Title: Always Dark...
By: Flo Wynn
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: 15
Spoilers: Cyberwoman (1x40), and They Keep Killing Suzie (1x08)
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood. But it is on my birthday list as well as the cure for cancer and a Power Puff Mug (joking!)
Word count: 194
Summary: Based upon prompt 7: Always Dark...


Ianto wakes up and for a long moment he doesn't remember where he is, or who he is with. He can feel another body lying next to him; sweat soaked and heart beating, the smell of sex lies heavy in the air. Soon his memory returns to him. He's with Jack, in the Captain's small bedroom located within the Hub underneath his office. It's late, probably early morning because Jack is sleeping, something which rarely happens. Today was the first night after the discovery of Lisa that Ianto had slept with Jack. After what had happened with Suzie... well, they had both needed it. But now Ianto was awake again and all he could think was;


God, it's always dark here. Just like Suzie described death as... just like Lisa had to stay shut up in the dark, like Ianto was choosing to stay. Always in the dark, literally and figuratively, with Captain Jack Harkness.


Putting aside his morbid thoughts, Ianto closed his eyes and let the darkness overwhelm him as he pressed close to Jack, the sound of his lover's heartbeat lulling him to sleep.


But still, he could not escape the dark.
