Title: Untitled
By: lower-case-me
Pairing: gen
Rating: G
Characters: Everyone but Jack, although he is talked about.
Spoilers: Small Worlds, oblique Cyberwoman.
Summary: Chatting over coffee, post Small Worlds.


'It just makes me wonder what else we don't know about Jack Harkness, that's all' Gwen said, taking her coffee from the tray.
'Apart from everything, you mean' Owen said.
'He just let her go?' Tosh frowned.
'For the hundredth time, yes' said Owen, rolling his eyes. 'He just let her go.'
'That poor mother, she'd just lost her boyfriend and then her little girl as well' Gwen continued, genuinely upset.
'That's terrible' said Tosh, equally appalled.
'So Jack has a ruthless streak. No big surprise.' Owen snorted and put his feet up on the table.
'What do you mean, no big surprise, Owen? He's done things like this before?'
'Well no, not that I know of, but the man's obviously hiding something.'
'It isn't that.'

Tosh, Gwen and Owen turned around. Ianto was behind them, empty tray in one hand.
'What?' Owen said, his tone not friendly.
'If Jack is hiding something, it isn't that. You don't know anything about that little girl. It could be that she had reasons for wanting to someone to come and take her away.'
'Her mother loves her, Ianto. If you'd been there you would have seen that' Gwen said sharply.
'Love isn't always enough. Especially when it's easier not to see what's happening to the people in front of you.'
'Are you saying that girl was abused? There's no way you can know that' Tosh said, taking a sip of coffee.
'I'm not saying anything, except that none of us knows what goes on behind the eyes of another. That includes the little girl as much as it does Jack Harkness.'

Ianto looked at the three of them sitting there together, and left without making another sound.
