Title: Finding Heart
By: Tiffany F
Pairing: Jack/Doctor
Rating: AO
Fandom: Torchwood/The Avengers
Warning(s): Angst, AU, Coming Out, Drama, Genre - Preslash, OOC [Out of Character]
Summary: Jack Harkness first met Tony Stark when Tony was a child and they became friends. After the battle for New York, JARVIS takes it upon himself to call Jack to help Tony recover. Then the Doctor gets involved and things get interesting. Don't own, don't claim, no money is made here.


Stark Tower became Avenger Tower. Tony wasn't sure how it happened, but he had the whole team living with him. It was loud. It was crazy. It was, kinda perfect, really. They helped with the rebuild and all the chatter during the day was enough to block the memories from Tony's mind. No one seemed to notice that Pepper was around less and less, thinking that it was just business that kept her away, and didn't question it. The nights were the worst. Tony hid in his lab, trying to work himself into a state where he would be able to collapse and not dream. He tinkered with the suit, fixed problems he'd found during the battle, made weapons for the rest of the team, ignored Fury whenever he asked for anything dangerous, and tried to survive with wars being fought behind his eyes.

He wasn't sure how no one noticed the problems. He didn't know what was in the file Fury would have given everyone, he'd seen his private folder when he hacked SHIELD's database, but figured there was no way that Fury, the spy of all spies, would have given anyone that folder. The man loved secrets too much to share everything he knew in one go. Dribbles and drabbles were probably all the team would have seen, Natasha more than anyone else, Steve probably the second most. Tony had told Bruce a little about what happened to him, why he had the arc reactor in his chest, but Bruce never pushed for personal information. It was one reason Tony was so fond of him.

He just wished someone could see that he was falling apart and had no idea how to fix the problem.

The whole team was in the common area with pizza boxes spread out on several tables and about to watch a movie - something about trying to catch Steve up on popular culture - when JARVIS broke into the conversation. "Sir, the Captain is here."

"Let him in," Tony replied, suddenly delighted. He ignored the looks of confusion on the others' faces and turned towards the lifts.

"I'm right here," Steve muttered. "What's going on?"

"I don't know," Bruce replied. "But look at Tony. He's excited about something, and it's not something that has to do with you. Besides, JARVIS said 'the Captain' like there was only one person who gets to use that title. Tony usually calls you 'Cap' doesn't he?"

"Yeah, he does," Steve said. "I never really thought about it before but he does. I thought it was just him giving me a nickname, like he does everyone and everything else."

The lift opened before Bruce could reply and they watched, along with the rest of the team, as Tony almost literally threw himself into the arms of a tall dark-haired man wearing what Steve quickly recognized as a World War Two era coat.

"You planning to introduce us, Stark?" Barton asked from his perch on the back of one of the sofas.

The pair by the lifts was talking softly, no one could hear them, but the stranger looked serious. He rubbed Tony's back and wrapped him more firmly in a hug before looking up. "Captain Jack Harkness," he said with a smile that screamed flirt. "Nice to meet you all. I'm going to steal Tony for the night, don't wait up."

"Okay, well, that was strange," Barton said. "Nat?"

"No clue, I've never heard of the man before," she said.

"I've never seen Tony act like that before," Steve commented, sinking down on the sofa that faced the TV square on. "I was starting to think he didn't have emotions."

"He's a flirt, he cares only for himself, what more do you need to know?" Natasha asked.

"That's not true," Barton pointed out. "You're being too hard on him again, Nat. The man almost died saving New York. What more do you want?"


"He wouldn't be Tony Stark if he did that, Nat," Barton pointed out. "You gotta give the man a break."

Natalia huffed. "You're not still going on about that, are you?"

"About what?" Steve asked.

"Tony's hurting," Barton said. "I've been trying to find a time to talk to him, but he's always working on something and doesn't seem to see the world around him when he's in his lab. I wonder if that's the reason Harkness is here, to help Tony with whatever it is that's bothering him."

"I'll tell you this much, Tony didn't ask for his help," Natasha said. "He was surprised when JARVIS announced the man."

"I just hope whatever is going on, Harkness is able to fix it," Barton sighed.


Jack was surprised when he received the phone call from JARVIS requesting his help. He'd met Tony Stark years ago when he was a kid trying to understand his place in the world and had no one to talk to. Jack found an almost instant connection with the eight-year-old and promised that he would always be there when Tony needed him for anything. He'd shown back up when Tony was at boarding school, at university, when his parents were killed, after Tony was almost killed, and when he was dying from the poison the arc reactor was spreading through his body. Jack tried to help any way he could, but most of the time he was a sounding board for Tony, someone to talk to who understood what it was to not know where he was supposed to be, what he was supposed to be doing. When Jack heard about the battle in New York he knew that, technically, UNIT and Torchwood should have been handling the clean-up, but UNIT was busy with another problem and Torchwood, well, what Torchwood? Jack was the only one left and hadn't had the heart to rebuild his team. He'd wanted to leave the planet after losing Ianto, but couldn't do that to Tony.

He used his repaired vortex manipulator to hop to New York as soon as he was off the phone with JARVIS and strolled out of an alley near Stark Tower. Jack had been in a lot of battles in his life and could see how the city was still being repaired. He touched the pad at the door of the tower. "Hey JARVIS, it's me."

"Good of you to come, Sir," JARVIS replied, opening the door. "I've let Mr. Stark know that you're here and he's asked you to come straight up."

"How's he holding up, JARVIS?" Jack asked as the lift doors closed behind him.

"He is remarkably talented at hiding his feelings and emotions from those around him," JARVIS replied. "You know this, Sir, although I believe that Agent Clint Barton, also known as Hawkeye, has noticed that Mr. Stark is in pain."

"Let me get Tony through the night and we'll see what I make of this team of his," Jack said. He stepped out of the lift and almost immediately had an armful of Tony. "Hey Tony," he whispered. "JARVIS called, said you needed me. Why didn't you call?"

"I've been so busy, trying not to think, trying to work and forget that I didn't even think about it," Tony admitted in a whisper. "I'm so glad you're here, Jack. I need to talk. I need to forget."

"You need to sleep," Jack said. "Want me to hold you for the night?"

"Would you?" Tony asked. "I, Pepper left when she found out about my problem. I still haven't worked out a way to fix it."

"I'll stay as long as you need me to," Jack whispered, tightening his grip. He looked up when one of the team asked about introductions. "Captain Jack Harkness," he said with his brightest smile in place. "Nice to meet you all, I'm going to steal Tony for the night. Don't wait up."

Tony snickered as he was pulled into the lift. "They think you're taking me away for a night of hot sex or something, well, probably not Steve. He's still stuck back in the 40s and doesn't realize that a lot of things have changed," he said. He pushed the button for his floor and leaned against the wall. "How much do you know?"

"I've seen the footage, I didn't know I'd rubbed off on you so much, kiddo," Jack said running his fingers through Tony's hair. "You were willing to die to save the planet, that's something to be proud of. All the people you saved."

"What about the ones who died because of the battle?" Tony asked. "I look back at everything that's happened since I built the first suit and I wonder how much of it is my fault. If I hadn't set up the tower with the arc reactor then Loki wouldn't have been able to hook up his machine and open the portal to let the army through."

"Your dad meant for the arc reactor to help humans, Tony, and you've managed to do that with your ideas for clean energy," Jack said. "You've stopped making weapons, I'm so proud of you for that one, and you're moving forward." He followed the younger man out into the living area of his floor. "You can't question yourself like this, Tony. It just leads to nightmares and I'm guessing you're already having those because you haven't slept in days, have you?"

"No," Tony admitted. He sank down on the sofa and rubbed his face. "I never went through any counseling for what happened to me, you know. I talked to you about it and thought that we'd managed to work through everything. I still don't like swimming, don't think I'll ever do that again, but it's no great loss. I was doing better, I was moving forward and making the suit better and better."

Jack sat down next to him and pulled him in close. "Then you started getting sick," he said softly. "You tried to tell your friends every way you could, but they didn't listen."

"You did."

"Because I've been there," Jack said. "I know what it's like to be dying slowly by inches, Tony, and having no one around to help you. I'll admit I was worried about you after that one, after that second huge battle you had to take on, but you looked like you were doing okay and were on top of the world. Maybe I should have stayed and talked a little more."

"Why didn't you?"

"Fury warned me off, but if it hadn't been for my team needing me I would have told Fury to stuff it and stayed with you as long as you needed me to," Jack said. "I lost Ianto on that mission."

"Oh Jack, I didn't know you'd lost him," Tony said. "How are you holding up?"

"Most days are good, some are lousy, but that's true for anyone who loses a loved one," Jack said. He pressed a soft kiss to Tony's head. "I've shut Torchwood down, Tony, so you've got me for as long as you need me. Tell me what happened with Pepper. I thought that the two of you were doing good."

"We were," Tony sighed. "But then I found out that she wants a normal relationship, she wants sex and she wants kids. You know that kids are the deal-breaker for me anyway, no one knows about that blood transfusion we did so it's not like I'm going anywhere any time soon, but sex. I miss sex. I want to, but I can't because of this thing." He tapped the arc reactor with his fingers. "I sit Pepper down and explain everything to her and do you know what the first thing she says to me is? If sex is too stressful for the arc reactor, why can you still fight? She wants to know why I can still go out in the suit and fight, but I can't screw her."

"Hey, hey, easy now," Jack said softly, pulling Tony into a hug. "She doesn't know about the extra support systems in the suit, does she?"

"No one does," Tony said. "I could just imagine what would happen if I tried it with her. Die on top of her and come back to life, then I'd really be a freak. I don't know how she hasn't noticed I'm not aging anymore, maybe she thinks it's cosmetic surgery or something. I don't know. So she walks, already not happy at me asking the team to live here where they can hide and be safe, and I'm suddenly on my own even with others around."

"Isn't there anyone on the team you feel close enough to talk to?"

"Bruce, but he's got enough of his own demons, I can't just dump all of this on him," Tony said.

Jack nodded and shifted them a little so the arc reactor was in a better position and covered them both with his coat. "JARVIS told me that he thinks that Barton has noticed something," he said. "Do you think that's possible?"

"Hawkeye? Maybe. He and I really clicked at the battle, and he's got a sense of humor to match mine," Tony said. He let his eyes close. "I don't know what he might have noticed though."

"Tell you what, you sleep and we'll deal with more of this in the morning," Jack said. "How's that sound?"

"Good," Tony muttered, curling up a little more. Jack always put off a lot of heat and Tony knew he'd be able to sleep with it near him. Somehow just having Jack around meant that nightmares stayed away.


Jack was awake most of the night, not that he slept much anyway, but he wanted to stay alert in case Tony had a nightmare. The man had been through so much that he wasn't ready for. Tony had no training as a soldier and was suddenly thrust into a war zone, maimed and then dropped back into real life with no help from anyone claiming to be his friend. Jack knew that most of that was because Tony always gave off the vibe of being fine, something he'd learned very early on in his life, and it made it that much harder to get close to him. The stories Tony told Jack when they were alone, down in the lab while Tony worked on the suit and the reactor, trying to find something that would keep him alive, made Jack think back to all the wars he'd been in.

When Tony was dying, and none of his friends seemed to realize anything was wrong with him, Jack showed up and started asking questions. They'd tried a small blood transfusion to see if that would make any difference, both of them being the same blood type, and Jack hadn't thought about what could lie within his blood. Turning Tony into an immortal like himself hadn't been his plan. When JARVIS told them what happened, that Tony was still dying but wouldn't stay dead, Jack's heart broke. Tony didn't blame him, said that he liked the idea of living forever, but so had Jack back when he first figured out what was going on. He knew that as the centuries passed, it was possible that he'd lose his friend. The scared little boy who grew into such a good man, one who gave so much and never asked for anything other than friendship back. The boy who kept so many things secret even to that day.

"Jack?" Tony muttered.

"Yeah, right here, kiddo," Jack said. He kissed the top of Tony's head. "How do you feel?"

"Still sleepy, but better. What time is it?"

"Nine in the morning, Sir," JARVIS replied. "I took the liberty of ordering some clothes for the Captain, as there is nothing here in his normal style."

"Thanks JARVIS," Jack said. "How about it, Tony, you feel up to a shower and some breakfast?"

"Yeah, sure."

"How about you shower and I'll go make us something to eat?" Jack asked. "I bet I can make you some favorites you haven't had in years."

Tony smiled. "You don't have to tempt me, Jack. I'm actually hungry. That sounds like a good plan, I'll meet you down in the kitchen."

"No rush." Jack watched Tony walk through to the shower and sighed. "How's it look, JARVIS?" he asked as he stripped off his shirt.

"His vitals are improved from yesterday by 25%, Sir," JARVIS replied softly. "Shall I notify the team that you're cooking brunch? I know you wish to get to know them."

"Sure, that'd be great," Jack grinned. He decided to leave his boots behind and went barefoot to the lift. "Anything you think I need to know about them?"

"Captain Rogers is the one who will be the most stubborn about your presence here, but that is only because he is still trying to adjust to the world around him," JARVIS replied. "I believe you would say he did not take the slow path."

Jack pointed a finger at the ceiling of the lift with a laugh. "You're getting good, JARVIS," he said as the doors opened. "There are days when I wonder if you really are built, or if Tony is just hiding a body somewhere."

"Sir," JARVIS said in what could only have been called a long-suffering tone.

"Hey, I've seen a lot in my time, it's possible," Jack said. He paused when he caught sight of Bruce and Barton, both men watching him. "Gentlemen, it was Doctor Banner and Agent Barton, right?"

"Yes, how did you know?" Bruce asked.

"I would say I know everything, but someone I loved so much and lost recently held that title," Jack said. "I've spent time with Fury and know a little about what he was hoping to do. You guys hungry? I'm going to cook a late breakfast for Tony and me. It's easy enough to make more."

Barton shrugged. "Sure, I could eat. I missed breakfast." He slid onto a stool at the breakfast bar and studied Jack closely. "You're different, Captain."

"Oh yeah, different how?" Jack asked with a smile. He opened the fridge and started to pull out what he needed.

"You're like Tony," Barton replied softly.

"You've got good eyes, must be the reason for your nickname there, Hawkeye," Jack said. "JARVIS told me that you'd noticed something was up. What do you think was going on?"

"I can see that he's in pain, but he stays so busy that it's impossible to talk to him. It's something to do with the battle against Loki's army, but I don't know what the problem is," Barton said.

"How much of Tony's file have you guys read?" Jack asked. "Captain Rogers, it's good to see you again. Hungry?"

"Again?" Steve asked.

Jack grinned. "You wouldn't have noticed me, but I saw you during the war," Jack said. "One of the bars you visited after a show. I thought about talking to you, but you were surrounded by fans and it just wasn't worth the trouble. I'm making late breakfast, are you hungry?"

Bruce noticed the look on Steve's face and coughed. "You shouldn't tease him, Captain Harkness," he said softly.

"I'm not," Jack said, looking up from the bread he was working with. "I was a member of the RAF during the Second World War, attached of course, because I'm not British, but they were glad enough to have me around. Something about knowing good stories, or something."

Tony walked in just in time to hear the last part of the sentence. "Jack knows all the good stories," he said with a soft smile. "He also makes them age appropriate, no matter how much you might beg him. Is there coffee?"

"Sir, might I remind you that the story of Captain Harkness' adventures in the brothels of Astrogan 5 are hardly suitable for a ten year old," JARVIS said.

"He told me when I was older," Tony said. He looked around at his team. "What?"

"Did you two hit your heads or something?" Bruce asked. "Because neither of you is making much sense right now. I feel like I need to run tests."

"Jack?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, why not. It's not like they won't have heard stranger lately," Jack said. He put a pan on the stove and dropped a lump of butter in. "Tony, any diet changes since I saw you last?"

"Nope, I'm almost perfectly healthy now and can eat what I want. I just don't, most of the time," Tony said. "It's not like this body is going to run down. I have to take care of it."

"Then you get the works, kiddo," Jack grinned.

"Okay, someone had better explain this code to me because I'm more lost than I am when Director Fury is leading a meeting," Steve said.

Tony sat down next to Barton at the breakfast bar, coffee mug in front of him. "Long version or short?"

"Long," Barton said.

"Jack's from the future, way far in the future where they have all sorts of cool stuff and people are just people from different planets," Tony said. "He's a time traveler who ended up stuck here on Earth back in the late 1800s and has been living on what is called the slow path ever since. It's not hard to work out that he's immortal from that is it?"

"Technically, Sir, he's mortally challenged," JARVIS broke in.

Jack started laughing and almost dropped the egg he was working with. "Mortally challenged, JARVIS? I love that. I'm so going to use that next time someone asks me about this. What he means, kids, is that I can still die. I feel all the pain and fear everyone does when they die. I just come back to life. I've died more times than I can count, in so many different ways, including at my own hand when I was working a case years ago."

"That's a lot to take in," Bruce said.

"You believe us or should I have Barton here shoot him?" Tony asked.

"Death by arrow, haven't had that one in a while," Jack commented. "It's not a fun way to go and it hurts like a bitch if you pull the arrow out too soon."

"So how'd you two meet up?" Barton asked.

"When I was a kid I slipped away from the house one day, I was just fed up with being told that I couldn't go into the workshop, that I was in the way, that I was worthless," Tony said. "Jack found me on the beach and stayed to talk with me. He understood me and told me why I had to go back. Why it was important for me to be myself and not model myself after my parents. I'm still not sure how he convinced the police that he hadn't kidnapped me when they found us on the beach, but he wasn't arrested."

"Oh, that was Pete," Jack grinned. "Great legs."

Steve choked on his coffee and started spluttering. Bruce patted him carefully on the back. "So you've known Captain Harkness since you were a kid," he said.

"Yep, and Jack's always shown up when I needed him the most," Tony said. "You all know that I was taken hostage in the Middle East and that's when I ended up with this." He tapped the arc reactor. "It's not in my file, but I was beaten and tortured for months while I was there. This terrorist group had all these Stark Industry weapons, things they shouldn't have had access to, and they wanted me to build them something that would be worse than the piece I'd just delivered to the US military." He didn't look up when he felt arms around him, but knew it was Jack. "I built my first suit instead and lost a good friend. The man who installed the arc reactor and helped me build the suit. It wasn't uploading as fast as I needed it to and he went out alone to buy me more time. He died in front of me, held on long enough to remind me that I'd been given a chance and that I should use it. I leveled the terrorist base and crashed. Next thing I know, I'm found and I'm home. No one asks me what happened, no debrief, nothing. I'm just on my own and then Jack showed up. He had his boyfriend with him, but that was cool. Ianto made a mean cup of coffee."

"That he did," Jack said softly. He kissed the top of Tony's head and went back to the food prep, starting to put things on plates. "Tony and I talked about what happened to him, the torture and deprivations he'd suffered while he was there. Yan and I both tried to help him in his fight with Obie, but Tony wanted to do it alone, so we let him."

"The next time he showed up was two days after Natasha did," Tony said.

"I never saw him," Natasha protested from where she'd been leaning against a wall near the back.

"I saw you though," Jack said. He put a full plate down in front of Tony and gestured at the kitchen. "Help yourselves, guys. There's plenty. I realized what was happening when I saw the video footage of Tony at the expo and the hearings and hopped out to talk with him. We tried a few things, trying to slow the poison down just a little, but it didn't work."

"Why are you two the same?" Barton asked. "Your eyes have the same look to them, and I've never seen that on anyone else."

Tony looked surprised. Jack just sighed. "We tried a small blood transfusion," Jack said. "Took a pint and a half out of Tony and gave him some of mine. We were trying to take care of the problem, it just didn't work."

"So, wait, you're telling me that you're immortal now, Tony?" Steve asked. "When the Hulk roared and you woke up, you really had been dead and you just came back to life?"

"You're one to talk, Capsicle," Tony grinned. "Yes, that's what happened. Jack isn't lying when he says it's painful to come back. That first breath feels like your lungs are in shreds and you have to force them to work."

"Okay, so that's the long version?" Barton asked.

"The highlighted long version, yeah," Tony replied.

"So last night was a lovers' reunion then," Natasha said.

"Uhm, what about our story gave you that idea?" Tony asked looking at her. "Because I haven't slept with anyone since before I was kidnapped, not that it's really anyone's business."

If Tony was in a better place mentally he would have enjoyed the looks of surprise and shock on the faces of everyone around him. He knew what the media said about him, knew what his people said about him, and enjoyed keeping up the image to make things interesting. Jack looked at Natasha. "You remind me of someone," he said slowly. "I just can't think who it is right now. Tony, how's the Jack toast?"

"Heavenly," Tony replied. "I still don't know how you do this. It shouldn't be possible with just butter, bread and eggs."

"It's the secret ingredients that make it so good," Jack said. "JARVIS promised me he'd keep it a secret, so don't even think about asking him."

"My own AI turned against me," Tony said, glaring at the ceiling.

"Yes Sir," JARVIS replied. "The Captain was quite detailed in explaining what he would do to me should I ever reveal what he puts in his Jack toast."

"Fair enough, we should all have our secrets," Tony said. "I will figure it out one of these days, Jack. So, where were we? Oh, right, my sex life. So much for secrets."

Jack snorted. "If you wanted your sex life to be secret, you shouldn't have decided the fountain in the middle of the town square was a good place to seduce a model," he said.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that one. That was a fun night," Tony grinned. "Okay, yes, most things you've heard about me are probably true. I never have had much shame when it comes to one-night stands, but those stopped after I was kidnapped. I couldn't stand to have anyone touch me. There were a couple of people I trusted enough to be close to me, but not strangers. Not anymore. How could I trust them? Then, after Obie, it was just worse. There's also the arc reactor to take into account. Physical exertion beyond certain acceptable levels is deadly to me, and sex is one of them. I can spar as long as I'm careful. I can fight in the suit, but not out of it for long. I think it's the fact that I'm lying down or having to support another person that makes sex so risky. I haven't wanted to try and find out. Having my heart shredded isn't a nice way to die and it would be way too hard to explain the next morning."

"But if Jack really is from the future, shouldn't he be able to help you?" Natasha asked.

"I'm a Time Agent and Conman," Jack said. "Reformed, Captain Rogers, don't get that look on your face. I'm not a doctor and there's no easy way to take Tony off-world to get him taken care of. I've had a few ideas, talked to a couple of friends, but nothing firm has come up so far."

Tony snorted at the wording and looked up. "This is just how things are, guys," he said. "Jack's going to be here for a while."

"Has Fury approved it?" Steve asked.

"I don't have to ask his permission to have friends stay in the tower with us," Tony replied. "It's still technically my building, SHIELD never bought the lease, so it's my choice who is here and who isn't."

"Easy there, kiddo," Jack said, rubbing Tony's back. "I'll deal with Fury if he has problems with me being here. I haven't had a good argument in weeks. It'll be fun."

"You and your ideas of fun," Tony said. "I'm going to work in the lab. I had an idea last night that I want to get started on. I'd say behave, but I know you too well."

"I'll bring you lunch," Jack said. He watched Tony walk off and looked over at Barton. "So, I'm guessing you're the one I really need to talk to, aren't you? Feel like going out on the roof for a bit?"

Barton grinned. "Sure, I love roofs."


Tony was lost in his designing world, manipulating a coat-type figure when he registered there was someone else in the lab with him. He looked up and found Steve sitting in his chair watching him. "What's up, Cap?"

"I'm just curious about a couple of things," Steve said. "You trust a conman?"

"With my life," Tony said. "Jack's reformed, his last con was in 1941 and he met a couple of people who showed him that what he was doing was wrong and there was a better way to live. I'm not saying he hasn't broken the law a few times since, but he doesn't con anymore."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I trust him," Tony said. "Steve, think back to when you were a kid growing up. You had your friend to help you out, look out for you. Someone who wanted you around and cared enough about you to make sure you were okay. I never had that, not after Jarvis died."

"JARVIS isn't alive."

"The JARVIS you know is, to a point, but he's modeled off our butler when I was a kid," Tony said. "He was the only one who cared about me and he died when I was still pretty young. Jack's been a constant in my life for years, and he's never once done anything to hurt me. There are times when he's been more a father to me than my own dad was."

Steve sighed. "It seems more like he took advantage of a scared child to get something he wanted."

"What does he want? He's never asked me for anything. Jack has always given me loyalty and friendship and someone who understands and he has never once asked me for anything. I've tried to give him things over the years, but he's never taken them. Oh, he'll let me treat him to dinner once and a while, and he let me buy his boyfriend a new suit, but that's been it. I have never been able to get him to let me repay him for the kindness and love he's shown me over the years," Tony said. "And before you even start, no, he's never once touched me sexually. That's not how he is and he would never hurt a child like that. Think of him as my uncle if you have to."

"I just don't get how you can trust him when you know he's a conman."

"You've been around him for two hours, I've been around him for years," Tony said. He enlarged a sleeve and started to look at the wiring running through it. "Give him an honest chance and he'll grow on you. If you're not comfortable with him flirting with you, tell him and he'll stop. That's just how he is, but he never wants to make anyone uncomfortable. Well, there was one time when he did, but it was really funny and I'm glad he did it because I wasn't feeling good enough to handle the problem myself. One thing you're going to learn about this age, Cap, is that there are all sorts of people who aren't what they seem and you have to be able to look deeply to be able to figure them out. Use Jack as practice. He's one of the deepest people I know."
Jack looked around the roof and smiled. "Nice," he said, sitting down in the sun. "Why do I get the feeling this was built with you in mind?"

"Because it was, but its possible Tony was also thinking about you," Barton replied, sitting down close to Jack. "He's even set it up so I can practice jumping off without getting hurt."

"He does think of everything, doesn't he?" Jack grinned. "So, tell me the truth, how much do you know?"

"I knew that Tony was abducted and held hostage for an undisclosed length of time a few years ago," Barton said. "I didn't know that Fury and Coulson didn't make sure he went through some sort of debrief after the fact." He snorted. "Even if he wasn't a part of SHIELD at the time, the military obviously dropped the ball, someone should have picked it up and they were already looking at him. He's having flashbacks, isn't he?"

"I think it's just nightmares right now, but if he's allowed to keep going like he is, then it'll go into flashbacks and could even get worse," Jack said. "I'll help him out as much as I can, I'm kinda like a security blanket to him and JARVIS is monitoring his vitals for me. I just want to know there's someone else here who cares enough to make sure that Tony's okay."

"Hell, if it wasn't for Ms. Potts, I'd be trying to get Tony into some sort of a relationship," Barton admitted. "I've never once clicked so easily with someone. The man is amazing."

"You'd still want to be with him even knowing that he can't have sex?"

"Sure. Relationships are stronger if they're built on something other than tumbling around in bed together, or so Coulson always told me," Barton grinned. "I like Tony and I like being around him. I'd be happy to just know that I had him to come home to at night."

Jack studied him for a long moment. "Then I'll tell you something, Pepper isn't in the picture anymore," he said. "No details, that's for Tony to share if he wants, but he's not in a relationship with anyone right now."

"Huh, I thought that Potts was just busy at work and that's why she wasn't around much," Barton said. "Tony never let on that anything else had happened."

"He won't. He hurts too much to let anyone that close to him," Jack said. "You said it yourself, he has a good mask and it's hard to see behind it. I'll be honest, if there was a way to get that shrapnel out of him so he could be healthy again, I'd do it in a second. He can't go off-world, not with how often he's in the press for both his company and now with you guys. There's one person who might be able to help him, but I don't have a way to get in touch with him right now."

"If it meant that Tony was getting healthy again, we could work without Iron Man for a few weeks," Barton said.

"I think Fury and Rogers might not agree," Jack said. "Not to mention your friend sitting up behind us there listening to everything we're saying."

Barton looked around. "Natasha, what the hell are you doing?" he demanded. "Get down here."

"I don't trust him," Natasha said when she was standing next to Barton. "Neither does Steve."

"I'm heartbroken," Jack said, pouting. "Two of the prettiest people here and I can't get them to trust me."

"You're terrible," Barton commented with a small smile.

"That's what Ianto always told me," Jack said softly. "I'm going to go look into fixing lunch. Should I make enough for everyone?"

"If it's as good as breakfast was, I'm in," Barton said. "I'll meet you downstairs and we can keep talking about Tony."

Jack grinned, knowing he'd found at least one ally who cared about Tony as much as he did, and went back inside leaving the others on the roof. Barton looked at Natasha. "You want to tell me what that was about?" he asked.

"Clint, the man admitted to being a conman," Natasha replied.

"Reformed," Barton said. "You can see it if you look hard enough. He really loves Tony, and that's what matters right now."

"This isn't like you."

"This is the me that made the call not to kill you, Nat. This is the me that can see beyond the mask that Tony has on," Barton said. "This is the me that I normally keep hidden so far down that it never sees the sun, because if it did it would be drenched in blood and I wouldn't be who I am. You're still learning and haven't been able to learn to see beyond masks and acts. That's what Tony is. You saw the real him in the battle, the man who took the nuke into another dimension not knowing that he would be able to make it back, to save the planet. Tony hides his real self just as much as I do because of his life. You need to watch him more closely and lose the ideas you got when you were sent to evaluate him."

"Please; tell me you wouldn't have put the same things that I did if you'd been in the same place I was."

"I would have mentioned them, but I probably would have added some things in," Barton said. "Like the fact that he was hiding PTSD symptoms from everyone. How hard he worked to keep people at a distance from him. Hell, I probably would've even noticed Jack hanging around. How'd you miss him, Natasha?"

She sat down and sighed. "I don't know. He must have been down in the lab all the time and never anywhere else in the house. The lab was the only place I was never allowed and we couldn't get cameras in there."

"With respect, you never got cameras anywhere in the house," JARVIS said. "Mr. Stark and I were both aware of what you were doing and fed you video footage, but that was his choice, not yours."

"Which will teach you to try and bug a house with an AI in it," Barton grinned. "Hey JARVIS, how's Tony doing today?"

"Better than yesterday, with a continuing improvement in both his vitals and concentration," JARVIS said. "However, I believe that he will have a headache within the next half hour."

"What? How the hell can you predict something like that?" Barton asked.

"Normally I cannot. However, Director Fury has just rung through and asked for Captain Harkness."


JARVIS let Tony know about the phone call before he notified Jack, to give Tony time to get up to the kitchen if he wanted it. There was a slight spark of mischief in the AI, not that many people realized it. When Tony got to the breakfast bar, he found Barton and Natasha already there, and Jack in the kitchen.

"You do realize, Director, that you really have no say over what I do or don't do," Jack was saying. "I'm here to see an old family friend and if you have a problem with that then that's your problem and I really suggest you don't try to make it everyone else's problem."

"The Avengers are my team and I have a say in what they do," Fury replied.

"Like I'm going to try and get them to do anything," Jack said. "I don't give a damn who they are, where they're from, or what they've done in the past. I don't care if they go out and save the world on a daily or hourly basis. I really don't care how tight you think you have to hold their leashes. The only one I care about right now is Tony, and as I've known him longer than you have, seen him through more than you have, I'm staying."

"You're intruding into things you don't understand, Captain."

Jack snorted. "Oh please, you think this is something I don't understand? I've been through more than you could ever dream of, Fury. I survived an attack by aliens that completely wiped out my family and my home, lost my brother and had to survive on my own when I was ten. The same brother later came back and buried me alive and I spent the next 2,000 years underground dying every single moment," he said. "Imagine how that feels, Fury. Knowing that your first breath is your last and there is nothing you can do to change it. There is nothing you can do to me that will top that."

"You know, this isn't the first time you've mentioned something like that, and I find it hard to believe that you're immortal," Fury said.

"You have trouble believing that I'm immortal when you have a team made up of a man who spent 70 years frozen in the ice, another who survived a lethal dose of radiation and can turn into another being at will," Jack said, "not to mention the fact that your team just finished up a battle against a God and an army of aliens who wanted to destroy the planet. The offer still stands for you to come over and shoot me, you know."

Tony snickered. "You forgot the God, Jack," he said. "Thor's a big part of the team, you know."

"Right, can't forget him," Jack said. "Or the two wonderful assassins you have hanging around this place. Fury, what's your real problem with me, huh? Is it because I refuse to bow down to your every wish? Or are you still mad that I got the girl."

Natasha, Bruce, Barton and Steve all choked on their coffee. Tony just started laughing, leaning against the wall for support. "I don't know what you're talking about," Fury hissed.

"Sure you do, that ball in London when you tried to get one of the society debutants to dance with you and she refused, and then left with me," Jack said. "I don't remember her name, but that was quite a night."

"No wonder they get along so well," Steve muttered to Bruce. "Harkness and Tony could be twins. I wonder how much influence he had on Tony when Tony was growing up. Role models are important."

"He's a better role model than my dad ever was," Tony said. "Fury, bottom line here, this is my tower and I say who lives here and who doesn't. You can either live with it or pull the team out. Your choice."

"You're the one who invited them all to live there in the first place."

"Yeah, and I still think that the team needs a place that's not under your eye to relax and be ourselves," Tony said. "I'm telling you the options here, I'm not kicking anyone out. Jack's here, Jack stays. That's the bottom line. JARVIS."

Barton laughed. "You know he's going to show up, given that you just hung up on him."
"Let him, he can't be in the same room as Jack for more than five minutes," Tony said. He snagged a piece of apple off the cutting board. "Something about drowning in innuendo or something stupid like that."

"Did you really steal a girl away from Fury?" Barton asked.

"Yep, over in London," Jack replied. He pulled some pre-made dough out of the fridge and started to cut it into sections. "I'm really not even sure what the party was for anymore, it's been a few years and I've had a lot happen, but I do remember how hard he was working to try and get her to dance with him. She was pretty happy to have me show up, if I remember correctly."

Barton looked at Natasha. "You don't think that's the case where he was actually working in the field, do you? Remember, Coulson told us about that case, some girl's mother was working with a terrorist group or something and Fury was the only one that was completely unknown so he had to take the case."

"He wouldn't like you if you screwed up one of his ops," Natasha said.

"That doesn't explain the dead woman found two days later, does it?" Jack asked innocently. "Torchwood was aware of her actions and it wasn't terrorists that she was working with, but an alien. I've always been a huge fan of mixing business and pleasure, so I took the chance to have some fun with the girl before I took care of her mother and the alien."

Natasha looked at Jack with a little more respect while Steve just looked horrified. Barton sighed. "Don't even, Cap, it's not worth it," he said. "Sometimes morals are bent and sometimes they don't even apply. It's just something you're going to have to get used to."

"So, anyone want to bet on how long it takes Fury to get here?" Tony asked.

"I think he'll be here in time for lunch," Jack said. "As much as he hates me, he does seem to like my cooking."


"So, what were you and Barton talking about this afternoon?" Tony asked, once Fury had left. The argument had been brief, stopped when Jack shoved a pastry in the other man's mouth and told him to sit down. To everyone's surprise, he did.

"I like Barton, he's the only one around here who seems to see anything that's right under their noses," Jack said.

Tony started laughing. "He doesn't see that great up close, but I get your meaning," he said. "What's he noticing now?"


That seemed to stop Tony for a minute. "Me?"

"Yep. He's noticed more about you than I could have hoped and has been willing to share it," Jack said. "He's also interested in you, Tony. In you and not what you can do in bed."

"You're kidding me."


"I don't know if I can trust anyone like that again, Jack," Tony said. He sat down on the sofa in his lab and pulled his knees up to his chest. "You're different, I don't have any problems with you touching me because you're familiar."

Jack wrapped his arms around Tony and pulled him into a hug. "I'm your security blanket, Tony," he said. "Hell, it's possible that Barton wouldn't mind me being in bed with the pair of you."

"Oh god, that mental image might have just killed me," Tony groaned.

"Sorry, I shouldn't tease," Jack said. "Seriously though, talk with Barton and see what he has to say. You know I'm not leaving, not until you tell me to, but you need someone you can love. Like I had Ianto. It just makes you that much of a better person, Tony."

"Even knowing that I'll outlive him?"

"Yeah, even then. He heard everything you said today, he knows what he's getting into," Jack said. He kissed the top of Tony's head. "You should ask him down here, show him those prototypes you've been working on and ask him out to dinner. Just the two of you away from this place. Having the team here is great for learning to like each other, but you don't need them around when you're trying to start up a romance."

"I can see so many problems with this," Tony said. "Starting with the fact that I will outlive him, I can't stand to be touched by anyone other than you, I'm having bad nightmares, I work impossible hours, Natasha, the Cap and Bruce."

"I think he'll understand all of those and help you work through most of them, but what problems do you see with your team?"

"The Cap worries about dynamics and team integrity and I'm sure that he'll have something to say about me hooking up with Barton and most of it won't be nice. Barton and Natasha are best friends, hell they might have even been more and I just haven't picked up on it and you've probably noticed that despite what I did at the end of the battle, including dying, Natasha hasn't exactly warmed up to me, and will probably have a few things to say if I try and ask Barton out to dinner."


"He hates conflict and does everything he can to avoid it. I don't blame him, the other guy is always pretty close to the surface, he's still learning how to co-exist with him, and stress is one of his triggers. I think he'd accept a same-sex relationship with no problems, but he'd be worried about the stress it would cause around the tower. Of the team though, I think he'd be the most accepting of it all."

Jack sighed. "I think Natasha already knows that Barton fancies you."
"What? How? I didn't even know."

"She was spying on Barton and me when we were up on the roof," Jack said. "He stayed up there to talk with her when I came down to make lunch so I don't know what was said."

"Huh, and she didn't try to kill me," Tony said. He yawned. "Sorry. It seems like I've done nothing but sleep and eat since you got here."

"That's what you need to do, so don't you apologize for it, kiddo," Jack said. "Come on, let's go to bed and we can plan a seduction tomorrow."

Tony snorted. "Seduction seems to include sex, Jack. I don't see how that could work."

"I haven't given up on getting that stuff out of you. I'm just not sure what our next move should be," Jack admitted. "If my friend would get back to me, I might have an idea or two that we could work with."

"I guess I'll just have to wait until technology and medicine advance far enough to take care of this for me," Tony sighed. "JARVIS, save the plans I was working with, I'll want to work on them again tomorrow."

"Yes, Sir."


"Sir, Captain Rogers wishes me to inform you there is an intruder in the common area," JARVIS said, jarring both Jack and Tony awake.

"Okay, how the hell did anyone get in here without you knowing about it or setting off any alarms?" Tony demanded. He pulled on a t-shirt and looked back at Jack. "You coming?"

"JARVIS, can you show me the common area and this intruder?" Jack asked.

"Certainly, Sir."

Jack glanced over at the TV and grinned when he saw what was sitting in the middle of the living room. "Sorry about the table, Tony," he said. "That's not an intruder. That's an old friend, one I've wanted you to meet for a long time. Come on."

"Oh, no way," Tony laughed as he followed Jack into the lift.

"Yep, finally," Jack replied. "Now let's see if I can convince your team that they don't need to shoot first and ask questions later. Those looked like some pretty serious guns. Fury is using alien tech again, isn't he?"

"Probably. When I said I wasn't going to be making weapons anymore, with that not holding to the members of the Avengers, I think Fury started looking for other ways to make weapons," Tony said. He followed Jack out of the lift. "I know he's got a council of some sort that he answers to, but I don't know who they are or how much power they actually hold over SHIELD. I do know that Fury tried to stop the nuke and warned me as fast as he could to save New York."

"We'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now," Jack said. He rounded the corner and found the rest of the Avengers, minus Thor, standing around the TARDIS. "Stand down, it's not a threat."

"How do you know that?" Steve asked, not moving.

"Because this is the ship of one of my oldest friends," Jack said. "No, literally, he's older than I am, we think." He walked over and put a hand against the TARDIS. "Hello there, beautiful. It's good to see you again. Doctor, I know you're in there and you can hear me. Get out here."

Tony looked at the others. Barton and Bruce were the only ones who had relaxed. "Cap, Natasha, trust him," he said. "Jack knows what he's talking about."

Everyone jumped a little when the door opened suddenly and a young man looked out. "There you are, Jack. I went to Cardiff first looking for you and found, well, what I found wasn't pretty and I thought that you had left the Earth without letting me know about it," the Doctor said. "Then the TARDIS picked up your vortex manipulator signal here, so we thought we'd pop in and have a look. See how you're doing and all that."

"Doctor, you regenerated again. How long?"

"Not long after our trip with Davros and the Daleks," the Doctor said. "Still, could be worse." He seemed to just notice the others in the room. "Oh, hello, I didn't see you there. I'm the Doctor."

"Doctor Who?" Steve asked.

"Just the Doctor," he replied. "Who are your friends, Jack? They don't look like your team. Where's Ianto?"

Jack sighed. "We need to talk, Doctor. Can we?" he pointed at the TARDIS.

"Of course, she'll be thrilled to see you again," the Doctor grinned. "Anyone else coming?"

"Not right now," Jack said. "Tony, I'll be back in a bit. We won't leave, I promise. If anyone can help you out, it'll be the Doctor."

Tony nodded. "I'll make coffee or something," he said. "See you in a bit."

Jack walked into the TARDIS and shut the door behind him. "Whoa, redecorated a bit too, huh?" he asked, taking in the cool lines, the silver and green that made the room look even bigger than it was. "Is that Gallifreyian up there?"

"Of course it is," the Doctor said. "Jack, I only just got your message. I've been in a bad place and haven't been communicating with anyone. It's a very long story, but I lost two friends who are very, very dear to me."

"Like Rose, huh?"

"Yes, very much like Rose," the Doctor said. "I would have come sooner had I known you needed my help, but I locked out all communications. I tried to retire, to hide away and run from the universe. For that, I'm sorry. Tell me, where's your team?"

"Dead," Jack said. He sat down next to the Doctor and looked to see if it was possible to still prop his feet up on the main console. "The 456 came back and I lost everyone, including Ianto."

"Oh Jack," the Doctor said. He put an arm around the immortal's shoulders. "I'm sorry, but that's a fixed point in time. Even if I had been here, there would have been nothing I could do. Are you all right?"

"Probably about as good as you are," Jack admitted. "I would have run, left Earth behind if not for my friend out there. Tony still needs me, Doctor. I'm not going to leave while he's still here and still in such pain."

"Tell me about him," the Doctor said. "Before you ask, yes, I did see. He's no more wrong than you are, Jack. There had to have been a good reason for it."

"I thought there was, but my heart still skipped a few beats when I realized what I'd done," Jack said. "Tony's fighting a battle for his life. You saw the glow under his shirt? The blue circle of light?"

"I did, yes."

"It's an arc reactor," Jack said. "He was attacked several years ago in the Middle East, I'm not even sure what part of it, and some shrapnel lodged in his chest. It's trying to get into his heart and that arc reactor stops it. It also poisoned him before he was able to create a new element to power it, and we thought that a blood transfusion would help him. I didn't even think that he'd end up immortal. I just wanted to try and save him."

The Doctor smiled. "He's obviously precious to you, Jack. How long have you known him?"

"Forty years, give or take, I met him when he was just a lost kid with no one else to talk to and hurting badly," Jack said. "I've watched him grow up into this amazing man that he has to hide behind masks in order to stay sane. I want more than anything to get that shrapnel and reactor out of his chest, but the medical on Earth still isn't advanced enough to do it."

"You'd like me to take a look?"

"If you could. I know he'll come back to life if the arc reactor ever fails, but having his heart shredded would not be a pleasant way to die." Jack sighed. "I know he'll be able to work through the other problems he's having with his team, most of them just don't see the real him, but I'd like to be able to do this much for him at least."

"Well then, why don't we go take a look?" the Doctor asked. "Would he be able to go off-world with us if need be?"

"No, he's head of one of the largest companies on the planet and he works with a team of super-beings to protect the Earth from alien invasions," Jack said. "I don't know, the folks at Torchwood One, before it was destroyed, hated SHIELD and all their weapons development, but I think what they really hated was the competition."

The Doctor's face darkened. "Using alien tech to make weapons? I think, Captain, that I'd like to meet this group that calls themselves SHIELD. They need to be warned that what they're doing is in direct violation of several laws, and that I don't approve. Maybe I've been gone for too long, Jack."

"You did what you needed to do. Come on, I bet there's food ready out there and I know I'm hungry."

"Do they have any fish fingers and custard?" the Doctor asked, following Jack out into the living room.

"I would doubt it, but what the hell. JARVIS, any chance you could order us some fish sticks and custard?" Jack asked.

"While that sounds absolutely appalling, yes Sir, I will be happy to place the order," JARVIS replied. "The others are in the kitchen on this level. Shall I alert them that you are coming to meet them?"

"Nah, that's okay," Jack said.

"Who is that?" the Doctor asked, looking around.

"Tony's AI," Jack replied. "JARVIS, this is the Doctor."

"Delighted to make your acquaintance, Sir," JARVIS said. "If there is anything you require during your stay with us, please let me know."

The Doctor looked around. "I wasn't expecting such a high level of technology for this time," he said. "I think I'm going to enjoy speaking with your friend Tony. Lead the way, Captain."
"Okay, Tony, you want to tell me what the hell you're thinking here?" Steve asked as he followed the other man towards the kitchen.

"I'm thinking about coffee and maybe some breakfast. Does anyone want breakfast? I'm not as good as Jack, but I haven't burned the eggs in years," Tony replied. "Seriously, breakfast? Anyone?"

"Sure, I'm game," Barton grinned. He slid onto his favorite perch and looked back towards the living room. "So, friendly alien?"

"From what Jack's told me, one of the best around," Tony said. "I think he's here, well, he's here to try and help me."

Steve leaned against the breakfast bar. "Help you with what?" he asked.

"Personal problem," Tony said. "Barton, toss me those bananas, would you?"

"You're seriously asking me to throw fruit at you?"

"Well, first of all bananas are seeds not fruit and I'm asking you to toss them not throw them. Tossing implies gentle, throwing is more violent," Tony said. He caught the bunch and shook his hand. "Ow, Barton. Go easy on the food, will you?"

"Shut up and start cooking, Tony; I'm hungry," Barton said.

"How did they both fit in that box?" Natasha asked, appearing around the corner.

"It's not a box, it's a ship," Tony said. "JARVIS, any chance of you getting a scan of the inside?"

"I'm afraid not, Sir. She's a wonderful conversationalist, but is quite firm that no one is getting a look at her insides, at least not without a proper introduction first," JARVIS replied. "So nice to meet a proper lady after so many years."

Tony stopped cold and his mind filled with images of his AI marrying the TARDIS and little blue baby robots running around the tower. He blinked a few times and walked into the fridge. Barton started laughing. "You okay there, Tony?"

"Huh, oh, yeah fine. I think. Fine, I think, very fine," Tony muttered, rubbing his nose. "What was I doing again?"

"Sitting down and letting me cook," Jack said, sweeping into the kitchen. "Tony, why is your nose red?"

"He ran into the fridge," Barton called.

"Oh, Tony," Jack said. He kissed the tip of Tony's nose and grinned. "What happened?"

"I'll tell you later, when we're alone," Tony said. He moved to sit next to Barton and poked the archer. "It's not nice to laugh at someone else's pain, you know."

"Yeah, I know," Barton said. "If you'd really been hurt, I wouldn't have been laughing. Hey there, Doctor, are you going to join us?"

"I didn't want to intrude," the Doctor said. He sat down where he could see everyone and smiled. "So, super heroes, that's cool. Fighting aliens though, not so cool."

"Yeah, well, you didn't see them, Doctor," Steve said. "We didn't have much of a choice."

"Oh, there's always a choice. Yes, there's so much that humans have to learn, so many baby steps to take out into the universe," he said. "I should see about getting a copy of the Shadow Proclamation to leave here. That would help you all."

"Doc, no offense, but I saw these most recent aliens and they didn't look like they really would've cared about the universal laws," Jack said. "They were more of the shoot first and throw out the rest later type."

The Doctor sighed. "Oh, I do hate that sort. So, Tony, Jack told me what all has happened," he said. "Do you want my help?"

"Help with what?" Steve asked.

"Is he always this inquisitive?" the Doctor asked turning to look at Steve.

"Sir," JARVIS interrupted, "your breakfast has arrived. Where would you like to eat it?"

"Breakfast?" Tony asked, looking around.

"Ah, yes, that would be my food," the Doctor replied with a smile. "Here would be lovely, JARVIS, thank you so much."

"It was my pleasure, Sir," JARVIS said.

The Avengers all took a step back when the Doctor's food was spread out in the breakfast bar in front of him. "Is there a problem?" he asked.

"You're really going to eat that?" Natasha asked.

"Of course, it really is quite delightful, even if it does make me sad."

"They ate it with you, huh Doc?"

"Yes, Jack, they did," the Doctor said. "Still, those are some of my happier memories, so I won't waste the food. Tony, you never answered my question, did you want my help or is this something Jack planned without talking to you about it?"

Tony decided there were odder things in the world to eat than fish fingers and custard and sat back down at the breakfast bar. Hell, he'd probably even eaten some of them when he was programming and lost track of things. "He talked to me about it, back when I was dying and we were trying to come up with options. It's something I want, Doctor. It would lead to more challenges, but it's something I would love to have happen."

"Good, well then, after you've eaten, we can see what the TARDIS makes of you," the Doctor said.

"You'll love her, Tony," Jack said. He slid a plate in front of Tony and one in front of Barton. "There's plenty Captain, Natasha, help yourselves."

"Why do they get service and we don't?" Natasha asked.

"Because they're treating me like I'm human and not a monster," Jack replied easily. "Kindness goes a long way in the universe, right, Doc?"

"Quite right," the Doctor agreed. "Jack is one of the most honest people you'll meet. He's brave, he cares deeply for others and he will always put himself in the way of danger if it means someone else will be safe. Such a brilliant man."

Jack hopped up onto the breakfast bar and leaned back against one of the supports. "Thanks, Doctor," he said softly.

"You deserve to hear it, Jack. Now, everyone eat up. We have tests to run and adventures to be had," the Doctor said, clapping his hands. "I love new things."


"Doctor, Sir," JARVIS said as the Doctor was opening the door to the TARDIS. "Would you ask your ship if she would be willing to exchange more information with me?"

Tony walked into the side of the TARDIS, his mind once again filled with small blue robots running around his tower. Jack caught him as he stumbled back. "You are so telling me what's going through that head of yours, Tony."

"I'll ask her, JARVIS, but never let it be said that anyone can predict exactly what a woman will want," the Doctor said with a small smile.

"How very true. Thank you, Sir."

"The things they could learn from each other boggles even my rather expansive mind," Tony said as the door shut behind them. "Wow, this is awesome."

"Welcome to the TARDIS, Tony," Jack said. "She's sentient and knows everything that happens in and around her. She's also very opinionated."

"Only with you, Jack," the Doctor said.

Jack laughed. "So that wasn't you I saw getting shocked when we were doing repairs that one time?" he asked. "She didn't like his hand where it was."

"Yes, well, she and I have a complicated relationship," the Doctor grinned. "So, Tony, you have metal in or near your heart that you want to be rid of, correct?"

"Yeah," Tony said. "They're too tiny for modern day medicine to remove, or something like that. I wasn't really that alert when it was explained to me, and I've never let a doctor get near me to find out what it really looks like in there. I just know that if the arc reactor fails, I'm dead. Well, dead repeatedly until the reactor is restarted."

"Old girl, what do you think?" the Doctor asked, running the sonic screwdriver over the arc reactor and Tony's chest.

The TARDIS turned on a monitor and started to flash information across it. Tony watched, puzzled and awed. "Is that an alien language?"

"Yes," the Doctor said. "I'm sure that your friend JARVIS has picked up a little of it from talking with the TARDIS, but it's a temporal language and impossible for humans to understand. However, she says that she can see the shrapnel and it's nesting just inside your chest cavity, almost hugging your heart. We would be able to get it, and the arc reactor out, but you would die in the process."

"Do it," Tony said.

"Tony," Jack said, "are you positive?"

"I can build a mini-reactor to power the suit and I won't have to worry about how I sleep or if the arc reactor is going to fail on me," Tony said. "I could have a relationship again, Jack. I miss it, even with how scared I am to let people touch me. I'd like to try."

"How long will it take, Doc?" Jack asked.

"Three hours, maybe four to allow for bone and tissue to be regrown," the Doctor said. "I'll take care of him, Jack. You go and tend to his team."

Jack pulled Tony into a tight hug. "I'll be waiting when you wake up, kiddo," he whispered. "You're not getting rid of me that easily."

"Bring Barton?" Tony asked.

"Of course. Doctor, I'll also see if I can get Director Fury to come visit. He's the one you wanted to talk to about the tech."

"Ah, yes, thank you, Jack," the Doctor said. "I'll have the TARDIS keep JARVIS updated on the progress of the operation, and call you back when it's done."

"Thanks, Doc," Jack said. He kissed the top of Tony's head. "See you in a bit, kiddo."


"Where's Tony?"

Jack shut the door of the TARDIS behind him and made sure it was locked. He'd be able to get back in because she liked him, but no one else would unless the Doctor unlocked it first. "He's staying with the Doctor for a bit," he said with an easy grin. "They've really hit it off and are talking tech."

"You just left?" Steve asked.

"I'm not exactly that great with tech talk," Jack replied. "I left that to one of my team, she was so brilliant with it, and focused on figuring out what the threat level was most of the time."

"So what are you planning to do now?"

"Well, I need to call Fury and see if he can pencil in a meeting with the Doctor, and then I thought I'd go back up to the roof and rest for a bit," Jack said. "It's nice up there, quiet and peaceful. Good environment for thinking."

"You're not going anywhere without an escort."

"I like escorts," Jack grinned. "Oh, wait, you mean the other sort. Damn, thought I was going to get lucky after all. Oh well, where's Agent Barton? He had some questions for me."

"Barton's busy," Steve said. "I'll escort you."

"No offense, chuckles, but you're really not my type," Jack said. "Guess I'll just stay here and think then. JARVIS, would you call Fury for me?"

"Of course, Sir," JARVIS said. "What time would you like to meet with him?"

"Let's not be pushy, this isn't officially Torchwood business, so see about late tonight or tomorrow morning," Jack said. "Let him know, also, that I can make this official Torchwood business if he wants me to."

"Very good, Sir. Anything else?"

"Yeah, let Barton know I need to talk to him when he's free," Jack said. He ignored the dip in the sofa when Steve sat down next to him.

"Yes, Sir," JARVIS said.

Jack leaned back and closed his eyes. He knew that the Doctor would take care of Tony, that things would happen and that Tony would die, but he'd come back and Jack wasn't at risk of losing him forever. Just until the heart and chest rebuilt and Tony decided to wake up, and Jack would be able to be next to him for that part of it. He knew what Tony would be feeling when he came back, the sort of agony the first breath into previously dead lungs could cause, and knowing that it would only be worse with the healing that Tony would be going through.

He grinned when he thought about Tony free of the arc reactor and wondered if maybe they shouldn't talk about making a small dummy one for him to wear in public and around others because Tony had planned to use that as his excuse for living forever. Jack knew that Tony would enjoy that sort of a prank, and the challenge involved in creating it.

"What are you grinning about?" Steve's voice broke into his thoughts.

"Just thinking about something I wanted to ask Tony," Jack said, not opening his eyes. He reached out and caught the hand reaching towards him. "New flash, Captain Rogers, I don't like being touched by people who hate me. Well, not unless I've done something to really deserve their hate, but even then it's not fun."

"What do you want from Tony?"

"Nothing." Jack looked over at Steve and blinked a few times. "I want him to be healthy and happy and live his life as he wants to. Not that I think anyone could really stop him, but the hope is there."

"You're a conman, did you take things from Howard?"

"I'm starting to get the feeling that mentioning that was a mistake," Jack said. "I haven't run a con on anyone in centuries. My last one was a flop, I almost wiped out the human race in the process, and I sacrificed my life to save them. This was before I couldn't die, so it was a real sacrifice, not what you're thinking."

"Then why are you still here?"

"Because that man in there with Tony, the Doctor, rescued me at the last second," Jack said. "He's seen the worst of the universe, saved worlds from those who would destroy them and dance on the remains of the race that lived there before. He trusts me. Tony trusts me. Seems to me that you need to take a step back and think things over before you make a complete and total fool of yourself."

"You can't trust a conman." Steve crossed his arms over his chest. "Everything they say and do is a lie that benefits them and no one else."

"That's a nice argument there and almost iron tight because if I say I'm not lying, and you think I am lying then the question is if I am lying or not," Jack said. "But if I lie to you and tell you that I'm lying and you think that I'm a liar, then I'm not lying. On the other hand, I could tell you to go stuff yourself and we'd be fine."

Laughter from the doorway caught their attention. Barton was leaning against the jam laughing so hard that his legs were about to give out under him. "That, that has to be one of the most warped arguments I've ever heard in my life," he managed to get out.

"That's nothing," Jack said, lips twitching. "I've caused temporal paradoxes before, you know. There's nothing as embarrassing as waking up with yourself in your lover's bed. Although, Ianto did seem to enjoy it while it lasted."

"Do you have anything to remember him by?" Barton asked. He perched on the back of the sofa. "How'd he die?"

"A bad group of aliens got him and I wasn't fast enough to save him," Jack said. "I've got a few of his things, like his diary and his favorite tie, but I'd give them back in a second if it meant that I could have him back."

"So go back and get him," Steve said. "You said you're a time agent, whatever the hell that is, and you're immortal. Just take a trip back in time and pull him out."

"I can't."

"Why not, it sounds like you've hopped around time enough," Steve said.

Barton read the look on Jack's face and ducked a split second before the explosion. "What do you know about it, Mr. Sanctimonious?" Jack demanded in an icy tone. "You think that it's easy to just flit back and time and fix something? There are timelines in place and messing with them is enough to make the whole universe explode. End life for unknown millions of beings for some selfish impulse? Ianto would shoot me on sight if he knew that I'd done something like that. So I'm not a poster child held up for children to mimic, I've made mistakes, but I have always fixed them. I've lost more than you can ever imagine and will suffer loss for the rest of time. There is no way to fix me. Even Tony will leave me someday, sick and tired of me hanging around. He'll hate me for what happened to him and then I'll be alone again. Alone and in pain with no one to care about it. So yeah, why not just go back in time and pick up Ianto? Hell, I could save the rest of my team too. I know when they're going to die, who is going to kill them, I'll just go rip them from their timeline so I can have family around me for another forty or so years. They'll be out of place, but what the hell, at least I won't be alone. You never mess with time. Ever. Time is fixed and there is nothing that can change that. Ianto died a hero and I would never be selfish enough to take that away from him."

Jack touched the door of the TARDIS and it swung open for him. He vanished inside without a look back and slammed the door behind him. JARVIS coughed politely. "Agent Barton, the Doctor wishes me to inform you that Mr. Stark's vitals are within normal and acceptable parameters for the early stage of the operation. There is no way to estimate when he will die, but the Doctor believes that it will be soon. He will inform us when Mr. Stark comes back to life."


Next part of Finding Heart.