Title: Friction
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: R
Table: C, lover100
Prompt: 68, Floor
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor or Jack Harkness. Please do not sue.


"I can't believe I let you talk me into this," the Doctor grumbled as he trudged along behind Jack. "Going back into the past is one thing, but going back into a time and place that I don't know much about is quite another."

"Oh, come on, Doc. Look at it as being an adventure," Jack told him, turning around to grin at the Time Lord. "You don't know anything about a lot of the planets you land on, do you? Look at this as just being another one of those."

"Jack, we're in the middle of a war zone," the Doctor said, stopping in his tracks and spreading his hands out in front of him. "We could be ambushed by some .... squadron, or whatever they're called, at any time."

"And we might not see a single person out here for days," Jack pointed out, shrugging. "We can take care of ourselves, Doctor. Don't be so paranoid."

"We've had some very narrow escapes trying to 'take care of ourselves,'" the Doctor retorted, sighing and following Jack as the immortal began walking again. "Where are we headed, anyway? And how do you know this place?"

"Remember, I lived through the war once," Jack told him, his voice deceptively quiet. "I know a lot about it -- I was there. I guess that's one thing I have to thank you for, Doc. If you hadn't left me there, I'd still be the person I was before I lived through so much."

The Doctor stopped walking again, his hands on his hips. "Jack, if you're going to keep coming back to that and blaming me for it for the rest of our days ...."

Jack shook his head, sighing. "I'm not blaming you. I'm serious, Doctor. I was .... kind of a spoiled brat when we first met. I was pissed off at you for leaving me -- abandoning me, I should say -- but it might just be the best thing anybody ever did for me, in the long run."

"Really?" The Doctor looked surprised at Jack's words. "In that case, I'm glad I did it. You were starting to become awfully obnoxious."

Jack fell back a bit, giving the Doctor a chance to catch up and walk beside him, instead of a few steps behind. He looped one arm around the Time Lord's slim waist, drawing the other man close against his side. "Was I? Well, you found a way to deal with it."

"By running way, more or less." The Doctor looked down at the path they were walking on; it was as though he couldn't quite bring himself to face his lover. "I'm sorry, Jack. Really, I am. I just .... I couldn't deal with what you'd become, not then."

"I know. It scared you because it was something that wasn't ever meant to be." Jack's voice was soft, a little husky. "I couldn't understand why you felt that way at first -- but now I can relate to that feeling all too well."

"If I had it to do over again ...." The Doctor's voice trailed off, a thoughtful look on his face. "No, I can't say that I'd do it differently. I think I made the right choice then, even though I know you didn't thank me for it at the time."

"Well, that's putting me in my place!" Jack shook his head, laughing, reaching out to take the Doctor's hand in his. "You're lucky I think so much of you."

The Doctor didn't meet his gaze, looking down at the path again, then glancing around them. "Jack, is that the cabin you're looking for?" he asked, raising a hand and pointing ahead of them. "I can't say that it looks very hospitable."

"It's not supposed to be hospitable. We're out here in the middle of the woods, after all." Jack shaded his eyes, squinting ahead of him. "Yeah, that's it. Who'd have thought that you'd see it before I did? Miracles never cease."

"Jack ...." The Doctor tugged at the other man's arm, making Jack stop and turn around with a questioning look on his face. "I wasn't trying to 'put you in your place.' I was just saying that if I'd done things differently -- then we wouldn't be together now."

"I know what you meant, Doctor." Jack pulled the other man close to him again, so close that their hearts were thudding against each other's chests, their lips nearly touching. "After all the time I've spent with you, I think I understand you pretty well."

"I can't say the same about you -- but I'm learning," the Doctor told him, a relieved smile breaking over his features. "Rather rapidly, I think."

"And what does this tell you?" Jack murmured, raising one hand to stroke the Doctor's tawny hair, his mouth coming down on the Time Lord's in a kiss that took the other man's breath away. He was almost gasping when Jack raised his head, his dark eyes dazed and unfocused.

"That you want me?" he ventured in answer to Jack's question, his voice breathless.

"Exactly right," Jack whispered, his lips warm against the sensitive shell of the Doctor's ear. "And that I'm going to have you when we get into that cabin -- right there on the floor. So be prepared to be ravished the second that door closes."

"I think I could handle that," the Doctor replied, his voice still sounding a little shaky. "But only if you promise me one thing, Jack Harkness." He pulled away slightly, and Jack loosened his grip on the other man, though he was loath to let the Doctor go.

"What's that?" Jack asked, raising his brows as he asked the question. "If you want me to use a condom, I think you're out of luck."

"That you let me lie down on something. From the looks of the place, there won't exactly be comfortable rugs spread out on the floor -- and I definitely don't fancy getting splinters up my arse," the Time Lord said, his hands resting on his hips again.

Jack couldn't keep himself from bursting into laughter at the Doctor's words, but he managed to get a few words out. "I think I can promise you that -- even if it's just your coat or my shirt. Besides, I don't want anything up that ass but my cock."

"Good," the Doctor told him, heading towards the cabin. "Now, are we going in or not?"

"Well, you're right about there not being a very warm welcome or many comforts," Jack said, turning to look at the cabin. "But I think we might be lucky enough to have a bed. Still .... I think the floor sounds like a good place, don't you? Lots of .... friction."

The Doctor turned around for a moment to glare at him -- but Jack couldn't suppress a smug smile when the Time Lord seemed to pick up his pace, as though he couldn't wait to get into the cabin and find out just what Jack had in store for him.

The immortal stood there watching the Doctor walk off, admiring the way the other man's body moved. Was he aware of how much he aroused Jack just by .... well, just by being himself, and looking so damn gorgeous that it was hard to concentrate when he was around?

Probably not. But Jack was going to show him just how much of a distraction he could be -- and make sure that they both enjoyed themselves in the process.

Jack couldn't help grinning as he hurried after the Time Lord. The Doctor definitely seemed to be in a bit of a hurry -- and he had to admit that he was looking forward to what was going to happen when they went in and the door closed.
