Title: That Night
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Josef Kostan/Mick St. John
Fandom: Moonlight
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,610
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Josef Kostan or Mick St. John, unfortunately. Please do not sue.


Los Angeles, 2008

Josef almost wanted to whistle as he walked along the pavement, glancing up at the stars twinkling in the night sky. He usually didn't go out alone like this, but he was on his way to Mick's apartment, and he didn't feel like using his vampire abilities to get there quickly.

For far too long, he'd relied on those abilities to take him from one day to the next; he'd spent his time trying to convince himself that he reveled in those abilities, that they were all he needed to make him happy. That he didn't need or want love in his life.

The one love that he'd had before Mick had only been with him for a year; the guilt of what had ultimately happened to her would always be with him. But then he'd found Mick, and even though he'd spent over fifty years waiting to consummate that love, it had been worth the wait.

He and Mick belonged with each other, more than he and Sarah ever had. Mick was the one person who had ever completely understood him -- and who had accepted him for who and what he was. Mick might not approve of everything he did, but he'd never turn away.

No one else had ever accepted, not for all the long decades of his life. And he'd hardened himself to his own emotions, refusing to let anyone see his softer, more vulnerable side. He'd told himself that he didn't need love, that it would only hold him back and ultimately let him down.

That was before Mick St. John had come bursting into his orbit, like a comet streaking across a dark sky and leaving a wake of brilliance behind him. Josef had been unable to hold back his emotions then; they'd come surging forth like a tidal wave.

He'd fallen in love from the first time he'd seen Mick, even though he hadn't wanted to admit to himself at the time that he could be in love with a man. After his last night of being human, he'd always thought that he would run from the very idea.

But he hadn't known that an attraction could be so immediate -- or so strong. He'd let himself fall for Mick, waiting patiently until the other man had realized his own feelings. It had taken a long time, but what they shared now had made every moment of waiting worthwhile.

Mick had brought him out from under some of the shadows that had cast a pall over his life for nearly four hundred years, something that no one else had ever been able to do. Of course, he hadn't let anyone else get close enough to him to try doing that, he reflected wryly.

Two nights ago had been an incredible example of that, Josef thought as he turned a corner. He'd always thought that he would never be able to let Mick make love to him from behind; it would always bring back memories of the night he'd been raped and then turned.

Even turning over onto his stomach when he was lying in bed alone could make him taste dirt again; he couldn't count the nights he'd woken up retching and gasping for breath, sure that he was back in that field with those men holding him down, pushing his face into the dirt.

A shudder went through him at the thought, and he quickly pushed the memory away. The first time he and Mick had made love in that position, he hadn't been able to relax and enjoy the sensations; he'd been tense and nervous, waiting to feel pain rip through him.

But this time, it had been different. There had been a quicksilver flash of pain when Mick entered him, but after that, there had only been an insidious pleasure seeping through his body, taking him over, permeating every fiber of his being.

And then -- they'd been interrupted. Josef couldn't hold back a smile at the memory of the look on that bitch's face when she'd seen them -- such shock and horror! It had almost been funny. If he hadn't been so close to coming at the time, he would have laughed.

Her visit to his office the next day had been just as funny. She'd stood in front of his desk and railed at him, called him a pervert, a faggot, every filthy name that she could think of, before she'd run out of steam and started threatening to expose what he was.

All it had taken to empty the wind from her sails was a few well-chosen words about the file he'd had compiled about her -- which he had several copies of, he'd assured her. All he had to do was send that file to any psychiatrist -- and she'd spend the rest of her life inside a padded room.

Truth be told, that was where he wanted her to be. No one would pay any attention to her crazed ranting about vampires -- or so he hoped. But there had been several scares recently, and he had never felt that he could completely trust any human.

He'd continued ruthlessly, informing her that if she found someone else to turn her, he'd separate her selfish, scheming head from her shoulders before she could even think of baring her fangs. She was a threat to himself and Mick -- and he always eliminated threats.

Mick wanted her out of their lives; he knew that. He wouldn't hesitate to condemn her to spending life in a straightjacket if that was what it took to keep her away from his boyfriend, to keep both of them safe from her accusations and schemes.

She'd left his office then without another words, hands clenched into fists at her sides, knowing that she was beaten. But he was sure that they wouldn't hear the last of her -- not until he'd supplied several doctors with that file and was sure that she no longer posed a threat to them.

Then he and Mick could breathe more easily, knowing that neither of them would be pursued. That was all he wanted, really -- and he was sure that Mick wanted the same thing. To be able to strengthen what they shared, to live their lives together into eternity.

There would always be threats to their security, of course. He expected that. They were vampires, after all. They didn't exactly live in a society that promised safety -- and he would always be a target because of his immense wealth.

Mick's job didn't keep him safe, either, Josef thought with an inward sigh. He didn't like the fact that his boyfriend put himself in danger every day of his life, but being a private investigator was what Mick wanted to do, and Josef wasn't going to hold him back from that.

Besides, his lover was perfectly able to take care of himself, Josef reasoned. Mick had been the one to save him from bad situations a couple of times -- he couldn't fault his boyfriend's instincts when it came to his job. He was a damn good detective.

And he was also damn good at other things, Josef thought, a smile curving his lips as he brought an image of the other man into his mind's eye. Mick was an amazing lover, sensitive, intuitive and gentle. More than that, he was caring, something that Josef had never experienced before.

No one had ever given him the kind of love that Mick had held out to him once they'd confessed their feelings for each other. And he'd never been able to open himself up to anyone in the way that he had to this man -- both figuratively and literally.

They belonged together, Josef told himself as he waited for the light to change so he could cross the street to Mick's apartment building. And now that they'd found each other, he wasn't going to let anything keep them apart. Certainly not some jealous bitch.

He could almost still feel the aftereffects of their lovemaking on the couch two nights ago; his body never quite seemed to shake off the feel of Mick's hands on him, the taste of Mick's kisses -- Mick's cock inside him. The sensation was always there, making him hunger for more.

Even though he'd had his doubts about what they'd done two nights ago, it had turned out much better than he'd ever dreamed it could, Josef thought, smiling as he hurried across the street and stepped up onto the sidewalk. It had killed two birds with one stone, really.

That night had shown the bitch that she would never have any sort of claim to Mick, and it had helped him to leap across a widening gulf that he'd been afraid he would never be able to cross over. That night had opened his eyes in many ways, and had been one of the best nights of his long life.

Maybe tonight would be even better, he told himself as he made his way into Mick's building and through the lobby, pressing the button for the elevator that would take him to the floor his boyfriend lived on. He couldn't wait to get to Mick's place and make that thought come true.
