Title: Vanity
By: Flo Wynn
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: 15
Disclaimer: Not mind. Torchwood belongs to RTD and the BBC.
Spoilers: Cyberwoman (1.4)
Summary: Based upon prompt 3: Vanity.


The first time Ianto told Jack he loved him was a two weeks after Lisa tried to kill them all, two weeks after Jack killed Lisa. Jack had made a huge effort to be with Ianto for several hours each day during his suspension, and lately his nocturnal visits were turning into sleepovers. Ianto hadn't planned it this way and he truly believed Jack hadn't either. But now the respect and admiration Ianto had always had for Captain Jack Harkness had changed into something deeper. And since Jack was so keen on their new (non)relationship being based on trust and honesty (honesty on Ianto's side that was – Jack was still a walking, talking mystery man – Ianto felt the need to be honest.


"I love you, Jack." He told him.


Jack didn't freeze or ask him to repeat himself, in fact he failed to react leaving Ianto with the strong suspicion that Jack had already guessed how he felt, and it wouldn't shock Ianto to hear the other man say 'I know' because honestly, Ianto sucked at hiding his emotions except when he hid behind his butler façade, and it was hard to play butler when he was coming inside Jack's mouth.


"Everybody does," Jack said finally, giving Ianto a cocky, false smile before getting up and heading towards the bathroom stark naked.


"Careful Sir, your vanity is showing!" Ianto muttered to himself sarcastically before he wondered off to pour himself a drink, something stronger than coffee, something with a kick in it to take away the feeling that he'd just been sucker punched in the gut.


Inside Ianto's small clean bathroom Jack sat on the seat of the toilet and put his head in his hands, feeling every one of his 100+ years.
