Title: Prompt: Oscar Wilde
By: cameragirl
Pairing: Jack/Oscar Wilde
Rating: PG
Summary: Written for the crack!battle on livejournal: In which the Doctor & Jack visit 1894 London & Jack continues to surprise the Doctor.


"Why exactly are we here?" Jack asked, peeking curiously out the TARDIS door.

"Pit stop, a friend I just needed to see. Promised him I'd come back one day." The Doctor said nonchalantly, checking the TARDIS handbrake before grabbing his jacket.

"Friends? Excuse me? You go back and visit people? You don't just leave them?" Jack commented sarcastically.

"Well...You know how it is, you spend a special time with someone you just need to see them every once and a while. Brilliant minds sticking together and all that."

"Are you saying I'm not brilliant enough for you to come back and visit?" Jack asked, insulted by the idea.

"Well, brilliant in many ways but, well, anyway its the year 1894 and my friend is under scrutiny. Something about a ridiculous criminal act. I swear you humans. Make up your mind about politics. Every century a new label that's out to destroy mankind." Rolling his eyes, The Doctor closed the TARDIS door behind them and surveyed the land around them. They were in 1894, London.

"Wait a second Doc..." Jack stopped in his tracks. "If this is 1894...I might well, you know. I had a few friends here myself. And believe me when I say friends I mean well..." Jack bit his lip as the Doctor blinked blankly at him.

"Well avoid yourself and any of your little buddies." He responded simply and started up at a pace that had Jack quickly following.


"There he is, almost to trial in a few months. Thank goodness no one else is around. It would be like Caesar all over again. Never meant to get caught up at that." The Doctor mused. "Oscar! Old chap how are you!"

A man with shoulder length hair turned and looked towards them both.

"Doctor?" A mischievous smile came over his face as he went to say hello. "How have you been..." He said quietly with an air of romance. Then Oscar noticed Jack.

"My word. Jack? How have you been?" He clasped Jack's hand, completely forgetting all about the Doctor.

"What?" The Doctor exclaimed.

"You left so quickly that night...I thought I'd never see you again..." Oscar led Jack away from the Doctor and towards a nearby flat.

"What?" The Doctor watched Jack shoot him a grin. The Captain raised his eyebrows at the Doctor and shouted back:

"Dont wait up!"