Title: Counsellor Stella
Author: JE / immortalje
Pairing: one-sided Danny/Mac, future Danny/Don
Series: 1) Counsellor Stella, 2) Danny in Love, 3) Mac Finds Out
Summary: Danny's picking Stella as his new counsellor.
Rating: FRT
Beta: Zoe

Danny had just returned from his one week of leave. Instead of having fun and relaxing he had attended the funeral of a friend. Despite being only 32 she had died peacefully in her sleep. They had all known of the risk ever since she had survived a bullet in her head. There had always been a chance of a blood vessel being damaged or bursting or a clot that stopped the blood flow, causing all kind of problems, including death. In this case it had affected her unconscious body functions, mainly her heart. It had simply stopped beating while she was asleep.

While he was sad about her death he knew that she’d be happy. She had lost her daughter the day she had gotten shot and now they would be reunited.

It had all stood in the letter she had left him, updated every other week. She had also given him some advice. Well, it was more like she demanded he do it and he felt like complying with her wishes. She had always been looking out for him, ever since they met. And she had always disapproved of him staying in New York. She had predicted all the problems he had encountered so far. Her last request hadn’t been to move somewhere else though. She had accepted that he wanted to prove himself in the city he grew up in. No, her last request had been to tell someone he trusted. Tell them his full history.

That was why he was standing in front of Stella’s flat late at night. He had considered his best friend Don Flack, but they rarely talked about emotional matters. Aiden,… he didn’t really want to talk with her about something like his emotional state. No matter how great their friendship was. Mac, despite the huge crush he had on the other man, was a definite no. The other man had close to no trust in him.

That only left Stella. She also had the positive side effect of being female and a slight mother hen like his friend had been. He was confident that she would understand and make sure that he didn’t do anything stupid.

Sighing, he knocked on the door, hoping that Stella was still up and didn’t have company. It didn’t take long for her to open the door, allowing Danny to hear the TV in the background.

“I hope I’m not disturbing anything. I just wanted to talk. I hope you don’t mind,” explained Danny his presence.

Stella smiled, “Don’t worry. I’ve been watching a repeat alone and considering heading to bed early as I’m bored to death.”

Danny smiled relieved and entered after Stella motioned him in. He pulled of his shoes and hung his jacket up, before following the Greek woman to the living room.

“So what’s on your mind? I hope your holiday managed to cheer you up,” asked Stella.

Danny grimaced, “It wasn’t really a holiday. A friend died and I attended her funeral. Whenever I had a problem or an issue I went to her. She studied psychology so she knew how to help me, aside from the fact that we knew each other since ’92. Her last wish was that I find someone else I trusted to take her position and I wondered…”

“You wondered whether I could do it. Danny, I’m glad you came to me. Now, why don’t you tell me about your friend and what kind of problems I’ll be faced with?” asked Stella.

Danny nodded, leaning back on the couch, “You know St. Helens? The hospital for the mentally ill? It’s not entirely for the worst cases. In July ’92 I was admitted for an eating disorder. I had some problems with my family and had lost all appetite therefore losing a lot of weight. The psychologist I had to talk to wrote it off as being caused by depressions. Considering that I was between having to join the Tanglewood boys because of family and not wanting to and not knowing what to do about it, you might call it depression. I’d say I was hopelessly trying to fight my set future at the time. Couldn’t tell that the psychologist of course. Once I had gained enough weight they concentrated on the reasons and for that they transferred me to the open ward where I met her.”

Stella nodded for Danny to continue. She hadn’t know – or even guessed – that he had ever battled depressions or an eating disorder.

“She was there for the third time and was finally making headway since her psychologist had realised that the real problem was her mother. Anyway, she had “introduced” a new system where the patients cure each other. She made them talk with each other, which makes it easier to find someone to talk to once you’re back outside. She also met her husband there. Anyway, she gave me the way out I had been looking for. Her father worked forensics and she was talking about him non-stop. I found that I liked what she described. The only point we argued about was me staying in New York. She actually predicted all the problems I faced, but she accepted that I wanted to prove myself here. She was shot back in ’98. Her daughter died that day in the same shooting. She… her death was caused by an after effect of the shooting. It helps to know that she’s reunited with her daughter,” continued Danny.

Stella smiled sadly, “I can imagine that. What about her parents?”

“She hasn’t seen her father since the day before she turned 14 because her mother had a restriction order issued. She missed him a lot. Her mother… they never got along and it was her mother who shot her. And all because she would have rather stayed with her father than her mother,” explained Danny.

Stella gasped, “That’s horrible.”

“I know, but it’s the reason why she had such a good understanding of the people around her and why she ended up studying psychology. She knows how it is to be down and she’s able to see a way out when no one else can. She taught me how to go my own way, how to leave my family behind and follow my heart. I always hated violence, ever since I realised how much hurt it causes. Well, as I already told you, I successfully battled my eating disorder and am nearly over the conflict of my youth, but living in New York doesn’t make it easy to completely get over it. Her philosophy was to make a clean break and a new start, which is why she didn’t want me to live here. She was afraid I’d end up so hurt that I’d do something stupid,” finished Danny.

Stella smiled, “I can see you proving yourself. You do good, Danny. In my eyes there is no doubt.”

“I know. Mac is different though, ever since Sonny mentioned my name. Sonny never liked me for throwing a position away he had to fight for,” nodded Danny.

Stella pulled Danny in her arms and hugged him close, “I’ll make sure nobody can hurt you anymore.”

The End