Title: Waiting For the Night
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Josef Kostan/Mick St. John
Fandom: Moonlight
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,663
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Josef Kostan or Mick St. John, unfortunately. Please do not sue.


Mick looked at his watch again, scowling when he realized that it was only three minutes later than when he had last looked at it. Why was time moving so slowly tonight? He wanted to go over to Josef's penthouse, but he knew that his lover wouldn't be there yet.

He'd had a business meeting today, one that was going to go into the night. Josef was entertaining clients from overseas, people who were interested in investing with Kostan Industries and wanted to meet the CEO. He had been cautious, but had decided to wine and dine these men.

After all, Josef had reasoned when he'd talked to Mick about it the night before, they didn't know he was a vampire. There was no way they could possibly know. But just to be safe, he was going to be in a crowd of people, and have a few strategically placed bodyguards.

There was nothing wrong with showing a little caution, Mick agreed, especially after some of the disturbing things that had been happening lately. The last thing he wanted was for Josef to take any unnecessary risks, and he agreed with the idea of protection.

He would have preferred to be there himself, but he'd reluctantly agreed to come over to Josef's penthouse at a prearranged time, after the client meeting was over and Josef would have the rest of the evening to himself. He did have a right to carry on his business as he saw fit.

But Mick still couldn't help worrying. He wanted to be with his boyfriend more than he was, and being held at arm's length in a situation where he felt that he could be of some help in keeping Josef safe, especially when he had no other plans tonight, was frustrating.

He'd have to sit here and wait until he could walk over to Josef's, even though every fiber in his body was screaming for him to get up and go out now. He couldn't feel any sense that Josef was in trouble, but he wanted to be with the man he loved.

Wouldn't it be a good idea to just go over there now, let himself in with his key, and have a little surprise waiting for Josef when he came home? He knew from experience that such things could be pleasant to come home to, especially if he needed to rest and relax.

Not that he would let Josef rest, Mick thought with a wry smile. No, he wanted to intercept his boyfriend at the door and carry him off to bed, then make love to him all night and let Josef know exactly how much he wanted them to be together all the time.

Standing up, Mick reached for his leather jacket, shrugging it on as he made his way to the front door of his apartment and picked up his keys. He wasn't going to sit around here waiting for the night to get any older. He was heading over to Josef's place now.

Slipping out of his apartment and locking the door, Mick made his way to the elevator, his heart starting to pound much more rapidly than normal. Why was he feeling so nervous about going over to Josef's place? After all, he'd soon be living there himself.

As the elevator took him to the lobby, he ignored everything around him, concentrating on why he felt this singular need to be in Josef's apartment tonight. Was there some underlying reason lurking under his conscious thoughts that he hadn't quite put his finger on?

When he was outside the building he lived in, turning in the direction of Josef's penthouse, Mick suddenly stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening, his jaw dropping. He realized just why he felt that he had to go to Josef's apartment early -- and he didn't like what he was thinking.

There was a part of him that thought his boyfriend could be cheating on him, a minute corner of his mind that insisted everything wasn't as it seemed between them. He knew that he had no reason to think that, but he couldn't simply brush the idea aside.

Josef wouldn't cheat on him. True, women seemed to fall into his lap -- hell, Josef could attract women without even trying. But he didn't want a woman. He'd said that again and again since their first night together, and Mick believed his lover.

There was no one else. No other man, no other woman. Josef belonged to him, heart, body and soul -- just as he belonged to the other man. Why was his mind trying to throw these images at him and insisting that he needed to be careful of his heart?

Mick shook his head, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket and continuing on down the street. He didn't need to listen to that little voice that nagged at the back of his mind. It had led him astray before; he wasn't going to let that happen again.

Especially not with Josef. He had no reason to think that his boyfriend would possibly be cheating on him; that voice was simply trying to get him into trouble, to make him look like a jealous jerk and screw up the best thing that had ever happened to him.

Josef loved him. Josef wasn't the kind of person to cheat, not when he was seriously involved. Mick knew that he'd never cheated on Sarah during the time that they were together, and Josef himself said that what he'd had with Sarah didn't compare to what the two of them shared.

No. Josef wouldn't cheat. He had to believe that. But yet, he couldn't sit around his apartment and simply wait for the night to grow older without doing a little digging and finding out for himself, beyond a shadow of a doubt, if he was right to put his trust in his boyfriend.

Mick raised his gaze to look through a window as he was walking by a restaurant; as he did so, Josef's voice was in his mind again, telling him where he would be tonight. Mick's gaze sharpened, his attention turned to what he could see through the window.

There. At a table in the back of the place. His gaze riveted on Josef, just getting up from the table as if he was getting ready to leave and usher the guests at the table out with him. There were no women there -- only two men, and another two who seemed to linger unobtrusively in the background.

Mick felt a wave of relief wash over him at the sight. Josef had been here with clients; there had been no need for him to torture himself by thinking that his boyfriend might for one moment have even considered cheating on him. It wasn't true. He should have known it couldn't be.

He felt ashamed of himself for having thought such a thing; he should have more trust in Josef, and more confidence in their relationship. He should never have listened to that voice in his head for one moment, never let himself think that Josef could ever betray him.

Before Josef could look up and see him standing outside, Mick had darted away with his vampiric speed; within a matter of seconds, he was standing in front of the building that his boyfriend's penthouse was in, ready to walk inside and let the doorman buzz him up to the upper floor.

Taking a deep breath, he walked into the building, smiling at the doorman. He was known here; there was no problem with him being buzzed in and taking the elevator to the penthouse. On the way up, Mick turned his thoughts over in his mind, still feeling guilty.

He should have simply stayed at home and come over later, as Josef had asked him to do. He should have waited for the night to progress, instead of listening to that voice in the back of his mind that had insisted he do something that could cost him his relationship.

At least Josef hadn't seen him outside the restaurant. His boyfriend would never have to know about those thoughts that had gone through his mind; Josef would never have to realize that there might be a small part of Mick that didn't believe in the two of them.

No, that wasn't true, he told himself fiercely as he reached into his pocket for the penthouse key. He did trust Josef. He trusted his lover with his life -- and with his heart. There was nothing he wouldn't do for Josef -- and he knew that his lover felt the same about him.

He had no reason to have felt the way he did. And he would forever feel ashamed of himself for having those thoughts. They weren't worthy of Josef, or of the relationship that the two of them shared. He would never let himself be swayed by those kinds of doubts again.

Settling himself on the couch, Mick slowly took off his jacket, wondering what he was going to say to Josef when his boyfriend got here. He'd have to think of something -- or just tell the man he loved the truth, which was what he should do.

He was going to sit here waiting for the night to progress, and wait for Josef to come home. Once he did, the two of them would be together, and all of his fears could be put away. And this time, Mick told himself firmly, they would be locked away for good.
