could say something completely different from what Mick expected to hear.

"You really want to hear me say it, don't you?" Josef asked with a smile, slowing to a stop and turning to face Mick. "Okay, then I'll say it. I've stayed here for you. Not just because I felt like you needed a mentor, but be because I was attracted to you from the beginning."

"You mean when Coraline first turned me?" Mick asked, hoping that Josef didn't realize that he was still fishing for answers. He was fairly sure that Josef meant something very different, but he wanted to hear the words; he wanted it out in the open.

Josef shook his head, sighing. "No, of course not. I was attracted to you back when we first met. When you were a human, and you thought you were madly in love with her and didn't have any idea of what we were. When you didn't even think vampires existed."

"Hold on now." Mick couldn't help frowning at Josef's choice of words. "I was in love with Coraline, you know. It was just .... one of those fatal passions that could never have had a good outcome. But I did love her, Josef. It was just something that couldn't have lasted."

"I guess I just ...." Josef looked down, kicking aimlessly at a pebble on the sidewalk. "I was jealous, okay?" he muttered, not looking at Mick. "I didn't want to think that you were really in love with her. I didn't want you to love her. I wanted it to be me."

"Even though you were still scared of being with a man at that point?" Mick couldn't help asking Josef the question; even though he didn't doubt the other man's initial attraction to him, it was still hard to believe that Josef could feel that way after what had been done to him so long ago.

"I'd never wanted to be with a man until I met you," Josef said softly, finally raising his head to look at Mick. The stoplight that they were standing beside turned red at the moment Josef lifted his face to Mick's, the blood-red light sweeping over his delicate features.

There was something about the combination of that face, that beautiful face that he loved, and the red light that triggered some suppressed desire in the back of Mick's mind. Without a word, he swept Josef into his arms, crushing the other man close against him.

His mouth came down on Josef's with considerably more force than he'd ever applied in a kiss before; he didn't know exactly what made him feel this insatiable need for the man in his arms, but it was a desire that he couldn't deny.

And Josef wasn't fighting him, wasn't pushing him away; no, his boyfriend was melting into the kiss, his own arms twining around Mick's neck, seemingly not caring that they were on a public street and that they would be in plain view of anyone who passed by.

Not that there would be many people out this late at night. But still, Josef wasn't given to public displays of affection, and Mick knew it. Reluctantly, he let the rampant desire that threatened to swamp his senses die down, releasing Josef by degrees.

"Hey, what was that for?" Josef asked, his voice shaky. He backed away a step or two, tilting his head to the side as his eyes met Mick's. "I know a red stoplight means stop -- but you always finish what you start. It's not like you to stop in the middle."

"Yeah? You want me to finish things here on the sidewalk?" Mick teased, glad that Josef didn't seem to be annoyed by his actions. "I could do that, but that delicate little ass of yours might get a few bruises. Or concrete burn. That wouldn't be fun."

Mick could have sworn that Josef actually blushed at his words. That wasn't something he would ever have expected to see; he hadn't thought that there was anything in the world that could possibly embarrass Josef Kostan. But apparently, there was.

"Come on," Mick said softly, moving closer to Josef and sliding an arm around his waist. "Let's get back to your place to I can finish what I started. And maybe I'll even be able to explain what made me do that. Right at this moment, I don't think I have the words."

"It's just because I'm so amazingly irresistible," Josef told him, his tone light and teasing. Mick breathed a sigh of relief that his boyfriend wasn't annoyed with him, then pushed that thought out of his mind as they hurried through the night, each anxious to get home and continue where they'd left off.
