Title: Six Feet Under
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Josef Kostan/Mick St. John
Fandom: Moonlight
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,137
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Josef Kostan or Mick St. John, unfortunately. Please do not sue.


"Did you see the look on her face?" Josef asked as he and Mick made their way down the quiet street, headed for Josef's penthouse. "I thought she was going to pass out right then and there. Or try to stake me with any nearby sharp object."

"She didn't expect to see you there with me," Mick sighed, shaking his head. "I shouldn't have gone at all. I just wanted to spend some time with you. I didn't expect her to be there, either. But I can't live in this city and do what I do and not run into her."

"I just hope she doesn't let that jealousy get the better of her and expose us," Josef said, glancing over at his boyfriend. "That could be dangerous for us, Mick. And not just you and me, but dangerous for the whole vamp community."

"I know." Mick's voice was flat, his expression grim. "If she starts saying anything about us, then we're in trouble. I don't think she would, but .... it would be like her to try and force me to somehow make a choice between you and her. She'd do anything to get me away from you."

"I know. And that's why I don't want her to use what she knows about us for leverage." Josef's tone was equally as grim as Mick's, his words falling like stones into the still, warm air of the night. "People read that rag she works for. And they believe what they read."

"I hope she wouldn't use her knowledge to make trouble for me," Mick said with another sigh, shaking his head. "I know she's obnoxious and that she wants things to go her way all the time, but if she's ever really cared about me, I don't believe she'd deliberately hurt me."

"'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,'" Josef quoted, scowling at the buildings they passed by. "You never know what she might do, Mick. And if she thought it would get me out of your life and leave the way clear for her to 'comfort' you, I think she'd do anything."

"Come on, Josef, don't let your own jealousy get the better of you," Mick protested. "She's not all bad. She's just decided that she wants me, and she's a spoiled child. If she doesn't get what she wants, she throws a tantrum until she does."

"It's hard for me not to be jealous of her," Josef said, his voice very soft; Mick almost had to strain to hear the words. "I know you don't feel the same way about her that you do about me, but I know that at one time, you thought you loved her."

"I didn't," Mick told him, his own voice equally soft. "I loved what I thought she was -- an innocent child who needed my protection. She needed that years ago, but she's an adult now. She's perfectly capable of making her own way in the world."

Josef nodded, a slight smile starting to creep over his features. "Did you see the look on her face when she saw us together? I thought she'd have a heart attack. And then when we were dancing together -- if looks could kill, I'd have been six feet under."

"She really didn't look happy, did she?" Mick said with a chuckle. "I didn't want to cause trouble, but I'm not going to hide myself away from her. I'm not afraid of her, or anything she might say. And I'm not going to hide the fact that I'm with you, either."

"We shouldn't have to hide that fact that we're together," Josef told him, his scowl growing more ferocious. "I'm not afraid of her. I'm a little worried about what she might decide to report for that trashy gossip rag, but other than that, bring it on."

Mick shook his head, frowning. "No, Josef, don't look for a confrontation. Do you really think anybody would believe her if she tried to tell the world that we're vampires? People would think she was crazy, and she knows it. She can't hold anything over us."

Josef sighed, nodding. 'You're right. I just always err on the side of caution, because I've been exposed as what I am before. It never ends well. I'm just glad that in this day and age, people are usually a little more sophisticated than to believe every accusation that comes along."

"Some of them aren't -- but they aren't the ones who matter." Mick laughed aloud at the memory of the evening, remembering the look on Beth's face when she'd seen him with his arm around Josef. "She really couldn't have gone more green with jealousy, could she?"

"Definitely not." Josef's tone went from annoyed to amused in seconds. "It's a good thing she wasn't wearing anything green. It would probably have clashed with the look on her face. She even looked a little green around the gills when we started dancing."

"A lot of people did," Mick said with a laugh, moving to slide an arm around Josef's slender waist and pull his lover close against him. "I don't think they expected us to be so open about our relationship. You've come out in a big way, Josef."

"I meant to," Josef told him, turning his head slightly to meet Mick's gaze. "I wanted people to know that I'm in love with you. There's no reason to hide it. If people don't like the fact that I'm with a man, then that's their problem, not mine. They'll have to get over it."

"You're too important a person in the business world for anybody to openly have problems with whatever you do in your personal life," Mick said, frowning. "But there could be people who want to cause trouble for you. Watch your back, babe."

"I always do," Josef said with a laugh. "Don't worry, Mick. I've had more than enough experience with doing that. I'm always careful. And if anybody tries to start too much trouble -- well, there's always the tar pits. Remember the tar pits?"

"Boy, do I ever," Mick groaned, then laughed and pulled Josef closer to him. What did if matter if Beth or anyone else was jealous of them? As long as they had each other, nothing else really mattered -- even the possible trouble that Josef coming out so openly could bring their way.
