Title: Caught on film
By: WillowTree
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Written for thestopwatch holiday!bang 2008 (Twelve Days of Janto) over on LJ.
Thanks so much to mbs_library for putting forward this prompt - I really enjoyed writing it and hope you enjoy reading. Thanks also to my wonderful beta, who wishes to remain anonymous but you know who you are - I couldn't have done it without you! At 8,000+ this is the longest piece of fiction I've completed - ever!
Spoilers: Set after Exit Wounds. Various slight spoilers for Torchwood series 1 and 2 and a passing reference to the novel 'The Twilight Streets'.
Summary: Jack finds some of Ianto's photo albums hidden away and, intrigued by their contents, wants to find out more.





The red numerals of the bedside clock taunted Jack as he lay spooned against Ianto. Half past four. He had been lying awake for almost two hours, sleep defeating him. Ianto's soft snores behind him had lulled him into a doze but now he was starting to get twitchy, needed to be up and doing something.

Gently so as not to wake his lover he lifted Ianto's arm from where it was draped, possessively, over his waist and climbed out of the bed. Checking Ianto was still asleep Jack padded from the bedroom retrieving his blue dressing gown from the hook on the wall next to Ianto's deep red one as he passed. Ianto had bought the dressing gowns for 'lazy days lounging round the flat'.

'Not that we get the chance very often,' Jack mused ruefully.

In the living room Jack turned on a couple of lamps and the Christmas tree lights before heading for the kitchen and coffee.

Gazing at the view over the city rooftops from the big picture window Jack inhaled the aroma of Ianto's coffee. Setting his mug on the windowsill he refilled it from the thermos flask Ianto had filled earlier. He had not let Jack near the coffeemaker since the week Jack had broken three beyond repair in about as many days. Jack didn't object though - Ianto's coffee still tasted better than his did fresh from the pot even after a few hours in a thermos.

Shifting his focus from the view over the city to the reflection of the Christmas tree lights Jack smiled. The tree was a dark green with simple gold tinsel and white fairy lights, just a few decorations of sentimental value to Ianto to relieve the picture perfect look. Jack normally avoided Christmas celebrations and trees as they reminded him of the circumstances surrounding his take over of Torchwood Three but there was something about this tree, something quintessentially Ianto, which Jack loved.

'I wonder if I could get him to leave it up all year?' he thought but knew he would be fighting a losing battle. Ianto was a stickler for things being done the right way and in this case that meant the tree would come down on twelfth night come hell, high water or Torchwood.

His coffee finished, Jack considered the room around him trying to decide what to do. Watching TV or listening to music were out, he did not want to wake Ianto. They had all been working ridiculous hours for the last few days staving off yet another alien invasion and Ianto had worked himself almost to exhaustion trying to look after the remaining members of the team.

Still trying to care for others and getting Jack to relax Ianto had forced him to leave his laptop at the Hub so doing work was out of the question and Jack did not feel like settling down with a book.

'Cards,' Jack thought as an idea hit him. 'I know Ianto has a pack around here somewhere.' Jack smiled at the memory of them playing strip blackjack a few weeks before. It had not seemed right somehow to play poker, just the two of them. 'I can play Patience,' he smirked, 'prove Ianto's theory wrong that I have none.'

Glancing around Jack tried to remember where Ianto kept the playing cards. After trying a few drawers and cupboards he came across a likely box, labelled 'Games'. Pulling the box out of the cupboard part way Jack considered the neatly arranged boxes - Connect 4, Risk, Cluedo, Mastermind. Jack smiled fondly realising all the games were tests of strategy and logic. No games of pure chance for Ianto Jones. No cards either though.

Thinking the cards might have fallen down behind the box Jack tried to pull it out to check. When the box stuck half way out Jack pulled, and then pulled harder still until with a jerk the box came free. In slow motion Jack saw the box shoot out on to the wooden floor pulling some books along with it.

"Shit!" Jack swore loudly then froze as the thud of the box and books hitting the floor reverberated around the almost silent flat.

Listening closely Jack heard Ianto's continued snores and relaxed. Crouching down he returned the box to the cupboard thankful it had not fallen over spilling its contents everywhere. As he reached for the books his hand hesitated as he registered the label on the front of the top most book

Ianto Jones
Candidate number 2000457856
Coleg Caerdydd
City and Guilds Photography portfolio

Curious Jack lowered himself to the floor and, resting his back against the door of the cupboard, opened the book.

As he flicked idly through the pages he was confronted by many familiar sights, the loving couple statue on the promenade above the fake Tourist Office, the Pierhouse building, the castle, all taken from novel positions that made them seem fresh and vibrant. Below each of the pictures were details of the subject along with when and where the photographs were taken and technical details - exposure, film speed etc all neatly written in Ianto's distinctive hand.

Towards the end of the book was a series of photographs detailing the redevelopment of the oval basin and the building of Mermaid Quay. Jack smiled as he remembered his concerns at the time, soon after he had taken control of Torchwood three, that they were going to be discovered by the workmen or that the roof of the Hub might collapse as the basin was filled in.

Jack picked up the second album and flicked through the first few pages. This time all the photographs were portraits. Most of the photographs showed young people in their late teens and twenties in a mixture of formal and informal poses. 'Ianto's friends from school and college?' Jack wondered, 'How many of these people does Ianto still have contact with?'

Looking at the photographs Jack was once again conscious of how much all his team had given up for Torchwood, Tosh and Owen had given their lives. But Jack, selfishly he supposed, felt especially for Ianto - he had lost all the people he knew in London at the Battle of Canary Wharf, lost his girlfriend not once but twice - once at the Battle and again months later when her cyber programming took over and she tried to kill them all.

Jack looked at another photo, this time of a wedding. 'Rhi and Johnny, 2003' Ianto had written underneath. He looked at the face of the bride and recognised the eyes of his lover. 'Rhi - Rhiannon?' he wondered, 'Ianto's sister? How often does he get to see her?'

Putting the second album aside Jack opened the third album and sat up straighter. He flicked through the album marvelling at the images he saw. Portraits, mainly in black and white, but the thing that caught his attention was that every one of the subjects was nude. There was nothing salacious or sexual about the photographs though. They were like works of art, celebrations of the human body in all shapes and sizes. No matter the subject, the photographer, Ianto Jack assumed, had managed to find a pose that showed them at their best. Some of the models, mainly young adults with firm, smooth bodies, sat or stood, boldly facing the camera, happy in their own skin. Others, typically a bit older and possibly feeling, if not looking, a bit more saggy were positioned in such a way that their perceived lumps and bumps were hidden from view. One image that caught Jack's attention in particular was of an older woman who reminded him in looks a little of Estelle. She was lying on her front on what appeared to be a long table, her upper body propped up on her elbows as she looked directly at the camera. Under the photograph Ianto had written simply Gran, then in a different pen, a later addition Jack thought, had added 1927-2005.

Jack's heart went out to Ianto as he looked at the woman in the photograph, someone else Ianto had loved and lost.

Sighing softly Jack opened the final album. This was seemingly devoted to Ianto's former girlfriend Lisa. As he turned the pages Jack began to see the woman his lover had loved and so tragically lost. Jack had seen few photos of Lisa beyond the one in her Torchwood London file. Ianto had mentioned that it was a vision of Lisa that he had seen encouraging him to participate in the opening of the Rift that had lead to Abaddon's release, but otherwise he had not talked about his former girlfriend to Jack since her death, at the hands of the Torchwood three team.

Now Jack saw a fully human Lisa laughing and posing for the camera, her love of life shining out from the photographs. Turning the pages Jack saw the style of the photographs change to those he was now beginning to consider 'Ianto's style'. He saw tasteful images of a nude Lisa, her young lithe body captured for eternity. As he looked at more of the photographs he came to one that made him pause. Lisa was stretched out on a sofa gazing at the camera, her pupils wide with desire, the fingers of one hand caressing a hard, swollen nipple her other hand curled over her pubic bone, fingers hidden between her thighs.

Jack's breath caught in his throat as he saw the desire in Lisa's eyes for the man behind the camera and the total trust and lack of self-consciousness she felt putting herself on display for him.

Closing the album with a snap Jack put it back where he had found it. The image he had seen of Lisa was beautiful he felt but was intended to be between her and Ianto and should remain so.

Gathering up the other albums Jack hefted himself up from the hard floor and, placing the albums on the table in the living area, went to get a mug of coffee from the second thermos before settling himself on the sofa to take another look through the photographs.


Jack awoke to the smell of fresh toast and coffee. Opening his eyes he realised he had, unusually, fallen asleep on the sofa, Ianto's books of photographs open on his lap. Putting the books on the coffee table he stood up and pulled himself to his full height trying to ease the kinks from his muscles.

"Aah!" he groaned finding a particularly tight kink in his neck. Rubbing the knotted muscle he shuffled into the kitchen to Ianto and breakfast.

Jack slipped his arms around Ianto's waist and slid his hands under Ianto's tee shirt caressing the warm skin beneath. The younger man sighed and relaxed into the embrace. Turning in Jack's arms he leaned in for a morning kiss. Tilting his head to get a better angle Jack's neck muscles tightened once more. "Aah!" he moaned. "I'm getting too old for sleeping on sofas." Ianto just raised an eyebrow. "Just put a bullet through my head," he joked. "At least I'll come back without the neck ache."

Almost before the words were out of his mouth Jack knew he had said the wrong thing. Ianto's body stiffened and he turned away from Jack, breaking the embrace and returning his attention to the coffee machine.

"Ianto, I'm sorry," Jack apologised, "I've lived with this for so long sometimes I forget the effect it has on people, especially people I care about."

Jack, inwardly cursing the way his mouth sometimes ran ahead of his brain, gently ran his hand up Ianto's arm to his shoulder and turned him round. Looking directly into Ianto's eyes he saw the normal bright blue appeared cold and distant, the colour of flint. Jack swallowed hard, "Ianto, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you," and pulled the younger man into a hug.

As they pulled apart Jack was relieved to see Ianto's eyes had regained a little of their sparkle. The forgiving process had begun. His comment was not forgiven by any means and Ianto would take a few hours if not a day or two to forgive fully but Jack's apology had been heard and accepted.

Knowing that letting Ianto brood would just prolong the discomfort between them Jack slipped into the living area and returned with the albums.

"I didn't know you were a photographer. I'm assuming you took these?" Jack opened the first album randomly placing it on the little table as he did so.

"Guilty, as charged," Ianto replied, some of his good humour returning then he turned serious, "Checking up on me as I slept were you? Going through my cupboards...?"

"No, I..." Jack's heart sank, he was trying to lighten the mood and instead had made things worse.

"Jack," Ianto cut across him, "it's okay. I'm joking or trying to."

Ianto placed the coffee and toast on the small table and sat down opposite Jack placing his hand over Jack's briefly.

"I started taking photos as part of the A-level Art course," he explained. "Six months into the course the teachers decided my artistic skills weren't good enough for me to stand any chance of passing the exam so they advised me to drop it." Ianto smirked, taking a sip of his coffee. "They should have known - you've seen my reports for Torchwood, Jack, I can't even make stick people look convincing!"

Jack nodded, pleased that Ianto was talking so freely about his past, usually something of a closed book between them, but also that his earlier unthinking remark seemed to have been forgotten.

"Anyway," Ianto continued grimacing as Jack stuffed virtually a full slice of toast and jam into his mouth in one go, "the teachers were impressed with the photographs I'd taken and said they'd find a course for me, which they did, the BTEC." He tapped the first album Jack had looked at. Picking up the album Ianto idly flicked through the pages lost in the memories the photographs conjured up.

"I think it was taking these that I realised I'd never be a master tailor," he said studying a set of photos of a dilapidated street Jack had passed over not recognising the area. Ianto pointed at one photograph, "That was Da's shop." Jack stood up and came round behind him looking at the photo more closely over his shoulder. Above the shop Jack could just make out a very old, weather beaten sign. "Jones and Sons - master tailors - established 1927," he read.

"My great grandda set up the shop," Ianto continued. "Virtually everyone in the family worked there at some point or another til Da had to close due to lack of business when I was about eight. He managed to get another job but he was never the same afterwards." Ianto paused looking along the series of photographs showing the street, including his father's shop, in various stages of being pulled down to make way for redevelopment. "The shop had been closed down for years before the site was cleared but Da had taught me a lot of what he knew." Jack nodded as Ianto slipped into thought once more, if you looked closely enough half his shirts bore testament to Ianto's invisible mending skills and his RAF coat contained more patches and darns than original material in places.

"I think," Ianto began again, his voice barely above a whisper, "I think this is when I started to let it all drift." Jack slid his arms round Ianto's chest resting his chin on his shoulder. "I think," Ianto continued softly, "deep down I always thought I'd somehow be able to reopen the shop and continue the tradition, keep Jones and Sons alive for another generation. When I saw the shop being demolished the dream collapsed too."

Ianto retreated into silence. Jack looked from the photographs to Ianto unsure what to do for the best. For all the time they spent together, for all they cared for each other, they each knew very little about the other. He felt he had learned more about Ianto in the few hours since he had found the albums than he had learned in the previous few months.

As he debated what to do, Ianto took matters out of his hands. Visibly pulling the bland mask he so often presented to the world in place and fixing Jack with a smile that did not quite reach his eyes. "Refill?" Ianto asked reaching for the coffee jug.

Jack decided to follow Ianto's lead and change the subject slightly. "So what about these?" he asked opening the third album at random.

This time the smile did reach Ianto's eyes and he began to chuckle.

"Long story."

Jack raised his eyebrows, "The Rift is quiet and we have coffee. Let's hear it."

"Okay," Ianto laughed at Jack's enthusiasm, "but let's move to a comfy seat first," he replied, starting to gather up their dishes to put them in the sink to wash later.

Settling on the sofa his elbow touching Jack's Ianto opened the album across their thighs.

"Angharad Hughes," he began tapping a picture of a young woman aged about eighteen sitting at an electric keyboard her bare back to the camera, her glossy dark hair reaching past her shoulders. "Angharad wanted to give her boyfriend a special photograph of her for his birthday. She'd heard about the Calendar Girls…" Ianto paused and glanced at Jack to be sure he knew who they were, his knowledge of late 20th and early 21st century pop culture could be decidedly lacking at times.

Jack looked at the photograph again and the look of confusion faded. "Women's Institute, raising money for charity with a nude calendar, was made into a film."

Ianto nodded smiling. Trust Jack to know about anything involving nude women, nude anyone for that matter. "That's the ones. Angharad decided she wanted something similar and for some reason she asked me if I'd take the photographs. I was flattered. Angharad was one of the most popular girls in school. Of course I said yes." Ianto's head dropped into his hands as he remembered the rest of the story. "Oh God, the shoot, it was awful. Trying to hide it from her mum and dad. Her brother insisting he sat in on the whole thing. He didn't like the idea of me taking photographs of his little sister one bit. He was about six foot six, almost as broad and made his disapproval of the situation abundantly clear cracking his knuckles constantly." Ianto smiled sheepishly at Jack. "But despite everything I loved the end result, as did everyone Angharad showed the photos to and they started asking me for similar photos for presents or just for themselves. I had quite a little cottage industry going for a while"

Ianto began flicking through the album pointing at some of the people and giving Jack a potted history of who they were.

"Emlyn Jones, no relation," Ianto added seeing Jack's raised eyebrow out of the corner of his eye, "rugby scrum half, plays for Saracens now I think." Jack admired the toned chest of the young man in the photograph, rugby ball under his arm, his broken nose adding to rather than detracting from his looks. "Got me to take that picture to give to his boyfriend, Huw, before Huw went off to Australia or Argentina or somewhere for his gap year. They got Civil Partnershipped last year so I heard."

A few minutes later Jack let out a soft wolf whistle and laid his hand on Ianto's to stop him turning the page, "She's gorgeous," he said admiring the beautiful, dark skinned woman sitting on a bench in what appeared to be a garden or park with her legs tucked under her as she looked towards the camera, her eyes focussed on something in the distance.

"Hand's off," Ianto laughed as Jack continued to admire the young woman, "not only is she married she's also a vicar." Jack looked at him in incredulity. "Stacey Sanders," Ianto continued, "now the Reverend Stacey Matthews, assistant vicar of St James' Church, Carmarthen."

"Really?" Jack asked still not sure if Ianto was having him on.

"Really, I was at the wedding and the investiture. I can show you the pictures if you like." Ianto made a move to get up from the sofa and find the photos but Jack held him back.

"Okay, okay, I believe you," Jack laughed pulling Ianto towards him for a kiss.

Ianto paused as he looked at a photo towards the end of the album of a young man of maybe twenty five, well built and with a somewhat mean look in his eyes. Jack looked at him expectantly. "Iolo Hughes," Ianto said in answer to Jack's unasked question. "Angharad's brother," he continued.

"Seriously?" Jack asked, his amazement obvious in his tone. "The one who had been so against you taking the photos of Angharad in the first place?"

Ianto nodded, a smile ghosting his lips. "I'd forgotten about that," he said. "When he saw the photos he had a change of heart but he'd made such a fuss about Angharad I wasn't allowed to tell anyone, even Angharad, especially Angharad."

As they finished looking through the album Jack began to smile. Seeing the smile Ianto began to worry, he had seen that smile before on Jack's face and it usually lead to something embarrassing. "Yes?" Ianto asked tentatively. The longer he allowed Jack to think about whatever his idea was the more embarrassing things tended to become.

"I was just thinking...," Jack began.


"Would you take my photo, like these?" he asked looking down at the album, his eyes hopeful and his smile teasing.

"Oh Jack, I couldn't. Apart from a few photos of Tosh I haven't taken any portraits in years."

"Tosh?" Jack asked, surprised and saddened by the mention of their late colleague and friend's name.

Ianto nodded. "Whilst you were away with the Doctor, the first time. She was feeling so low," Ianto paused, the pain of the memory evident on his face. "I wanted to cheer her up, give her the confidence to ask Owen out...," Ianto's voice trailed off.

"Photos like these?" Jack asked tapping the nude photos in the album on the coffee table trying to pull Ianto, and himself if he was honest, back from the dark place they were both at risk of falling into.

Ianto shook his head, a small smile on his lips. "No," he chuckled a little, "though I did suggest it." As he spoke he got up and began to look through the contents of a drawer. Turning Ianto held out a slim bundle of photographs to Jack.

Jack looked at the photos Ianto had taken of Tosh and smiled even as he felt the weight of her loss pull at his heart. "She was beautiful," he breathed.

Ianto nodded sadly. "And so in love with Owen but he didn't see it, or chose not to see it, until it was too late."

Jack glanced up at Ianto's tone. Hurriedly he put the photos down on the table and, standing up, enveloped him in a hug. Instinctively Ianto's body relaxed. He had not realised how much he had tensed up thinking about Tosh and all the associated memories, Owen, John Hart, Gray, Jack being buried under Cardiff for the best part of two thousand years. Feeling the tension begin to ebb from Ianto's body as he held him tight Jack rubbed his hand gently up and down his back and through Ianto's thick dark hair.

As Ianto began to nuzzle into Jack's neck seeking out the wonderful aroma of his 51st century pheromones Jack pulled back and smiled at him, "So will you take my photograph?"


Jack felt strangely nervous as he turned the key in the door of Ianto's flat. He had been filled with excitement about the coming photo shoot for days bugging Ianto with question after question about his plans. Ianto had kept his own counsel, heightening Jack's anticipation even more until that afternoon when, after Ianto had left the Hub early to get everything set up, Jack had been unable to sit still let alone concentrate on work. He had ended up in the firing range shooting round after round along the tunnel into the Weevil shaped targets with every weapon he could lay his hands on. It had taken all his self control not to simply drop everything and follow Ianto home but Ianto had made it clear that he expected Jack home after six o'clock, not a moment before or the whole thing was off.

Glancing at his watch before opening the door Jack assured himself that he was not early. Releasing a breath he had not realised he had been holding he pushed open the door. At first glance little had changed, a dark throw was draped over the sofa smoothing it's hard lines and Ianto had moved the coffee table in front of the living room curtains. Jack was not sure what he had expected but it was more than this, lights, camera, tripods maybe. Turning to hang up his coat he looked into the kitchen area and his excitement levels soared - here was all the equipment he had expected, all ready to be moved into position. As he moved gingerly forward afraid of bumping one of the tripods that held the lights or camera he admired the equipment. He knew little about cameras except in terms of how they related to Torchwood but he recognised quality when he saw it and this was quality.

As he leaned forward for a closer look a metallic object on the counter caught Jack's eye. 'A sonic screwdriver?' he thought, his mind in a whirl and his heart beating fast. 'I knew Ianto was special but...a Time Lord?' His hands shaking ever so slightly he reached out to the object. It felt cold and unyielding against his skin. Bringing the object closer to him he opened his hand for a closer look. "A mini-tripod," he breathed. "I must be even more worked up about this than I thought."

His chuckles in embarrassment at himself were cut short by Ianto's shout of "Got it!" from the spare room followed by a clatter and a muffled Welsh curse.

Crossing the living area Jack gently pushed open the door to the spare room and paused taking in the view. Ianto's backside was more or less level with Jack's eye line as he stood on a chair. His loose T-shirt had ridden up as he reached for something at the back of the top shelf exposing a delicious sliver of smooth pale skin. His faded blue jeans were pulled tight over his buttocks and Jack had to resist the temptation to run his hands over the denim and squeeze the flesh beneath.

"Jack," Ianto's strained voice called him back from his admiring daze, "a little help here would be appreciated!" Jack looked more closely and realised that in getting whatever it was from the top shelf Ianto had inadvertently caused everything else to shift and was now using his whole body to prevent the incipient avalanche.

Jack smiled as he moved forward to help, impressed as always by Ianto's innate ability to remain polite under almost any circumstances.

Once everything had been steadied on the shelves Ianto jumped lightly from the chair and retrieved a rugby ball from where it had settled on the other side of the room. Jack raised an eyebrow but did not comment.

Back in the living area once more Ianto began moving the various tripods around so the lights were centred around the sofa. Glancing up he noticed Jack standing to one side, fidgeting, not sure what to do. Ianto smiled gently and grabbed Jack's dressing gown from it's hook just inside the bedroom door.

"You did what I asked?" Jack nodded as Ianto ran his hand over Jack's buttocks and upper thighs to check for himself that Jack had indeed removed his underwear. "Good, elastic marks are so distracting. Now," he thrust the gown into Jack's hands, "go into the bathroom and get ready. Then we can get started."

A few minutes later Jack pulled the belt of his dressing gown tight and bent to gather up his clothes from the bathroom floor. Suddenly he felt very conscious of his naked body beneath the dark blue robe. He had been naked in from of millions of viewers on Satellite 5 with the robotic Trinny and Susannah and had not cared a jot so why did he feel self conscious about being naked in front of Ianto? Ianto was after all the person he should feel least self conscious in front of as he was the one who shared his bed most nights.

Needing to reassure himself that he was a worthy model for Ianto's photographs, Jack put his bundle of clothes on the floor and undid the belt on the robe. Sliding the fabric back off his shoulders he critically studied his body in the full length mirror. John Hart's taunting words "You've put on weight," rang in his ears as he ran a hand across his abdomen, unconsciously pulling the muscles taut.

"Trying to find your good side?" Ianto asked from the door making Jack jump.

Ianto pushed the door open fully and came to stand behind Jack admiring the reflection over the older man's shoulder, wrapping his arms around Jack's waist.

Sliding his hand into Jack's Ianto turned him round and kissed him gently on the forehead.

"Come on," Ianto said as he pulled Jack out of the bathroom "let's get started before we get sidetracked."

An hour later and the shoot was not going well. Every time Ianto tried to take a photograph Jack either tensed up pulling all his muscles tight or fixed the man behind the camera with a smouldering look that caused Ianto's heart to race and his skin to come out in goosebumps but which did not make for a good photo.

"Stop looking at the camera like that Jack, we're trying for fine art not porn!" Ianto commented his accent thicker than normal in frustration. "Just relax," he continued coming out from behind the camera. Jack forced his shoulders to drop and smiled sheepishly at Ianto.

Ianto smiled back gently. "That's more like it."

As Jack watched a look of revelation crossed Ianto's face and he slapped his forehead with the heel of his palm. "The very thing," he exclaimed and strode off purposefully to the spare room.

Jack grabbed his robe from the floor and pulled it on as he followed. He felt confused both at his self-consciousness and at the younger man's reaction. Was the photo shoot over?

He reached the door of the spare room just as Ianto opened it from the inside. He held up a length of cable with a connector at one end and a plunger at the other, swinging it gently in his hand, "I forgot I had this."

Jack's confusion cleared as Ianto screwed one end of the cable into the camera and took the trigger in his hand. As Ianto pushed down on the plunger Jack could hear the camera shutter clicking away.

"Okay Jack, sit down again," Ianto said ushering him back to the sofa and straightening the throw around him. Satisfied Ianto took up his position behind the camera once more. Jack desperately tried to stay relaxed but with each passing second he looked at the camera he felt his muscles tighten up.

Nodding to himself Ianto backed away from the camera and took the cable in his hands again. Slowly he walked round until he was more or less at right angles to the camera. As he had hoped Jack's eyes followed him rather than remaining fixed on the camera lens.

"So," he began teasingly, "tell me a little about yourself, Captain Harkness."

As Jack looked at him incredulous for a second then began to laugh gently Ianto surreptitiously pressed the trigger and the camera began to click softly. Distracted by the question and Ianto's position away from the camera Jack remained relaxed. Inwardly Ianto breathed a sigh of relief, this was going to work after all.


A few days later Ianto was sitting in his little office off the fake Tourist Office reviewing the images from the shoot. The photos were amongst the best he had ever taken. 'Hardly surprising given the subject,' he mused. A little cropping and adjustments to the contrast to bring out the fine details was all the additional work he felt needed done. He was especially pleased with the photographs of Jack holding the rugby ball. 'He looks like a true Welshman,' Ianto thought a huge grin on his face.

"What are you doing without me to put a smile like that on your face?" Jack asked coming into the Tourist Office from the Hub.

Before he fully registered who it was Ianto clicked the mouse to minimise the image on screen which only served to rouse Jack's curiosity even more. Ianto somehow did not think he wanted Gwen to see the photos, she would maybe enjoy them a bit too much he though.

Realising who it was Ianto maximised the image once more as Jack came to stand behind him, one hand resting lightly on his shoulder.

"Wow," Jack whispered as Ianto clicked through the images. "You've really got talent." Ianto smiled at the compliment lifting his shoulder so the back of Jack's hand brushed against his cheek.

"I had a great model. Difficult to go wrong," he replied.

Jack squeezed his shoulder gently, "Don't be so modest. Just accept the compliment."

"Thanks. But I still think they could be better."

Jack did not come back with the quick reply Ianto was expecting. Instead he was captivated by the images flashing past on the screen. He knew he could be a vain man but Ianto had made him look better than even he thought possible. The black and white pictures were lit so that the muscles of his upper body looked more defined and toned than in reality, his dignity protected by an artfully draped piece of fabric or carefully angled leg. In other photos Ianto had zoomed in for a close up of a particular part of Jack's body, face, hands, feet, torso.

Jack squeezed Ianto's shoulder again and leaned closer as one particular image caught his attention. Ianto stopped skimming through the photos and looked up curiously.

"That one," Jack said, "that's my favourite."

Ianto looked at the image. Jack was lit slightly side on and was looking just to the side of the camera but it was the look in his eyes and face that made Ianto pause. Ianto remembered he had just cracked a very lame joke which really had not been funny at all but had obviously struck a nerve with Jack. Captured by the camera just before the tears had begun to run down his face and he had fallen off the sofa he had been laughing so much was Jack's totally unshielded love for the man who had been standing to the side of the camera.

Looking at the screen Jack shifted and his arms slid round until they circled Ianto's chest and his chin rested on Ianto's shoulder. "I know I don't say it very often but the camera never lies - I do love you Ianto, you know that don't you?"

Tipping his head to rest it against Jack's Ianto simply sighed, too moved by Jack's words to reply. He was so often wracked by doubt as to how Jack felt about him that he did not want to spoil the moment.

The two men stayed still in that position for a few minutes each enjoying the closeness of the other bathed in Jack's love flowing from the screen.

Turning to kiss Ianto's temple Jack reluctantly moved to straighten up feeling his back twinge at the movement. For being over two thousand years old his body was holding up pretty well but every once in a while he would get a slight ache or pain that told him his body was aging however slowly.


"So, let's see them," Gwen asked coming into the Tourist Office from the Hub.

"See what?" Ianto asked innocently having no idea what Gwen was referring to.

"The photos of Jack of course."

Ianto looked at her not wanting to acknowledge that she knew about the pictures and trying to stall her.

Gwen picked up on Ianto's hesitation, "Come on Ianto - Jack came bounding down the stairs like an..., a..., oh, I don't know what he was like. He was so happy. I haven't seen him like that, anything approaching that, since before...," she paused. Sometimes mentioning Tosh and Owen still hurt more than any of them wanted to acknowledge. "Actually, I don't know if I've ever seen him that happy." She shook her head. "So... can I see?"

Ianto knew from experience that Gwen was like a dog with a bone when she got going and it would be easier just to show her the photographs. Sighing he opened the file on his computer and gestured for her sit down at his station in the Tourist Office.

As Gwen clicked through the photos Ianto maintained his cool exterior but inwardly he was a mass of conflicting emotions, pleasure that Jack had been so happy after seeing the photos, pride that Jack had thought the photos good enough to tell Gwen, annoyance that Jack had told Gwen - although they had not said anything Ianto had hoped to keep the shoot a secret, something special between him and Jack, annoyed with himself that Gwen had steamrollered him into showing her the photos and finally embarrassment that another part of his past was laid bare for all to see.

"Ianto these are fabulous," Gwen said, her voice soft in wonder. Not getting a reply she turned round to look at him, dragging her eyes reluctantly away from the screen. "Ianto, are you okay?"

Ianto was standing behind the Tourist Office counter tidying a pile of leaflets, tapping them on the desk to straighten them up. As Gwen watched he kept tapping the already straight edges again and again, his mind far away from what his hands were doing. When the edges of the leaflets began to crease and fold from their repeated tapping on the desk Gwen reached over and put a hand on Ianto's wrist. Jumping slightly at the contact Ianto turned to her.

"Ianto...?" she asked.

"Sorry, you were saying?" Ianto smiled and began smoothing out the creases from the leaflets before putting them back in the display rack.

Gwen gripped his arm again, "Ianto, what's wrong?"

"Wrong? Nothing's wrong. Why should anything be wrong?" he tried to keep his tone light and jovial but could tell from Gwen's expression he hadn't quite succeeded.

"You were fine this morning then I came up to look at the photos and...," realisation dawned on Gwen. "Oh God, I did it again didn't I? I just barged in and took over. Talk about Little Miss Sensitive." Gwen shook her head ruefully as she remembered the name Ianto had coined for her on another occasion where she had latched on to something and would not let it go. "Oh Ianto, I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Ianto heard the words coming out of his mouth automatically and inwardly cursed his parents for drilling him so well in good manners.

"No it's not and you know it," Gwen replied angry with herself. "You wanted to keep these photos special and I barged in and spoiled it." She paused trying to get herself back under control. "Okay, I can't take back what I've done but how can I make it up to you?"

"Find me a fireplace," Ianto replied suddenly knowing exactly the set up he wanted for another photo shoot with Jack.

Gwen looked at him questioningly, "A fireplace?"

Ianto nodded, "A fireplace, a proper old fashioned one, with a clean chimney," he added thinking of the day his Gran lit her fire when he was little but the chimney had been blocked by a birds nest and all the ash and soot blew back into the room. She had been dusting and washing constantly for weeks afterwards.

"Ok-ay," Gwen agreed before she headed back to the tunnel that lead to the lift and the Hub determined to find a fireplace for Ianto to make up for stomping all over him earlier.

"Ianto," she continued tentatively from the doorway, "you really do have talent you know. I..." she paused, "I don't suppose you'd take some photos of me? And Rhys if he'd be willing?"

Ianto smiled. It was like being back at school again, Jack was Angharad and everyone wanted to get on the bandwagon.

"Sure," he replied.


Ianto turned the key in the lock of Owen's flat and pushed the door open bending to pick up the mail that had accumulated. The flat was up for sale but Ianto retained a key 'just in case'. Walking into the hall the sound of his footsteps on the wooden floor echoed through the silent space. Even though Ianto had boxed all the personal items and put them in Torchwood storage and sent all the furniture to charity the empty rooms still seemed filled with Owen's presence. Ianto sighed as the aching sadness of Owen's loss struck him once more. He missed the snipping between them more than he believed possible. He and Owen had never really got on but after the team was forced to come together when Jack ran off with the Doctor there was never the same malice in their exchanges. He imagined Owen like the older brother he never had - his worst detractor until something or someone from outwith the 'family' took a swipe at him, then his greatest defender.

Once quick glance round the open plan living space was enough to satisfy him that it did not contain the fireplace he had hoped he might find but as he lingered he became convinced that even if the flat had contained the perfect fireplace for what he wanted he would not have been able to use it. The photo shoot was, in the great scheme of things, a frivolous undertaking that did not sit well in his head with remembering the bravery and dedication Owen had shown both in life and death.

Shaking his head to clear it of his incipient melancholy Ianto left Owen's flat knowing he would never return.


Ianto was getting frustrated - how difficult could it be to find a functioning fireplace? His own flat was too modern to have one, Gwen's had been blocked up years ago and was now just a feature and it did not feel right to use Tosh or Owen's flats, irrespective of whether they actually had fireplaces.

Just as he was about to push all thoughts of fireplaces to the back of his head and do some work his comm beeped from the desk where he had left it. Ianto grabbed it and inserted it, tapping it on as he did so.

"Ianto," Gwen's voice came through the earpiece, "come down to Hub, I've got something to show you."

"Gwen, is everything okay down there?" Ianto asked concerned, Gwen was in the lower levels alone while Jack was out and about chasing up some possible leads on alien tech.

"Relax, everything's fine. Just come down here a sec."

"Okay I'm on my way." Ianto tapped the comm off and pressed the button to lock the Tourist Office front door before opening the door down into the Hub.

Gwen was waiting for him just inside the cage doors a big grin on her face and bouncing from foot to foot in excitement.

"I found it. It's perfect," she said grabbing Ianto's hand and pulling him up the stairs to the work level. "In there," she pointed to Jack's office.

"Found what?" Ianto asked walking into Jack's office. Everything looked just as it normally did - Jack's desk covered in papers and artefacts, computer screens running various programmes, CCTV showing the Hub and the quay, fireplace, Jack's safe...fireplace. Ianto's thoughts backtracked and his eyes shot back to the fireplace. A smile slowly appeared on his face. Yes, it was perfect.

Turning to face Gwen she knew from his face she had been right and she gathered him into a hug.

"Just tell me when you're planning to take the photos and I'll make sure I stay out of this place. I don't want a repeat of the hothouse experience!"

Ianto squeezed her tight. "Thank you Gwen," he sighed in her ear, "for everything. For this, for keeping me sane when Jack left with the Doctor, both times - everything."

Gwen returned the squeeze. "You do so much for us, it was the least I could do."

They continued holding each other close, each lost in their thoughts. Hugs and physical contact between the three of them had become more common since the loss of Owen and Tosh, helping to keep them centred.

Giving Gwen another squeeze Ianto released her from the hug, ghosting a kiss to the top of her head, just as the alarms told them Jack had returned.


Jack walked into his office and stopped. The room looked so different. Ianto had pushed all the desks against the walls and a sheepskin rug was laid out in front of the roaring fire. The fire was the only source of light in the room and Jack was almost sure he could hear the Tardis crystal on his desk hum in pleasure.

"Hello?" Jack called softly and immediately Ianto was at his side helping him off with his coat.

"Gwen away home?" he asked.

"Yep. Dropped her off at her front door myself," Jack paused. "Ianto I'm really sorry about Gwen. I didn't realise the photos were so special to you..."

Ianto cut Jack off by placing a finger on his lips.

"Shush, all in the past," Ianto replaced his finger with his lips.

Breaking off the kiss Ianto handed Jack his blue robe, brought specially from home. "Go get changed. Dinner arrives in an hour."

A few minutes later Jack settled himself on the sheepskin rug as Ianto fiddled with the camera. Satisfied with the set up Ianto stepped back and took the shutter release plunger in his hands.

As Jack moved from pose to pose on the rug and Ianto watched the light from the flames flicker over the smooth skin of Jack's handsome face and well muscled body he felt his mouth go dry. He loved the man in front of him despite all his secrets and idiosyncrasies, this man whom he should hate, the man who took his girlfriend and then his heart. Ianto swallowed trying to get some moisture back into his mouth. Between the heat from the fire and the sight in front of him he was suddenly feeling very hot. Smirking slightly he moved out of Jack's eye line.

"Look into the fire Jack and tell me what you see."

Jack turned his head and did as he was told. At his side he heard the shutter release click softly. After a few moments he heard a rustle of fabric and began to turn round to where he knew Ianto was standing behind him.

"Ignore me Jack, keep telling me what you see."

Reluctantly Jack returned his attention to the flames. Ianto was up to something he just knew it.

After a few minutes Jack felt rather than heard Ianto come up behind him. Turning he looked up at Ianto and smiled as he admired his young lover's naked body. Ianto knelt next to him on the rug and they looked into each others eyes.

"Happy Christmas, Jack."

By way of a reply Jack's smile widened and he slid his arms around Ianto's chest and drew him into a deep kiss. Unthinking Ianto mirrored Jack's actions and slid his arms round Jack so they settled round his waist.

As they broke apart, both panting slightly, Jack felt Ianto's fist in the small of his back as the camera shutter clicked repeatedly. Jack reached behind him. "I think we can get rid of this now," he whispered in Ianto's ear as he gently removed the trigger from his hand and laid it to one side. Ianto blushed slightly when he realised what he had done. Gently Jack pushed him back onto the sheepskin rug loving the glow the firelight gave his lightly muscled torso. Unable to stop himself Jack carded his fingers through the dark hairs feeling Ianto's chest rise and fall under his touch before leaning forward and brushing their lips together. Ianto moaned at the fleeting touch before pulling Jack in for a deeper, longer kiss.

When the alarm went off a quarter of an hour later to tell them someone was waiting at the Tourist Office door neither man heard it or the pterodactyl shriek as the peace and quiet of her underground cave were shattered.
