Title: Birthday Suit
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: R
Table: C, lover100
Prompt: 40, Fetish
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor or Jack Harkness. Please do not sue.


"You know, I'm still not used to seeing you dress more casually than you used to," Jack remarked, his eyes resting on the Doctor. The Time Lord was clad in jeans and a t-shirt, the standard clothes that he'd been wearing lately.

The Doctor turned to Jack with raised brows, a slight frown between his brows. "Oh? I thought you liked seeing me dressed like this. And it's more comfortable. I can't wear the same clothes all the time, you know. It gets boring."

"Yeah, I can understand that," Jack told him, a smile quirking one corner of his mouth. "But you used to wear that pinstriped suit all the time. I got used to seeing you in it. I guess it's something like a uniform, because I saw you in it so much."

The Doctor shrugged, turning back to the console and bending over it as though he was concentrating very hard on where they were going.

Jack knew otherwise. They didn't have anything planned; the Doctor was either lost for a retort to his words, or was embarrassed about something. Jack was determined to find out which it was, though he suspected the latter.

"You looked pretty sexy in that suit, actually," he murmured, moving behind the Doctor and leaning close to the Time Lord, until he was almost whispering into the other man's ear. 'I liked the way it accentuated your .... attributes."

"And what would those be?" the Doctor asked, straightening up a little but not turning his head to look at Jack. The immortal smirked to himself; was it his imagination, or was there the faint pink tinge of a blush on the Doctor's pale cheeks?

Oh yes, he was blushing all right. And Jack knew just how to make him blush even more, which he intended to do to the fullest before he let the subject go.

"You mean you have to ask?" Jack let his eyes roam over the Doctor's body, lingering on the Time Lord's backside. "But since you did, I'll tell you. That suit made your ass look amazing. And those sexy long legs. And don't even get me started on the way it presented your package."

"Jack!" The Doctor's voice sounded somewhere between annoyed and embarrassed -- with the embarrassment definitely winning out. And he'd been right about the blush -- the other man's cheeks were now bright pink.

"It's true, you know." He moved to where the Doctor was standing, just behind the other man, wondering if the Time Lord would move away from his closeness. "You do have an amazing ass. That suit showed it off really nicely."

Jack allowed himself another smile, this one actually reaching his lips. "But," he murmured, moving closer to the Doctor, "I have to admit that the jeans show it off too."

Before the Doctor could have a chance to sidle away from him, Jack reached for the other man, one arm curling around his waist, the other moving to slide his palm over the curve of the Doctor's ass, cupping the Time Lord's bottom in his hand.

The Doctor gasped, his dark eyes widening as his head snapped around, his gaze meeting Jack's unrepentant one. He had a feeling that the protest he was sure the Time Lord would give him would only be a very halfhearted one.

But the Doctor didn't pull away from him, or say anything. He simply stood there, those delectable lips parted, his dark eyes still wide with surprise. He obviously hadn't expected Jack to touch him, but he apparently wasn't going to reject that caress.

Jack wasn't going to turn down the chance to get closer to his lover. He pulled the Time Lord closer against his own body, whispering as he nibbled at the other man's earlobe.

"I've never told you this -- but I think I have a fetish for a man in a suit," he said, his voice silky, almost a purr. "Especially when I know how sexy he looks out of those pinstripes. Every time I look at you in that suit, I imagine taking it off."

"Really?" The Doctor's voice was breathless, his slender body pliant in Jack's arms. Those thin arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him even closer to the Time Lord. Jack couldn't keep back another smile, feeling that he'd somehow won a victory.

The Doctor was hardly ever this responsive to him when his mind was on something else. And Jack had no doubt that he had been concentrating on another matter entirely when he'd entered the room. It said something for his own prowess, didn't it?

Or maybe it just said something about the Doctor's feelings for him. Come to think of it, that was even better than a compliment on his seduction technique.

Moving his hand slightly lower, he squeezed the Doctor's bottom gently, eliciting a soft yelp from the man in his arms. Jack moved his lips from the Time Lord's ear to his throat, nibbling along that soft skin and resisting the impulse to crush that slim body against his own.

To his surprise, it was the Doctor who initiated the closer contact; his arms tightened around Jack's neck, his lips soft and warm against the immortal's cheek. "I don't think this is the best place to discuss this," the Time Lord gasped, his voice ragged and breathless.

"I have to agree with that," Jack said, a soft laugh accompanying the words. "Talking about my little fetish makes me want to fulfill it. Besides, I can think of another kind of suit I definitely want to get you into before those pinstripes come into view."

"Oh?" The Doctor pulled back slightly, looking at him curiously. "What would that be?"

"Your birthday suit," Jack whispered before he lowered his lips to the Doctor's again, covering the other man's mouth with his own and drowning out whatever the Time Lord might have wanted to say. Instead, the only sound he made was a soft, muffled moan.

Jack moved his hands down the Doctor's back and under the hem of his shirt, pushing the fabric up. Somehow, he doubted that they were going to make it all the way to the bedroom, he thought, the smirk manifesting itself on his features.

Well, he certainly had no problem with indulging his little fetish right here. First the birthday suit, then he'd see what else he could get the Doctor into. Though he had the definite feeling that it would be a while before his libido would allow the other man to get dressed again.

Judging from the Doctor's reaction, he was in full agreement. Jack smiled as the other man pulled away, heading for the corridor leading to the bedroom and pulling his t-shirt off as he went. It seemed that he was going to see the birthday suit sooner than he'd anticipated.
