Title: Original Sin
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: R
Table: 2
Prompt: 45, Sinful
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor or Jack Harkness. Please do not sue.


"You know, I think everyone who knows us would say that we're being sinful and decadent to stay in bed all day like this," the Doctor told Jack, turning onto his side and propping his head on one hand. "It really is rather lazy of us, you know."

Jack didn't answer for a few moments, merely smiling and raising an eyebrow. He leaned back against the pillows of their bed on the Tardis, his hands behind his head, looking up at the ceiling as though he was searching for something there.

Finally, he spoke, his words soft. "If people want to think we're lazy, then I don't care. Truth is, I have a beautiful boyfriend who I love more than I'd ever thought I could love anybody. So I don't think any of my friends would tell me I can't spend time with him."

The Doctor opened his mouth, but no words came out. His dark eyes widened in surprise; he looked thunderstruck, as though he couldn't believe what Jack had just said.

After a few moments, the Time Lord seemed to recover his power of speech. "Did you just say that .... you love me?" His voice sounded strained and choked, the words barely able to come out. "Or did I just think I heard that?"

Jack shook his head, a smile curving his lips as he turned over onto his side, mirroring the Doctor's position. "No, you heard right. I do love you. Haven't you figured that out yet, Doc? After all the time I've been with you, that's one thing you should know."

"How can I know it if you never say it?" the Doctor retaliated, his brows raising as though in question. "You've never told me that you loved me before, Jack Harkness. Not once. Well, you've said it -- but it was always in jest."

The immortal shook his head, his voice even softer when he spoke again. "No. It was never in jest. When I said I loved you -- I meant it."

"But you don't believe in love," the Doctor whispered, his voice still strained, a note of sadness in the words. "You might love people, but you don't fall in love. Your love affairs never last for long -- you're always on to the next one without looking back."

He didn't expect Jack's sudden movement; the immortal rolled over on top of him, his hands pinning the slender Time Lord's wrists to the pillow beside his head as Jack straddled him. The Doctor let out a startled gasp, the only sound he could make at the moment.

Jack leaned down until their lips were nearly touching; the Doctor could feel the warmth of the other man's body against his own, their breaths mingling. That gaze was fixed on him; their eyes locked, neither of them moving a muscle for several seconds.

"Maybe I haven't believed in love with anybody else," Jack conceded, his voice low and husky. "But maybe I just hadn't found the right person to fall in love with."

He leaned down further, his mouth capturing the Doctor's lips. The hot, searing kiss took the Time Lord's breath away; when Jack finally pulled back slightly, he was again speechless, his senses whirling in a vortex that he couldn't find his way out of.

"I think I should prove just how much I love you -- by making love to you until you're too exhausted to say that I can't be in love," Jack murmured, his hands moving down the Doctor's sides to rest on his hips. "I think you might need convincing."

"Jack ...." The Doctor shook his head, his voice coming back to him in a rush. "You can't prove the existence of love by the physical action of making love. The emotion has to be there. Love isn't just about two bodies. It's about two souls."

"And in our case, three hearts," Jack said with a grin. He sat back on his heels, tilting his head to one side and regarding the Doctor seriously before he spoke again.

"Doctor, I know there's more to being in love than making love. And I know that having sex with you isn't going to prove for good and all time that I love you. But it's the best way I know of to show how I feel, and I think you like it too, even if you won't admit it."

"Of course I like it!" The Doctor's words came quickly, so quickly that they made Jack grin again. "It isn't that I don't want you to make love to me, Jack. I just don't want you to think that loving someone is all about the physical side of things."

"You know I don't think that." Jack reached out to cup the Doctor's cheek, his thumb rubbing gently across the Time Lord's heart-shaped upper lip. "Do you think I'd have stayed with you this long if I didn't love you and want to be with you?"

The Doctor didn't quite know what to say to that, but he was forced to shake his head, his dark eyes meeting Jack's gaze again.

"I doubt you would have," he whispered, his eyes fixed on Jack's face. "But with your track record of having meaningless relationships that you walk away from, how can I be sure? Because I don't want to be left alone again, Jack. I can't take that. Not from you."

"You won't have to," Jack told him, visibly swallowing. "Do you think it would be easy for me to leave you like it's been for me to leave other people in the past? I can't do it, Doctor. I can't even think about it without feeling like I'd rather be dead."

"I would feel dead without you," the Doctor said softly, blinking back tears. "You mean more to me than anyone else ever has, Jack. Losing you would be worse than regenerating, worse than losing a part of myself. I'd be losing my hearts."

"I thought you'd already given up your hearts," Jack countered, a small smile curving his lips again. "To me. Unless you took them back when I wasn't looking."

"Of course I didn't," the Doctor told him, his own lips curving in a smile, the seriousness of a few moments before laid aside. "You'll have my hearts for a very long time to come, Jack. I might even say that you'll have them forever."

"That's good," Jack whispered, bending down to press a gentle kiss to the Doctor's cheek. "Because there's nowhere else those hearts would be safer. I know that I don't have a good track record, Doctor -- but records are meant to be broken."

"Indeed they are," the Doctor agreed, smiling up at his lover. "Now, what do you say that we get started on a bit of sinful activity, to live up to what your friends may be thinking that we're doing right now? We may as well prove them right."

"Oh, that won't be a problem," Jack assured him, his hands starting to move down the Doctor's body again, eliciting a soft groan of pleasure from the Time Lord.

"You're the most sinful man I know," the Doctor gasped as Jack's hand moved between his legs, fingers stroking over the soft skin of his inner thighs. "Whatever people might be thinking about us, they can be assured that their thoughts are probably exactly right."

"I'm sure we can come up with plenty of ideas for enough original sin to satisfy their thoughts," Jack laughed, moving his hand between the Doctor's legs and smiling as his touch brought another soft moan from the man beneath him.
