Title: Give the Game Away
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: NC-17
Table: VRD challenge - Pink, 5_prompts
Prompt: Blushing with embarrassment
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor or Jack Harkness. Please do not sue.


"I can't believe you're going to all this trouble just to find a book," the Doctor sighed, shaking his head as he followed Jack to the information booth in the bookshop. "Why don't you just check it out from the library? It isn't as though you can incur any late fees."

Jack rolled his eyes, slipping an arm around the Doctor's waist as they walked through the store. "With the way you overshoot the mark sometimes, I could end up owing thousands of bucks for one book. I'm not going to take that chance."

"There's another reason too, isn't there?" the Time Lord demanded, his eyes narrowing. "You're not just here for that book. I know you better than that. And anyway, since when did you want a book that's about sex? You don't need an instruction manual."

"Hey, Doc, even I can't remember all the position in the gay Kama Sutra," Jack laughed, shaking his head. "I'm good, but I don't have a photographic memory. I need that book to refresh that memory and make sure that we don't leave out any positions."

"I still don't think you're telling me the entire truth about why we're here," the Doctor said, narrowing his eyes as he glanced at his boyfriend. "It's not like you to expect to get ideas about sexual positions from a book. There's something you're holding back, Jack Harkness."

"Who, me?" Jack asked as they stopped in front of the service desk. He smiled at the girl behind the desk, leaning one elbow on the smooth surface and obviously turning on the patented Harkness charm. "Hi, I have a question about a book. Maybe you can help me."

Jack's arm was still around the Doctor's waist, holding the Time Lord close against him. He wanted to move away, but for some reason, Jack's hold on him wasn't loosening; he almost frowned at the other man, then decided against it, choosing to simply stand there and wait.

It took him a few moments to realize that Jack's hand, hidden under the folds of his long suede coat, was moving under the waistband of his jeans. What in the world was Jack doing? he thought, casting a warning glance at his boyfriend.

But Jack didn't seem to notice that the Doctor thought anything was amiss; his hand slid into the Doctor's jeans while he kept up a steady stream of conversation with the teenage girl working behind the desk, asking her to look up a few books in the system for him.

The Doctor wanted to wriggle away, but he didn't dare. He knew all too well that if he tried to do that, he'd only cause attention to be directed at them -- and it was very possible that people might be able to see just what Jack was doing. He didn't want that.

His eyes widened as Jack's hand slid over the curve of his ass, one finger trailing down the cleft between his buttocks. He had to hold back a sharp gasp; the only sound that came out was a soft hiss of breath, a sound that no one other than Jack seemed to hear.

Jack merely glanced at him, a teasing grin on his face; he knew that the Doctor wasn't going to make any mroe noise than he had to, for fear of giving away what was going on. And he was obviously enjoying the fact that he was completely in control of the situation.

The Doctor had to force back an almost pained gasp when one finger slid inside him; as it was, his hips bucked forward slightly, his eyes widening in shock. His gaze flew to Jack's face, wondering if his lover would acknowledge what he was doing in any way.

But Jack didn't say a thing; he didn't even look at the Doctor. He simply kept talking to the clerk, pointing to the computer screen that was now turned to face him and ignoring the fact that he was, in the Time Lord's eyes, behaving very badly in a public place.

If Jack didn't stop soon .... he waited for a second finger to enter him, but it didn't happen. That one digit pressed deeper, probing, searching for his prostate. He struggled not to make a sound, resisting the urge to push his hips back against Jack's hand.

The Doctor could feel a pink blush of embarrassment spreading over his face; he could tell exactly when that flush moved up his neck to his face, staining his cheeks. He was surprised that no one was casting him odd looks, but not one person seemed to notice his discomfort.

His eyelids fluttered closed as that searching finger stroked his prostate, once, then twice. He didn't know if Jack intended to make him come right there in the bookshop, but he hoped not. He was sure that he wouldn't be able to hold back a moan if he did.

That finger stroked against his prostate again, heightening the blush in his cheeks until he felt as if his face was flaming. It was becoming harder and harder not to push his hips back forcefully against the intrusion, or to let out a soft groan that would give the game away.

Just when he thought he wouldn't be able to keep himself from crying out from the pleasurable sensations that were coursing over his body, the finger slid out of him, and Jack was removing his hand from his jeans -- but not before he squeezed one firm ass cheek in his palm.

He was brought back to the present when Jack's arm curled around his waist, pulling him close. His lover was thanking the girl; she cast a curious glance at the Doctor, as though reprimanding him for his silence, and then walked away as Jack turned to him.

"What was that all about?" the Doctor demanded, his voice a hissing whisper. "Do you know what you were doing to me? And are you out of your mind? What if I'd moaned out loud? Everyone would have known what was going on, and I'd have been too embarrassed to show my face!"

"I wanted to see just how much stimulation you could take without making a sound," Jack told him, that wicked grin hovering around the corners of his lips. "Don't worry, I knew just when to stop, didn't I? And I knew you wouldn't give the game away by making noise."

"You are evil, Jack Harkness," the Doctor told him, unable to repress a tiny hint of a smile. "You always know how to make me blush with embarrassment, don't you? I should deny you sex for the next few days. That would put you in your place."

"But you won't," Jack told him with a soft laugh. "And I think we need to head for the nearest bathroom right now and finish what we started." Tightening his arm around the Doctor's waist, he steered the Time Lord in the direction of the bathrooms at the rear of the store.

"Jack! Are you crazy?" the Doctor asked him, his voice still barely above a whisper. "There may be people in there! Anyone could come in and hear us!" But he had to admit that he wanted Jack -- and that the prospect of having sex in a semi-public place was exciting.

"Yeah, I'm crazy. Crazy for you," Jack whispered, turning his head to nibble gently at the Time Lord's ear. He guided the Time Lord to the back of the store, only pausing for a moment to kiss his lover before he followed the Doctor into the mens' room and let the door close quietly behind them.
