Title: Everything and Nothing
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: PG-13
Table: 11
Prompt: 8, First Sight
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor or Jack Harkness. Please do not sue.


That sound. It was the oddest thing Ianto had ever heard. He raised his head from the papers he was working on at his desk, frowning slightly. There it was again -- accompanied by a strange feeling, as though everything around him was shifting slightly, then settling back to the way it had been.

Was it some sort of disturbance in the rift? That was what it felt like. Ianto rose from his desk, ready to run into the main room of the Hub if he was called. But he wasn't; instead, he could hear Jack's voice, sounding pleased and happy.

Whatever had happened obviously had nothing to do with time displacement, he thought, shrugging inwardly and going back to his work. If there was anything Jack needed, then he would more than likely poke his head into the office door with that cheeky grin, requesting -- not ordering -- Ianto to do this or that in the next few minutes.

It was one of the main changes in their relationship since they'd decided to go their separate ways as lovers -- this new development of Jack actually asking him for things instead of taking him for granted. It made working with Jack much easier, Ianto mused, pushing his papers aside for the moment. Easier even than when they had been sleeping together.

That had been over months ago. And as strange as it seemed, Ianto didn't miss it. Jack had been someone he'd cared for a great deal, but it hadn't been the kind of relationship that was meant to last a lifetime. He'd known that from the first, and when it had ended, Ianto had actually felt relieved. Now he'd have time to get his head together, get his emotions into order.

He hadn't been able to do that after Lisa's death. He'd still been devastated over that when he'd fallen for Jack -- and even after all this time, it still had the feel of a rebound, even though the emotions had been real enough.

And now .... now he was single, and enjoying it. Ianto pushed himself back from his desk, resting his hands on the arms of his chair. No, he couldn't truthfully say that he enjoyed not having someone special in is life. He wasn't the sort of person who was built to be alone. Yet he didn't feel as if he particularly wanted to go out looking.

But he'd have to, he thought, turning his chair to look out of the window. The only way to meet new people was to go out, be social, mingle. That wasn't something he wanted to do -- after all, he'd never been very good at it. He usually met people through work, though admittedly, Torchwood was a very odd way to meet potential relationship material.

".... And this is Ianto, who's probably the most indispensible member of our outfit."

His brows rose as he turned the chair around to face the door. Jack usually didn't say that sort of thing about him; Ianto was more sure than ever that he was oiling someone's palm, or trying to convince someone that Torchwood wasn't the liability that the police force looked on them as being.

His mouth nearly fell open when he saw the man who was with Jack. Tall and thin, clean-shaven, tawny hair. Elegant hands, long, tapering fingers, an aura about him of quiet confidence. And the most meltingly beautiful deep brown eyes that Ianto had ever seen in his life.

Apparently he was having the same effect on this beautiful man; their gazes locked and held, both of them unable to look away.

"Ianto, meet the Doctor," Jack said, looking from man to the other, an amused look on his features. "Doctor of what, I'm not sure, even as long as I've known him."

"Doctor of everything .... and nothing," the man replied, flashing Jack a mischievous smile. Ianto thought he could feel his heart rising into his throat, threatening to jump out of his body and prostrate itself at this man's feet.

"Ianto Jones," he managed to get out, standing on suddenly shaky legs and reaching out a hand to the Doctor. "Also rather good at everything .... and nothing."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful man," the Doctor murmured, his words bringing a blush to Ianto's face. The voice .... the voice went right along with the face and what he could discern of the slender body under that trench coat. Gorgeous and incredible and .... sensual.

When their hands met, Ianto could feel himself going cold all over, then warm again. He didn't want to let go; he wanted to stand here with the Doctor's hand in his for the rest of the day, the night -- maybe even for the rest of his life. Those slender fingers somehow felt right in his grasp, as though they'd always been meant to be there.

The Doctor was staring at him, his eyes reaching deep into Ianto's soul. He couldn't move, couldn't look away; there was something utterly mesmerizing about that gaze, something that he wanted to fall into and lose himself in.

We'll meet again. He distinctly heard the voice echo in his mind. Without so many people around. I'll see to it.

Then the contact was broken, the Doctor and Jack heading towards the door. Jack was looking over his shoulder, saying something about the rest of the team taking off early.

"I doubt it's going to get any busier," he was saying. Ianto hadn't the slightest idea just what had gone before; whatever Jack had said, he hoped it wasn't anything important that he'd be expected to remember.

"I'll be at home if you need me." They were the only words he could get out of his mouth, all he could think of was somehow contriving to see the Doctor again, to spend time with him, to gaze into those eyes again -- and to touch more than just his hand.

He couldn't remember making his way to his car, driving home, getting into his apartment. All he could remember for days afterwards was the Doctor's face, his voice, the feel of that slender hand in his. The fleeting contact that had left him hungry for more.

His hand was still tingling as he opened the door to his apartment, wishing that he was going to find the Doctor there in his living room. Which was ridiculous, of course. He was obviously with Jack. Perhaps even now Jack was undressing him, in the first stages of lovemaking ....

Ianto collapsed on the couch, leaning his head against the cushions and closing his eyes. The Doctor wouldn't look twice at him, not when he could have Jack. And they already knew each other, from what Jack had said. That cancelled out any chance that he could have from the beginning.

But those words .... those words he'd heard in his mind. That had been the Doctor's voice. He was positive that he hadn't just imagined them.

We'll meet again. Without so many people around. I'll see to it.

He hoped the Doctor was right.

And he would be counting every day, every hour, every minute, every second, until he was looking into those eyes again. Those eyes that could somehow see into his very soul. Was he willing to open himself to that?

Hopefully, he'd know the answer to that soon. Very soon.
