Title: The Long and Winding Road
Author: Dee
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 12887 Pairing: Gil/Nick
Characters: Gil, Nick and various team members and other characters.
Warnings: Fluff and, I think, v.v.v.AU and OOC.
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: In my dreams they are like, totally mine!
Beta: jayceepat and podga for their invaluable help in the Americanisation of the fic and their insightful comments – which I may well have ignored! I thank high_striker for his wonderful icons. I am indebted to them all. Any errors are mine.
A/N: This is Part Nine of Eleven of an ongoing saga. I was actually finishing the whole tale with Cool, but was ‘persuaded’ to continue. It follows on from: What About Sex?, Cool, The Insane Kind, Convoluted, Four Times In Twenty Four Hours, Upping the Ante, BFF and Facing Up. It will help to be familiar with these as they form part of the whole! ALL my legal and medical stuff is either: MADE UP, from House, M.D., Boston Legal or Wikipedia – I am, therefore, (not) an expert!

Now that Gil had met Nick’s parents he could see the family resemblance. Not just the looks; it was obvious that Nick had inherited more than their looks. It seemed they were a strong, capable family, all of them with determination and stubbornness, and Nick had those qualities. But, balancing Nick was his kindness, his compassion and his gentle nature. He could see quite clearly how Nick must have stood out from his siblings. Gil was staring into space, pondering this new evidence, as Nick spoke to him.

“I love you.”

“I know you do.” Nick’s radiant smile greeted him in the mirror.

“Back to bed then and rest up, I've got to find Doc Hollis.”

Nick turned around and faced Gil. “Hug me?”

“I don’t want to hurt you; tell me if I hurt you.” Gil enveloped Nick in a hug, loosely holding Nick to him; Nick put his hands on Gil’s hips and rested his head on his shoulder.

“It’s been a weird few months hasn’t it?”

“Some weird things have happened, but us, Nicky, we’re not weird.”


“Did you really think I would succumb to your charms, in the end?”

“Yes. No. I sometimes thought you would, and then I thought you wouldn’t. Crazy really. I've been very insecure, I know. Always thinking I screwed up. But, suddenly, and it’s because of Sara, this, y’know; suddenly I see that I have turned a corner. I knew, when she was pointing that gun at me, that I’d been loved and if I had to die then I had loved and been loved. Weird, you see? I was very scared, but not scared at the same time.”

Gil pulled away from Nick and looked at him. “I’m sure I don’t understand about love; I know I can read about it and love the words written on a page, and I know that I love you, but at the same time I can’t grasp just how powerful it is when it has you…me, in its clutches.”

“You’ve got ‘me’ in your clutches and I've got you; that seems about right to me.”

“You’re right and it is right; now, come on, you’ve got to get back into bed and rest.”

“Wish you could lie down with me.”

“Me too, me too. Come on.”

They made their slow way back to Nick’s bed and Gil helped him get back in and settle down. He fell asleep within moments, a smile on his face. Gil smiled down at him and smoothed his hair. “Love you,” he whispered.

He now had things to do; to organise. He went to see Marianne, the ward receptionist and asked how he could get to speak to Dr Hollis, urgently.

“Is Nick okay?”

“Oh yes, it’s not about his injury; it’s about him and his parents….” Marianne had heard Gil's call to Mrs Stokes and had herself spoken to the Judge.

As Gil said this she’d picked up the ‘phone and spoke to the person at the other end.

“Would you put out a non-urgent page for Dr Hollis, ask him to contact me ‘urgently’? Yeah, I know it’s contradictory but it’s urgent…you know what it’s like. That’d be great…thanks.”

To Gil she said, “Let’s hope that works. He usually answers his pages; he’s not as bad as he pretends to be.”

“Thank you, Marianne.”

“You’re welcome.”

Gil then sat in the waiting area and called Ed. Ed was due to visit the next morning but if he could be here and on standby that would be good, for Nick and the case.

“May I speak with Ed…it’s Gil Grissom? Ed, that was lucky. Look Judge Benton is coming to the hospital to hear the application for the POA, at nine thirty tomorrow morning……I know it is ridiculous, but the Stokes’ are contesting my application. Will it be possible for you to be here at that time….it would? That would be great Ed; I know Nick would like to see you anyway. He’s handling all of this so well, far better than me in fact. But…I’m trying to rally as much support as I can….I’ve got to go, I need to speak to Dr Hollis and he’s just walking down the corridor. Yeah, thanks again, see you tomorrow about nine. Yes I will.” Gil pocketed his cell and approached the doctor.

“Dr Hollis. I asked Marianne to page you. I need to speak to you.”

“You think I’m at your beck and call?”

“No, but Nick’s ‘estranged’ parents want to contest my application to became his POA. A judge will be coming to see Nick, together with two attorneys, to speak to Nick tomorrow. I need you to, one – confirm that you agree that he is sufficiently healed to undergo the ordeal, because it will be an ordeal; and two - attest that he is capable of making such decisions despite the trauma he’s undergone.”

“I can do both. Estranged. Is that because he’s gay?”

“That would be the most pressing reason, yes, but there’s a catalogue of issues, believe me. They are powerful people, a Judge and a DA from Dallas.”

“He’s made a remarkable recovery so far, I wouldn’t want him to overdo it, but I could be there to see what happens. I could do with a little diversion. Powerful, you say?”

“Supreme Court.”

“That’ll do nicely. What time?”

“Nine thirty.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” And he left.

“That went well. Marianne, could I ask another favour please?”

“Ask away.”

“Nick is due to see Marilyn for his PT at nine thirty tomorrow morning, will you rearrange that for Nick?”

“Of course, no problem. Nick won’t want to see her before the hearing, otherwise he’ll be worn out; so I’ll ask her to come mid afternoon…do you think it’ll be over by then?”

“I hope so, I really hope so.”

Gil wandered back into Nick’s room. His lover was still asleep and Gil marvelled at the description, ‘lover’. A man. Nick Stokes. Lying, with a slight smile on his face, his breathing seemingly normal. Gil leaned on the end of the bed watching Nick; dare he hope that they would get the required outcome tomorrow, that ‘The Fucking Stokes’, would be put in their place?

What Gil kept coming back to was that the Stokes’ were powerful people. He had no fear of Victor Hopkins. Both Nick and he had faced him in a courtroom, and Gil smiled as he remembered Hopkins had lost that case. He’d remind Nick of that when he awoke. Peter had faith in Judge Benton; Gil hoped that she would remain unbiased, but she was fairly vocal as a local judge on the ‘sins’ of Sin City.

Gil shook himself; he was usually quite composed ahead of court hearings, letting the evidence speak for itself, through him, but here he was trying to pre-empt the outcome. But then Nick had never been at stake before. He had mustered the troops as far as he could. Nick’s earlier speech, although it had tired him out, had given Gil so much hope for their future. Nick, rather than being burdened with guilt, seemed to have grown in confidence. He’d accepted Sara’s death, come to terms with it quickly. Gil groaned inwardly.

What if it was just a false sense of security? Although it didn’t seem obvious, perhaps Nick was still in shock. Would he suddenly crumble when he realised the enormity of what he’d faced, what he’d endured and…this was the crux and Gil held onto it…he’d overcome. That was it; Nick had overcome it, he may have days when it'll come back but he’d be supported, Gil would ensure that he had some sort of support around to catch him if he fell.

But, even as he thought about it all, he thought that maybe Nick wouldn’t fall anymore. Maybe he’d faced the worst demon he ever could face and he’d overcome it…the issues with his parents would pale into insignificance, when compared to facing a crazed woman prepared to kill him…but failing.

Nick won.

Gil stood there smiling at Nick. He suddenly felt he ought to be doing something; he’d spoken to all the people he needed to speak to, he’d slept and wasn’t tired, he’d eaten and wasn't hungry. He could do with a coffee. But what then, watch Nick sleep?

Nick stirred. “What are you doing, babe?”

“Watching you sleep.”

“You’re bored, go do some work. Be bored at work, go catch up on paperwork or something, leave me to sleep in peace, but come back when it’s dinner time.

“Letting me go to work to be bored? Would you be okay with that?”

“I’ll be fine; ‘sleeping’ here and you’ve woken me up staring at me. But I don’t want you going out on a case or anything, so do the paperwork and be bored for me, okay? But you’d better get your ass back for dinner. So that gives you, what, three hours?”

“Three hours. Now I don’t know if I do want to leave you.”

“Separation anxiety. You’ll be fine. Go.”

“Dr Stokes now?”

“Yeah…I could wear one of those white lab coats with a stethoscope around my neck….and be naked underneath.” Nick wriggled in bed. “So pleased that Foley’s been taken out.”

“Don’t Nick. Stop having these images. Think pure thoughts.”

“Okay. Pure thoughts. Like what?”


“You can’t think of any pure thoughts of your own, can you? Dirty old man!”

“Not that old, Nicky….”

“Nope. Not old. Go, and be back in three hours. I’m worn out from all this sex talk. I’ll tell Marilyn.”

“You’re the one wearing yourself out. Go back to sleep and three hours will go quickly for you. Here.” Gil walked to Nick’s side and leaned over and kissed him, properly.



“Well go then.”

“Just having a last look.”

“I’ll tell Catherine what a romantic you are.”

“Don’t care.”

“Yes you do.”

“Going. Bye. Love you.” He left the room with Nick’s smile embedded in his brain.

Gil had been chuckling at their silly banter, but he was finding it difficult, walking away. He’d been away before but to do specific things. This was to return to work. Face demons of his own. Where Sara Sidle had worked, where he’d tried to help her and for all that she’d try to kill his love and very nearly succeeded.

He breathed in deeply, and pulled himself up straight as he walked away from Nick’s room; if Nick could do it, he was darn sure he would be able to overcome it too. He just had to overcome tomorrow morning with the Stokes’, the Judge, the DA and Victor Hopkins.

What did they have? Peter Szabo, Ed Stephens, Dr Hollis and their new secret weapon. Nicholas Stokes. He was an extraordinary young man.

Work turned out to be hectic, not from actual work, but from all the queries he had to field about Nick. No one seemed bothered about Sara, and she wasn’t mentioned, nor, Gil concluded, did there seem to be any undercurrent in any of the conversations he had about Nick. He could be wrong, of course, because when had he picked up on ‘undercurrents’? Never. Except, perhaps, now he did.

Was this what Nick and therapy had done to him? He’d developed a sense; a ‘spideysense’ Nick often called it when he had a hunch about something. Gil always called him on it, saying he must look at the evidence, but he had to admit that it did work. Nick’s hunches more often than not, paid off. Perhaps they were educated guesses, though Gil frowned at those too, or at least he used to.

When he’d eventually settled into his office with a cup of decent coffee, courtesy of Greg, he had an hour and a half left before he must get back to Nick. What worried Gil somewhat was that it was exactly that, ninety minutes, and he MUST be back with Nick. No negotiations. He’d joked with Nick, but Nick had been right, it was separation anxiety.

He took several gulps of his coffee and then buckled down and did some work. When he’d cleared a considerable amount of files out of his in-tray, he looked at his watch. He had seventeen minutes to get to the hospital. He was momentarily panic stricken; he forced himself to breath deeply and calm down. He locked his personal stuff away and took his files to Judy and asked her to distribute them for him. No one else was around for him to speak to, and they knew he was returning to the hospital, so he left.

When he got back to Nick’s room he’d been away for three hours and nineteen minutes. As he walked through Nick’s door, Nick was looking at the door…and him.

“You’re late.”

“I know; I’m sorry.”


“No, files. I cleared a lot and didn’t realise the time.”

“You should have said the traffic, I would have believed you.”

“It wouldn’t have been the truth though.”

“No. I love you.”

“Still? After I let you down?”

“Yeah. I bet you were beating yourself up about it as you drove over here.”

“I was.”

“I know. Look I want you to do me a favour. Will you promise me?”

“I don’t know what I’m promising.”

“That’s why you must promise first.”

“God, Nicky, must I?” Now that was a whine, and both men knew it.


Gil stared at Nick, he knew he’d have to do this, but it was so difficult, not knowing what Nick wanted from him, and knowing that whatever it was he wasn’t going to like it.

“Go on. I promise. No crossed fingers either.” He held his hands up to confirm his statement.

“When I’ve had my dinner, I want you to go home and get a good night’s sleep in your own bed. You’ll be fresh then, for tomorrow morning. I want you to be by my side looking good and feeling good. You understand.”

Gil nodded and smiled. “Yes. Okay, I think I can do that. Hey, sweetheart, did you know your voice is almost normal and your breathing….I could hardly tell.”

“I feel good. A bit stiff and achy but generally I’m much better; feel tired, but that’s the blood loss and anaesthetic. I’m in love and I’m loved back - for the first time in my life Gil and what’s most important to me is that I have every right to be…do you understand?”

“Yes I do. I really do. I’ve never had to endure all the things that you have Nick, but we seem to have arrived at exactly the same place in our lives at the same time, different routes maybe….”

“….is this the road trip analogy again?”

“Yes. No. It’s our trip together Nick. I think we’ve just arrived.”

“We have, haven’t we?”

When Nick had finished his dinner and had a bathroom break, Gil walked him back to his bed, Gil promised to be back early the next morning and help Nick shave. He gently hugged Nick to him and kissed him.

“Go now.”

“I will.” Gil kissed Nick again. “I love you; do you think - when this is all over - you’d marry me, Nick?”

“Oh. No!”


“No…I mean you’ve beaten me to it….I wanted to ask you and now you’ve ruined everything.”

“I have? Don’t you want to marry me now, then?”

“Of course I do. Look, pretend you didn’t ask me.”


“Gil Grissom, I love you, will you marry me?”

“Why yes Nick, what a surprise, of course I will.”

They looked at one another and burst out laughing, but Nick had to stop and hold his side.

“Come on, get back in bed.” Gil helped Nick settle in bed and then sat on the side of the bed.

“Does that make us engaged, babe?”

“I believe it does.”

“I can do all the planning while I’m at home recuperating.”


“Yes…new suits, where we do it...Nevada’s not legal…guests, party, honeymoon, the list goes on and on!”

“It does?”

“And on and on.”

“Am I going to regret this?”

“Very probably.”

“I’ll have to view it as a necessary evil.”

“You do that. Now get your ass in gear and go home. Have sweet dreams about me and be back at six thirty. Okay?”

“I feel like a downtrodden spouse already.”

“I’ll make it up to you when I get outta here!”

“Only when you’re well enough.”

“Only when I’m well enough. Now go.”

“Missing you already.” Gil hadn’t moved.


“Okay.” He still hadn’t moved.


“I know. I’m going.” He leaned over Nick and kissed him once more. Nick’s mouth opened and their tongues gently rolled around each others. Gil pulled away.

“It’s hard leaving you.”

“It’s hard watching you go, but for God’s sake Gil, all you’re doing is prolonging the agony.”

“I know.” Gil smiled at Nick and left.

As he walked away from Nick’s room, he was thinking about the huge turnaround in his life; the one where Nick was strong and confident and where he was a mass of insecurities. He smiled to himself. He knew he would regain his equilibrium and that Nick had turned some kind of emotional corner. They would be strong and equal partners and that thought made his chest swell in pride. He chuckled out loud at the physical sensation.

His pace quickened and he made his way to his truck, drove home, ate an apple, showered, went to bed and slept really, really well; whether he did dream about Nick, he didn’t know, but he’d bet that he did. Gil Grissom had a purpose in his life; for the rest of his life.

He was back at the hospital at six twenty, feeling good and strong. He’d brought his shaving kit to shave Nick. Nick was able to shower after having his dressing changed and a huge waterproof dressing put in its place.

When he emerged from the bathroom he looked good, smelled fine and was ready to take on the world. Gil, on the other hand was rather damp from helping Nick with his ablutions. But, ever the practical man, he’d brought with him a suit to wear for the legal wrangling that he was sure would take up the morning. He just hoped Nick would have the stamina for it. Somehow, he thought that he would.

When he’d got back into bed after his shower Nick had eaten all his breakfast and had about an hour before Peter Szabo was due. He said he was going to sleep, to recuperate from his exertions. And that’s what he did.

When Peter arrived he awoke and drank his first cup of coffee since his admission. He savoured every sip. And, he answered all of Peter’s questions directly, absorbed all the information Peter gave him about the proceedings and prepared himself. He was a darn sight more composed than Gil, who had to be sent out of the room to ensure client - lawyer privilege was observed.

Judge Benton would want it to be as quick but as thorough as possible. She would stop straightaway, if she thought that Nick was incapable of continuing. Nick knew that he would have to pace himself and remain calm in the face of the enemy; he had no doubt that his family - his mother and his father - were the enemy. It saddened him, but also hardened his resolve.

Peter also assured him that Gil would be allowed to stay, together with Ed Stephens and Dr Hollis - to ensure Nick was remaining medically stable and capable of enduring the proceedings.

When Ed arrived, Peter had just finished preparing Nick and an agitated Gil, who’d been allowed back into the room.

Nick and Gil were both pleased to see Ed. And Ed was more than professionally happy to see the two men. He regarded them as his model patients, although Gil really wasn’t his patient. He liked both men a great deal. He was also really excited about meeting ‘The Stokes’, but, was going to try and be as enigmatic as he could; he’d worked hard at that over the years, it was a therapist’s stock in trade. But, he seldom had an opportunity to observe such an interesting case at close hand.

Judge Benton arrived next and then the Stokes with Victor Hopkins. They all congregated in the waiting room, while the orderlies prepared Nick’s room with seats for all the ‘guests’.

Dr Hollis arrived last and swept into the waiting room with an imperious manner.

“I am Nick Stokes’ primary surgeon; he’s had a serious injury and while his recovery so far has been remarkable you should ALL bear in mind that he is still recovering and should not be overtaxed or upset by anyone for any reason. I hope I make myself clear.”

There were murmured responses from all present, then Victor Hopkins spoke.

“Are you entirely sure that he is capable of enduring this, given the serious nature of his recent injuries?”

“Absolutely. Nick is good, but then he will tire easily, primarily from the effects of blood loss, shock and the anaesthetic we gave him. But he was in tip top physical condition to start with and that has held him in good stead. I will monitor him during all of the proceedings, which I don’t mind telling you, seem utterly ridiculous to me.

“We are not concerned with your legal opinion, Doctor, merely your medical opinion.” Judge Benton, spoke quietly but with as much authority as the doctor. “Mr Szabo, I understand that Mr Stokes is expecting us?”

“Yes Judge, he is, if you’d follow me?”

Dr Hollis raised his eyebrows at Ed and Gil, who both smirked at the Judge Benton’s put down of Dr Hollis. They followed behind Peter, the Judge and a stenographer. Behind them was the Stokes’ contingent. The three of them, Gil was surprised that Nick’s brother had not attended.

The Judge entered first and caught a nurse helping Nick back into bed.

“Mr Stokes? Are you ready for us?”

“Judge Benton?” Nick guessed. “I just had a bathroom break - didn’t want to have to interrupt the proceedings.”

To the Judge’s and Peter’s astonishment they were treated to a full on, Nick Stokes special grin. A grin that truly lit up his face up and made nonsense of the fact that he was in a hospital bed recovering from a serious injury. Against her professional judgement, and because she couldn’t help herself, Julia Benton smiled back. And then remembered her position; she mustn’t let such a charming young man seduce her away from the case she was about to hear.

“I am Judge Julia Benton. I’ll wait for everyone to settle in before I begin.” She took a seat to one side of the bed and the stenographer sat slightly behind her, where a small table had been set up for her machine.

Gil walked in and Nick’s grin became a softer look of calm and love. Nick spoke to him.

“Hey, I want you sitting by me. Is that okay, Judge?”

“Under the circumstances if that is what you wish I have no objection.”

At that moment Victor Hopkins stood aside and Nick’s mother stood in the doorway with his father right behind her. The three of them had an unrestricted view of each other.

It surprised Gil that Nick spoke first.

“Momma, Daddy, welcome to Las Vegas.” The simple line was delivered in much the same tone as Nick would use to address strangers. Polite, but without any inflection and certainly, in the opinion of a fair number of the people now assembled in the room, any warmth.

“Nick, son, we’ve been so worried.” His mother said, but if she was hoping to convey concern and love and a mother’s worry, she fell a long way short.

Even Victor Hopkins flinched, inwardly. He’d taken the case because these were powerful people but he was going to regret it, he knew that after their first meeting - after it was too late to back down. Though, to his credit, he had warned them that they were not in a winning situation. However, they’d related certain details that he could use in their case.

Nick smiled at his mother. “Yeah, I heard.”

“Son, don’t take….” Judge Stokes just managed to stop himself continuing as all eyes in the room landed on him. Now would not be good time to admonish his son.

“What was that Daddy; ‘don’t take that tone with’ Momma? Is that what you wanted to say?” Nick had very sweetly called his father and scored a resounding first round victory. There wasn’t anyone in the room who didn’t inwardly acknowledge that.

And, Judge Stokes couldn’t resist a retort. (Perhaps Nick knew exactly that, thought Gil.)

“Don’t go putting words in my mouth, son, now’s not the time.”

“No. You got that right.” Nick’s tone had become icy.

Judge Benton knew to put a stop to this. Everyone had filed in and taken a seat. The nine people were tightly packed into the hospital room. Nick was the one with the most room as he sat in his bed. Judge Benton addressed Nick.

“Mr Stokes, I’m here to hear a case as to whether you are competent to make the judgement to choose who should hold your Power of Attorney. I understand that just days ago you were seriously injured. Dr Hollis is your surgeon and he is here to ensure that you are under no undue stress by these proceedings. Equally, I would expect you to say if you need to take a break or even reconvene at another time. Do you understand?”

“Perfectly Ma’am. I tire very easily, due the blood loss and anaesthetic, and I’m real sore, I don’t mind telling you, but as I've pointed out on a number of occasions to a number of people; I am not sick, I was, and am, in perfectly good health, I just got injured.”

“Nevertheless, if…” The Judge was interrupted by Dr Hollis.

“I’d just like to say that Nick is absolutely right, from a medical point of view it was his good health and physical condition that undoubtedly saved his life and has aided his exceptional recovery.”

“Thank you Dr Hollis, however….”

The judge was interrupted again, this time by Victor Hopkins. “Judge, I really do think that we should set ground rules - court rules - about interventions here, this is prejudicial to this…hearing.”

“Thank you, Mr Hopkins, I think I am well aware of the manner of the proceedings we’re undertaking here, and also of the protocol. However, despite Dr Hollis’ intervention, before I was going to continue I was going to ask for his medical opinion, he pre-empted my request. If I may be allowed to continue?”

Victor Hopkins knew this was going from bad to worse. Why on earth the Stokes family was doing this to their youngest son he had no idea; though he guessed it was because he was gay and although they’d been very careful not to appear homophobic, it was that very carefulness that had rung alarm bells. He wished, sincerely, that he could leave right now.

On the other hand, Peter Szabo, though fairly confident beforehand, thought the ‘proceedings’ had started off extremely well. Nick Stokes was going to be a star witness and he knew it.

“Now Mr Stokes, I just want your reassurance that if you do feel you need a break, or a rest that you will let me know, and similarly Dr Hollis, if you detect signs that Mr Stokes needs such a break you should alert me. Do you both understand?”

“I give you my assurance, ma’am.” Nick showed serious concern for the request and once more Peter thought, ‘what a star. He knows just what to do…he may be a better Stokes son than his parents gave him credit for, he has a feel for the theatre of it all, which was exactly what court is all about, when all was said and done’.

“I can assure you Judge, that if I think for a moment that Nick needs a break, I’ll say so.”

“Just as I thought, gentlemen; then let us proceed. Mr Szabo, please.”

“Thank you, your honour…the circumstances surrounding this application are as follows…..” Peter Szabo comprehensively detailed the whole story from Nick’s injury to the application for the Power of Attorney by Gil, on Nick’s behalf. He continued by detailing the petition to oppose the application, made by Nick and Gil, by William and Jillian Stokes, citing that as his parents it was in Nick’s best interests for them to hold the Power of Attorney for their son.

“Mr Stokes.” Peter began to question Nick. “Nick, could you please tell me when you last lived at home with your parents?”

“When I was 18, before I went away to college; I spent vacation time at home but never lived there full time again.”

“And you are now thirty two years old?”

“Yes, very nearly thirty three.”

“Did you still live in the same city as your parents?”

“Yes, in Dallas.”

“Did you see your parents often?”

“No, maybe three, four times a year at the family home, unless I saw my parents in court. Professionally.”

“When did you leave Dallas?”

“Four years nine months ago....to move here, to Vegas.”

“Thank you. Have you seen your parents since you left Dallas?”


“Have you spoken to either parent since you left Dallas?”

“No; not until today.”

“How would you describe your relationship with your parents?”

“There is no relationship. We’ve never seen eye to eye and it seemed the best thing to do was to leave Texas.”

“Did you argue?”

“No, not really. There were lectures about my chosen profession…professions….” Nick gasped, the first time that his diminished lung capacity had become evident.

“Are you okay, Nick?”

“Yeah…just need to…catch my breath.” Gil stood up and handed Nick a glass of water. Nick sipped his water for a few moments and then handed the glass back to Gil with a smile. Gil smiled back and frankly…the silent room could almost hear the sizzle of the electricity between the two men.

“I’ve lost part of my lung and will have to work at my PT to increase the breathing capacity in what remains of my lungs, to compensate for the diminished capacity; but I’m much better already. I’m okay to continue.”

“Just to recap then, you said you did not argue with your parents.”

“I’m sure we must have had some arguments, but I don’t have any memories of any major events.”

“You said you had lectures about your chosen…professions.”

“Yes, because I wouldn’t do what they wanted. They wanted me to be a lawyer, or a doctor, or some kind of ‘professional’ person like my brother and sisters. I didn’t want to do that.”

“Were you a poor student?”

“Straight A’s.”

“And you chose to become a CSI, a Crime Scene Investigator?”

“No, when I left University I became a paramedic, because that’s what I wanted to do. They said I would hate it and I could do better. They were right, as it happens; it got to be boring in the end. So then I became a cop. A police officer. I enjoyed that, I really did but then I became interested in Forensics as a result of that work and returned to the University to study Forensic science.

“Then I became a CSI in Dallas. The problem was, and it also applied to my being a cop, that everyone thought I was being backed by my parents and they were using their influence to further my career. That was not in the least bit true, because they’d washed their hands of me when I became a paramedic. But, you know, the family name and their high profile careers. So I decided to leave and was lucky enough to get a job here at the labs in Vegas.” Nick had spoken all of that clearly, but he was becoming tired and Gil and Dr Hollis both picked up on it.

“Your Honour, I think Nick should have a rest for a few minutes…maybe fifteen minutes.” Dr Hollis spoke up.

“I’m okay Doc; it was just a long speech.”

“I’m telling you, you need to rest.”

“Okay; ten minutes?”

“Ten minutes.”

“Very well if you’re sure, Mr Stokes and Dr Hollis, that that is sufficient time?”

They both answered, “Yes.”

The room was cleared for those minutes though Gil and Dr Hollis stayed with Nick. He really was feeling fine. Though he found it difficult to convince either man.

“Listen to the Doctor, Nick, he knows best.”

“Yeah, okay, but I do feel good. You know what I feel really good about? Seeing them here and knowing they don’t stand a hope in hell’s chance of winning.”

“Nick, don’t say that, you don’t know, you should be very careful, it isn’t over …”

“…until the fat lady sings. I know babe, but come on. Do I look like I’m incapable of making a decision, making up my own mind?”

“He’s got a point.”

“I've been in too many courts to be so confident until I’ve heard the verdict.”

“Doc, give us a couple of minutes will you?” Nick asked Dr Hollis.

“Sure. No making out, though.”

“That’s not funny, I’m still too sore.”

“And that’s too much information.” But he left them alone.

“Gil, don’t be scared, I feel good. I told you I did. I could murder for a coffee.”

“I’ll see what I can do. Rest, you’ve only got a few minutes left.”

Gil left the room and saw the Stokes’ standing with Victor Hopkins. He walked past them to the ward clerk, Marianne. He knew she sometimes had a pot of her own coffee.

“Hey Marianne, any chance of a coffee for Nick. He’s desperate.”

“Anything for my favourite patient.”

“Watch it, he’s taken.”

“I know.” She went into the records office behind her workstation and came back with a mug of coffee, already with cream.

She handed the coffee to Gil and leaned in and spoke softly, “That’s the guy we both spoke to isn’t it…his father?”

Gil leaned in, conspiratorially, and whispered back. “Yes.”

“If you need me as a witness about his manner towards you and Nick I’m your man…errr girl…you know what I mean?”

“I do, thank you…and for the coffee.”

Gil returned to Nick’s room and found him dozing. “Are you really up to this, Nicky?”

“Yep. Coffee. That’ll do me.”

Peter put his head around the door. “Okay to go on?”

“Yep, bring it on!”

Gil rolled his eyes.

The room was reconvened as a court room and after the Judge was satisfied that Nick was indeed fit to continue, they did.

Peter continued his questioning of Nick.

“Nick, you said earlier that you hadn’t spoken to your parents since you left Dallas. Did you make any attempt to contact them?”


“You are ‘gay’, and in a long term relationship with Gil…Gilbert Grissom. How long have you been in this relationship with Dr Grissom?”

“Over two years now. We started out as friends and then became very good friends, and then began a relationship. We are pretty committed…in fact we….” Nick stopped and looked at Gil, raising his eyebrows at him, Gil smiled and nodded. “…we’re planning on, you know, a civil partnership…marriage…thing…”

“Congratulations. Who do you want to hold the Power of Attorney for you, in the case of an emergency or some unforeseen incapacity?”

“Gil Grissom; no one else.”

“If you couldn’t have Dr Grissom who would be your next choice?”

“I haven’t thought about that at all…I suppose a lawyer, you, or Dr Stephens, maybe. Someone I know and trust.”

“Would you choose your parents? Both or either parent?”

“No, I would not.”

“Why is that?”

“Well; we’re not close, they don’t even live nearby for an emergency, and I trust Gil….more. He’s been more supportive and loving and caring than my parents have ever been to me. I have no reason to choose them instead of Gil.”

“Thank you, Nick. I have no more questions, but if you’re okay to continue, Mr Hopkins here, will now ask you some more questions.”

“I’m fine, I want to continue.”

Judge Benton spoke. “Mr Stokes, if you wish we could take another short break before Mr Hopkins begins.”

“I’m fine Your Honour; I’d rather just get this over and done with.”

“Very well. Mr Hopkins?”

“Thank you Your Honour. Mr Stokes, you seem to have made a remarkable recovery in a short time. It is not my wish or that of your parents to make that recovery any more difficult than I’m sure it is, but we need to establish a few facts to enable the Judge to make a sound and proper decision.”

“I don’t understand.”

“What is it you don’t understand?”

“Why anyone, including my parents, would want to question my decision to empower Dr Grissom. It seems to me to be the most natural decision in the world to make the man I love responsible for me if I should become incapable of making decisions. Bearing in mind, of course, that that has not been the case. I was able to sign my own consent form for the surgery for the gunshot wound. I was unconscious for some hours following surgery, but nothing unforeseen happened in that period, so neither Gil, nor anyone else had to take any decisions on my behalf. It’s just that given the circumstance we decided it would be good idea to put the procedures in place…just in case.”

Victor Hopkins was furious with himself, he’d behaved like the youngest, stupidest attorney on the block and given Nick Stokes a platform for his views…he couldn’t intervene for fear of appearing to prejudice Nick Stokes himself, and the Judge, well she chose not to intervene, for whatever reason. He had to think of something quickly to rebut the fine little speech.

“So it would be true to say Mr Stokes, Nick, that you are impetuous? Make a quick decision regardless of the consequences?

Nick laughed, he actually laughed at the question. “As a matter of fact I would say that does describe me, or at least how I used to be. But, as I've got older, I have become more sensible and make much more considered decisions. Like this one. Gil and I are together, and in it for the long run, so it made sense to me, when I was lying in this bed to make sure he looked after me if for any reason I couldn’t. I mean he’s also nominated me to be his Power of Attorney, so it’s mutual.”

“So Mr…Dr Grissom asked for your Power…”

“No. I told him he should do it, and then he said it made sense for me to be his too, and he set the ball rolling. It actually gave him something to do, rather than sit at my bedside, worrying.”

Gil was sitting beside Nick’s bed now, but not worrying; he was listening to him and was amazed. A man, who less than a week ago had been shot, had lost part of his lung was now playing Victor Hopkins like he was a rookie, and that reflected too, on his parents for bringing this ridiculous challenge. He had such an air of self assuredness, of confidence about him; it seemed to Gil that this young man, his Nick, had enormous potential, perhaps his parents had been right about his career choice, maybe he should have studied law. He missed part of the next question.

“……implying that it was just a matter of keeping Dr Grissom occupied, rather than a serious consideration.”

“No. it didn’t occur to me until afterwards that Gil was better off keeping busy doing something than sitting with me. I also made him go back to work when I realised that it was more sensible, and go home to sleep properly than propped up in a chair beside me. Not that I didn’t want you there, babe, but you…..”

“….Mr Stokes, may I remind you that this is still a judicial process and although we are in an informal setting, it is not some informal chat.”

“I apologise, Your Honour.” There were a few people in the room trying desperately to keep straight faces – including Nick.

“Please continue, Mr Hopkins.”

“Thank you. I would suggest, Mr Stokes, that all through your life you have approached things with just such a flippant attitude. That from your parents’ perspective they’ve had to deal with your ‘devil may care’ attitude and attempt to guide you into a more reasoned approach. You have already described that despite being a straight ‘A’ student your impetuous nature caused you choose work that was …beneath your capabilities. This is a correct assumption, is it not?”

Nick was taken aback and momentarily paused in his otherwise assured delivery. When he started to speak, it was deliberate and quite clear.

“I think I tried to be a good boy as a young child, but sometimes…you know how it is? I knew that if I stepped out of line I would get the belt. Daddy’s belt. It was a pretty convincing device. Didn’t stop me getting into some scrapes though, you know, boy stuff. But it also taught me some serious lessons; it was easier to say nothing, than risk the wrath of my parents. I do not think I was flippant as a boy or a young man. I would say I was actually fairly serious from the age of nine onwards.”

Victor Hopkins sensed Gil Grissom stiffen at that remark. That was odd.

“Do you remember a particular incident when you fell out of a tree when you were four going on five years old?”

“I object Your Honour; an event that happened nearly thirty years ago does not have relevance at this hearing.” Peter Szabo interrupted before Nick could speak.

“Your Honour, I wish to explore an incident that does indeed have some bearing on today’s matter, and needs to be examined to throw light on Mr Stokes’ capacity for decision making.”

“I’ll allow; objection overruled.”

“Yes I do, the old oak in the meadow, I was climbing and fell…about, I don’t know, ten, fifteen feet. It knocked me out and I broke my wrist. I was with my youngest sister and she ran for Maria.”


“The housekeeper and my…nanny, I suppose. Anyway, by the time Maria got to me I was sitting up bawling my head off and she carried me back to the house and then took me to the ER. Why is this significant?”

“Do you remember much of the time at hospital?”

“Not much. I had a cast on my left arm and I think I stayed in the hospital for a night. Maria stayed with me. I wasn't unhappy about it; it was an adventure, once they’d finished sticking needles in me. I had two helpings of Jello and ice cream because the boy in the next bed didn’t eat his and the nurse gave it to me. Funny how little things like that stick in your mind.”

“Do you remember being told that you had to be careful because of your head injury?”

“No. I didn’t have a head injury.”

“You were knocked unconscious, and kept in the hospital; but I wouldn’t expect a young child to realise the importance or significance of that, but there was residual brain damage.”

“You’re kidding?”

“Your parents were told that the injury could result in some physical or psychological damage. Do you remember then, incidents when you were deliberately naughty and behaved in a fashion that caused your parents a great deal of anguish?”

“I wasn’t brain damaged, I was a kid, I had my share of fights and being naughty but I tried not too, because of the belt, I tell you that hurt.”

“Your Honour, this would appear to be pure conjecture on the part of Mr Hopkins. I would ask that all this be disregarded because there is not the slightest indication in Mr Stokes’ medical notes that would suggest he has suffered a brain injury and that there is any damage now.” Peter was challenging.

“Mr Hopkins, will any such evidence be forthcoming?”

“There is no evidence, because the parents begged the doctors not to put such details in his medical records for fear of it prejudicing his future.”

“This is a load of rubbish.”

“Mr Stokes, please. I will allow further questioning and Mr Szabo a chance to rebut these allegations, if I may call them such.”

“Thank you, Your Honour.” But Victor Hopkins knew what the Judge was up to, if this was allowed to continue, it would be revealed as a complete dumpster full of trash.

“Mr Stokes, obviously at the age of four you’re not going to have a great deal of understanding of these matters, but your parents have always been particularly aware that you needed to be tightly reigned in and you yourself said that when you were nine you became a more serious natured boy. This was brought about by your parent’s carefully nurturing….”

“Excuse me? Are we talking about the same parents here? I became serious when I was nine years old because I was sexually assaulted by a babysitter.” There was a barely audible gasp from some people in the room, and then absolute stillness. “I didn’t know then, but believe me I know now, that THEY should have called the police and I should have been examined to collect the evidence, and a statement taken and the girl interviewed. Do you know what happened? I bet you can guess. I got the belt for lying; and I was sent to bed, the same bed where she hurt me. And, instead of JUST having a sore penis where she’d rubbed herself against me and tried to get me to penetrate her and a sore anus where she’d pushed her fingers into me; I ALSO had strap marks across my sweet little ass for telling lies. ‘Nurturing’ is that what it was called?”

There was silence in the room for a matter of seconds and then Mrs Stokes stood up.

“It’s all lies. Don’t you see? That was what he was like, lying and naughty, he couldn’t be trusted then and he can’t be trusted now to take care of himself. He’s been lured into being a homosexual by this older man. He’s incapable of looking after himself, he needs us.”

“If I’m that desperate Momma, why haven’t you kept in touch? And why didn’t you visit me in the hospital, when I fell out of that tree, nearly thirty years ago? Because you didn’t, did you?” Nick’s voice was quiet and icy cold; Gil had never heard him speak in that manner before.

Oddly enough, only Ed Stephens had heard this side of Nick before.

Judge Benton had just recovered from the revelation. “Please stop it. Mrs Stokes sit down. Mr Stokes please calm down, you’re not fully fit. We need to take a rest, I think.”

“I’m fine, I really am. I’ve been in therapy for two years now and can deal with this; I have Gil at my side. Ed, Dr Stephens, and Gil have helped me deal with all of this and I have. I’m strong. Please continue.

“I would like a few minutes to consult with my clients, if I may, Your Honour?”

“You may. Fifteen minutes adjournment.”

Victor Hopkins left the room immediately before anyone else had a chance. Judge and Mrs Stokes followed behind and then the Judge and stenographer.

Gil stood and then sat on the edge of the bed. He pulled Nick into a loose hug, careful of his wound. “You going to be okay?”

Nick pulled back a little from Gil and looked at him. “Yes, I am. I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off me. I don’t feel bad about this, I feel justified and vindicated. People in this room believed me, even if ‘they’ didn’t.

“You’re not brain damaged Nick, you know that?” Ed Stephens came up beside the bed.

“I’m not so sure.” This was Dr Hollis and all eyes in the room stared at him. “Well, it could be inherited from his parents, that’s all I was going to say.” He grinned and the tension drained away.

“It’s not often I get to meet, well, see the parents anyway, of a patient, Nick, but it was very revealing and I might have to agree with Dr Hollis here, your mother certainly displayed some odd behaviour just now.”

“I need to know about this Nick, just for rebuttal, like the Judge said…”

“No, please stop all of you; just leave me alone with Nicky will you, please, just for a few minutes?”

They all looked a bit sheepish and filed out the room.

“What the matter, babe?” Nick looked worried

“Nothing; I just wanted to tell you how much I love you, how proud I felt when you responded to that ridiculous questioning. You are the most wonderful person I’ve ever met, and I will never leave you….you’ll never get rid of me, you know. But are you really okay, aren’t you tired?

“No. Yes. I love you Gil, you’ve given me the strength to do this, to face up to the past; you know they really are a pathetic pair holding on to their archaic principles. I think I’ve probably been running on adrenaline for about half an hour. I could do with a piss and a drink, a juice or something. I am tired, you’re right.”

“Let’s ask them to reconvene tomorrow.”

“No Gil, let me get it over and done with today. Please?”

“Of course, if you feel you’re up to it. But please be careful for me. Promise?”

“I promise. I can’t do too much harm lying in a hospital bed; just get a bit more tired than I have been, but it’s not like I've got to go to work….I can rest up for as long as I need to afterwards.”

“Come on, let’s get to the bathroom.”

Just as Gil helped Nick out of bed there was a knock at the door and Peter put his head around the door. “Sorry to disturb you guys, but there have been developments.”

“What? What’s happened?”

“Nick, Victor Hopkins has resigned. I just heard him tell your parents in no uncertain terms, that if this is law Texas-style, they could keep it; he wanted nothing more to do with the case or them. I think he said it was a ‘lunatic quest’. He’s talking to Judge Benton, right now.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen now, but I’ll ask for the Power to be confirmed; the only problem I can foresee is that your parents will call a halt to the proceedings because of Hopkins. But now that Judge Benton has seen you and realised…she must realise...that you’re quite capable, she may leave it a couple of weeks and reconvene in a proper courtroom, when Nick will be almost fully recovered and it will look even worse for your parents.

“We only need to wait a few minutes and we’ll know, but I’ll push for a decision. I mean I haven’t even started with Ed as a witness and you, Gil. See what the Judge says; I did tell you she does things by the book, but she’s also pragmatic, she won’t prolong things unnecessarily.”

“This is good news, Peter, but I do need a bathroom break...”

“Sorry, you go on, I’ll see what’s going on out there.”

Nick was moving really well considering his wound, and Gil didn’t need to support him as he walked. He took a piss and then Gil followed suit. When they’d both washed their hands, Nick wrapped his arms around Gil and rested his head on Gil's shoulder.

“I’ve dreamed of this for years Gil; being strong enough to stand up to them, and now that I've done it, they seem diminished somehow, as if they really are two old people out of touch with the reality of life as it is, in the modern world, I suppose you could say.”

“I don’t think I can put into words Nick, just how proud I am of you, the way you’ve come through all of this. I am in awe of your fortitude.”

“That sounds good, anyway.” Nick was chuckling at Gil’s verbosity when he’d said he couldn’t put it into words

“Hey, don’t, Nicky, my love, don’t underestimate the enormous effort you’ve put into this. Before Ed, you’d been carrying this burden around alone and I think, before me, unloved. That’s a thing of the past now, I love you and I always will, no matter what.”

Tears streamed down Nick’s face as he lifted his face to Gil’s. “Don’t say anything, these are happy tears, I can promise you…okay a bit of release as well, I suppose. So much has happened and I could have been killed; I thought she was going to kill me…I thought that as she readied herself to shoot, that at least I would die knowing love, I thought, ‘Gil Grissom, I love you and I thought of you as I died.’. When I came to in the ambulance and you were there it was wonderful, hearing your voice and your love.

“You know even if I had died at least I had known your love, Gil…”

“…Nicky, don’t say these things, please. You’re going to talk to Ed about this; you said the other day.” Gil was very close to falling apart. He was being swamped with emotions and he wasn’t used to the feelings.

“I know - you too; like I said; committed therapy junkies now…it’s been just as bad for you. We’ve come a hell of a long way since my apartment, that day. I was crying then, and you hugged me for the first time.”

“Yeah….you’re right, reminds me of a Beatles number…The Long and Winding Road…can’t think of the lyrics though, but the title fits.”

“Hey man, your suit is wet…sorry.”

“The least of my worries; back to bed and I’ll get you some juice.”

When Nick was settled again, Gil went to find a drink for Nick. He wanted cranberry and something…anything. He spoke to Marianne and she promised to conjure one up for him.

Judge Benton stopped Gil. “Is Mr Stokes up to reconvening?”

“Yes, Your Honour, he just wants a juice and that’s on order.”

“I’ll give it a few more minutes then.”

“Thank you, I’ll tell him.”

While Gil had been gone, Nick leaned back on his pillows. He was exhausted, completely and utterly, but he wanted this done. He thought that this could be the last time he ever saw his parents, and he was saddened by that, but not devastated, as perhaps he should have been at the prospect. He supposed the years of separation had deadened the blow. It was sad, yes, but that was all…he’d speak to Ed…

Nick was asleep as Gil opened the door. Gil immediately withdrew and closed the door to ensure he remained asleep.

He walked back down the corridor to where Judge Benton was seated and spoke quietly with her. “Judge, Nick is asleep, could you give him maybe another thirty minutes, just to rest, I know he wants this all to be over, but he’s still been very sick?”

“Of course. No longer though, because I have other business to attend to.”

“I understand. But Nick’s health is my priority and although he does want this to be finished with today, I think I’m going to invoke Dr Hollis’ power as his attending physician to decide if Nick is okay to continue; Nick won’t accept my opinion in this matter.”

“I’ll speak to Dr Hollis and ask him to assess Mr Stokes’ condition in thirty minutes.”

“Thank you Judge, that would save me from being the bad guy.”

“Dr Grissom.” Judge Benton dismissed Gil.

Gil saw Ed walking along the corridor towards him. He smiled at him and waved a hand to get his attention.

“Gil, how are you doing?”

“I’m getting by Ed, but I think it’s fair to say that both of us will need your professional help in the near future.”

“It’s that bad?” Ed seemed very concerned.

“Actually, no, it isn’t, I don’t think anyway, it’s just been such a….shock, to us both…we’re okay together, but I think if we make sure to come to you we’ll be kept in line.”

“Are you and Nick becoming therapy junkies?” Ed grinned at Gil.

Gil laughed out loud at the joke, and suddenly felt better than he had in days.

“That’s exactly what we are Ed, you’ve called it.”

“It’ll keep me in business. How do you feel about his…‛revelation’?”

“Sad. That it’s had to come to this. I can’t imagine how Nicky must have been as a child. And yet he continued to function.”

“Believe it or not, that’s probably the ‘Stokes’ gene in him.”

“I believe Ed; it struck me when he was speaking in there that his resolve owes a great deal to them. Imagine how Nick could have been if he had been nurtured.”

“Don’t dwell on that Gil, it never happened. The man you love is as he is.”

“I understand.”

Nick’s juice arrived care of an orderly. Several packs of cranberry juice with raspberry and with blueberry. Gil took them, giving his thanks, and made his way back to Nick’s room. Nick was still sleeping, snoring softly. Gil sat down close to the bed and waited; he closed his eyes.

“Hey, wake up sleepy head.” Nick admonished him. Peter was standing on the other side of the bed.

“You were the one asleep not me. “ Gil grinned and stretched, feeling better for his short nap.

“What’s going on?”

“Judge Benton is going to reconvene and ask Dr Hollis about Nick here.”

“I’m okay I keep telling you. Just tired, is all.”

“I believe you, millions wouldn’t.”

“Like you’re all bright eyed…sleeping in the chair, Mr Snoozy!”

“Hey, cut the insolence.” But Gil soothed Nick’s hair as he spoke.

“Okay. I’ll be really happy to get out of here, I’m getting pissed with it all now; I want to be in bed with you, cuddled up.”

“I know; me too. Come on, last hurdle.”

“I hope so.” Peter added his view. “I’ll go get the entourage.” He left the room.

“Are you sure you’re okay to go on?”

“Oh God, yes, I want this to be over, come on Gil, I’m tired, but I’m not incapable.”

“I know that, you never were.” That was a clear reference to how Gil had treated Nick in the past. Gil felt the twinge of guilt even as he spoke

“No.” Nick took Gil's hand and kissed the fingers. Unbelievably the action spread warmth through Gil's groin and he smiled.

“Stop it; you’re in a hospital bed.”

“I know, shame isn’t it?”


The ‘entourage’ chose that moment to start entering the room.

Judge Benton felt, momentarily, as if she was intruding. The men seemed to be sharing a private moment.

When they were all seated, Nick could feel the tension in the room….coming from his parents and their lawyer. He just hoped against hope that this would be the end of it, but at the same time he wasn’t hopeful, his parents were not the sort of people who gave up, just because of an obstacle in their way.

“I would like to ask Dr Hollis, whether or not, in his opinion, Mr Stokes should continue with this hearing.”

“I think Mr Stokes is very tired and could do with a real rest at this stage, Your Honour; although in my opinion it would be detrimental to his recovery to adjourn this hearing now, when he’s come this far. I believe he has the stamina to continue, and I think we would all see if he couldn’t continue.”

Gil thought that was a fair assessment. If Nick knew he’d asked for extra time he’d get it in the neck from his lover. He smiled at that thought.

“Thank you Doctor. I believe you have something to say, Mr Hopkins?”

“Yes, Your Honour. My clients have reconsidered their decision to pursue this application to overturn their son’s wishes and wish to withdraw their application. Primarily because they were led to believe his health was much worse than it is and that he was incapable if making such a decision.”

Nick couldn’t believe his ears…his parents never gave up a fight, something must have caused them to change their approach. The decision, therefore, did not please Nick, he thought that now they’d try another way to get at him and Gil.

Ed too, was suspicious. It was not a decision that he would have expected these people to make. Something big must have happened.

“In that case….” Judge Benton continued. “…I call a halt to these proceedings and grant the Power of Attorney in full to Dr Gilbert Grissom, and while I’m here I will also grant the Power for Dr Grissom to Mr Nicholas Stokes. If that is all gentlemen I suggest we draw a line under today’s events.”

There were murmurs of thanks from Nick, Gil, Peter Szabo and Victor Hopkins. The Judge and the stenographer left followed by Dr Hollis, who’d loudly made his opinion known with his parting shot.

“Waste of time all that was, Nicky, my boy.” That made Gil and Nick laugh at the use of a term Gil generally used for Nick.

Ed came up to the bedside and shook Nick’s hand. “A result, Nick, look I’ll be in touch tomorrow, you need to rest now.”

“Thanks Ed, for everything.”

“You’re welcome. Gil.” They exchanged smiles and Ed left.

Peter Szabo, Victor Hopkins and Judge and Mrs Stokes were the only people left.

Victor Hopkins spoke. “Nick, I’m sorry for having to put you through all that unnecessary questioning, but at least we have the required outcome now. I have resigned as you parents’ attorney, but they have asked me if they could speak to you alone.”

“No. Not alone.” Nick addressed them. “If you want to speak that’s fine, but Gil will be staying with me.”

“I would like to stay too.” Peter Szabo didn’t like the implications of what could happen.

“It’s okay Peter, with Gil here.”

“I‘ll go then.” Victor Hopkins nodded to the three men and completely ignored his ex-clients. He left.

Peter Szabo left too…with a, “I’ll be just outside if you need me.”



“I don’t know when things got this bad; we’ve only ever had your best interests at heart.”

“I believe you.”

“Why do you still persist in saying about the babysitter though? It didn’t happen, you know it didn’t.”

“It did, but I’m not going to argue about it now twenty five years after the event; if you couldn’t see the truth of it then, it doesn’t matter any more. I've learned to deal with it, and I have Gil to help me now.”

“I don’t know how you can lie like that; we brought you up better than that.” Mrs Stokes was indignant.

“You brought me up to tell the truth and when I did, you didn’t believe me and punished me. I forgive you now, because I don’t want to hold onto it any longer. If that’s it, you can go.”

“You’re misguided about this homosexual thing too, you’re not like that.”

“I kissed my first boy when I was fifteen….it’s me…it’s what I am, whether you like it or not; Gil will be at my side from now on. I am not ashamed.”

The ‘fifteen’ remark had clearly shocked both parents, so what if he’d used the ‘sin of omission’ to further his point - it worked.

“I cannot allow it; you know that, it goes against all my beliefs. You would have to renounce it Nicholas to come back into the family.”

“Fair enough; I accept that. I’m hardly part of the family now, am I? I won’t be missed anymore than I’ll miss you and if that’s what you want…. I’m not prepared to live my life without the man I love at my side.”

“And I’m not prepared to accept you while you are with a man. I’ll pray for you Nicholas.”

“Please Daddy, don’t. I don’t think I want to be associated with a God who cannot accept me for what I am.”

“Do not blaspheme, son.”

“I think…we just estab…lished that I am not….your son….any longer.”

Nick had suddenly lost his breathing rhythm and Gil became anxious for him, he really didn’t want to speak to these bigots, but…..

“Nick needs to rest; this has been an exhausting ordeal for him, an unnecessary ordeal as it’s turned out. Please leave now; come back later to say your goodbyes - that would be better.”

“This is goodbye. I hope you’re satisfied Dr Grissom luring my son away from his family. This will be on your conscience.”

“No, it will not. The only thing on my conscience will be my never-ending desire to see you rot in your hell for treating your son in this manner. Nicky is there any more you want to say to these people?” Gil was mindful not to call them his ‘parents’.

“Bye Momma, I’m….sorry for not….being the son you wanted….and Daddy, if…you can ever find it in your….heart please….believe that I…I wasn’t lying to you…it did happen.”

“It was then that the devil took hold Nicholas…”

“…Get out, now, I've had enough, you hypocrites, get out.”

“May you see the error of you ways son, and come back to the family….” Mrs Stokes intoned at Nick.

“If you do not leave immediately I will have you removed.” Gil was barely holding back from physically shoving the couple through the door.

“Go, Momma, Daddy. I forgive you. Bye.” Nick spoke softly and almost serenely.

His parents, the esteemed Judge William Stokes and his wife DA Jillian Stokes, walked calmly out of the room, as if leaving from visiting a mere acquaintance.

Gil‘s hands were in tight fists by his side and he understood, for the first time in his life, the actual desire to kill. The reason someone could lose so much control that they could kill. He felt that if he’d had a knife in his hand he would have plunged it into the cold heart of the Judge. He really understood ‘passion’ for the first time in his life.

Nick lay back on his pillows, looking tired and drained – fragile. But dry eyed. He hadn’t been moved to tears by the display from his own parents. He was weary, mostly from having all his worst fears confirmed; but he had done what he wanted to do, confronted his parents, and it was not his fault if they chose not accept him as he was or believe him.

If they hadn’t believed a nine year old boy, the likelihood of them believing a thirty two year old homosexual was fairly remote. He’d discussed this with Ed and knew what to expect. But he had said what he wanted to say, he’d stood up to them and although it was not what he’d hoped for, it was exactly what he’d expected. He was prepared for this, mentally prepared.

He looked at Gil who was white with rage still staring at the door. “Hey Gil, baby, calm down, it’s done, I had my say, I did what I wanted to do, it’s their problem now not mine. Hey, come on; don’t stroke out on me man!”

“Oh Nicky. I cannot….I cannot, put into words how I feel about you…. and what you’ve endured in your life. How you function. How you cope.”

“I think I cope because I am a ‘Stokes’. Hell, I must have inherited something from them and it’s probably their blind stubbornness. I've managed since I was nine Gil, and now I understand it all…it’s been hard, in the past, when I was on my own and didn’t understand why I was different; but today was easy because of the love I feel…it makes all the difference in the world.”

“I hope I’m worthy of your love Nicky, because you are a person of extraordinary perception and capacity to love despite…them…but I did think you were more of a Stokes than you thought…but it seems you thought that too. You are amazing. And you need to rest, really rest sweetheart.”

“Yeah I know, but I’m starving hungry and I never had that juice.”

“Falling down on my duties as a nurse. Here.” Gil handed Nick a carton of juice and he eagerly drank it down through the straw, making the slurping sound of an empty carton very quickly.

“Another? Please?”

“You may!” Gil gave him another juice. “I’ll go and see about something to eat.” He leaned over Nick and kissed his forehead. “I love you; I’ll be back.”

“Yeah I know…hurry, I’m sooo tired, but I need to eat.”

“Gone already.”

As he left the room, Peter was leaning against the opposite wall.

“How’s Nick, I take it it didn’t go well?”

“No. I’d have to think a long time to remember a couple of such hard hearted bastards as that couple. Nicky is a miracle, believe me.”

“I do; they left the room with no emotion showing and I guessed there’d been no joyous reunion.”

“There wasn’t. I think that may be it, Peter; I think all family ties have been cut.”

“I’m at a loss Gil. Look, give Nick my regards, I won’t bother him now but I’ll be in touch. Good luck.”

“Thank you Peter, for all your help. We owe you one.” They shook hands and Peter left.

Gil went straight to Marianne’s desk. “He's starving and needs food, can you rustle up something for him.”

Even before he’d finished speaking she was on the ‘phone, calling for a meal delivery.

“You’re a star, Marianne.”

“No, I’m just doing my job, but you and Nick make it easy for me.”

“Why thank you, you’re a very kind young lady.”

“Is everything okay now? Did you win?”

“Oh yes, hasn’t anyone told you….they put Nick through all of this and then withdrew their objection to the application. It’s over and Nick’s okay, that’s the main thing.”

“I heard them fighting; their lawyer really laid into them. I heard him say there wasn't a decent lawyer in the USA that’d take on their case and they were on their own. He spoke to the lady Judge and then went back and spoke to the parents and that was it…the most excitement up here for a long time. Some people are just horrible aren’t they…I’ve seen people argue over a dying patient, literally, right there, about their money. Anyway…food is on its way and give Nick my love.”

“I will and thank you again, Marianne.”

Gil saw Ed talking to Dr Hollis and walked over the two men.

“I’d like to thank both of you for your help today. The outcome we wanted, but such a dreadful day for Nick and his family.”

“I take it there was no reconciliation?” Ed wanted to know.

“None. I've just said to Peter, that I cannot remember when I last met such a hard hearted couple.”

“Well, Mike and I have just been discussing Mrs Stokes; we are of the opinion that she could well have early onset dementia….there were some strange signs in her manner and the way she responded. We’ll probably never know.”

“You know, when you come from a happy family it’s hard to believe that some families lack warmth and human kindness.”

Gil was somewhat bemused at Dr ’Mike’ Hollis’ pronouncement. He’d never have thought that gruff man would have thought such thoughts. There was hope for anyone….no scratch that, the Stokes had proved that theory wrong. The elevator doors opened just then and a ward orderly emerged carrying a tray.

“This looks like Nick’s food. I have to go, but thank you again, both of you, and Ed we’ll be seeing you soon.”

“Yes, I’ll see if I can get in tomorrow to see Nick.”

“Thank you Ed; I think he’ll need you.”

“Yep, he might.”

Gil turned to the orderly. “Is that for Nick Stokes?”

“Sure is.”

“May I take it to him, please?”

“Sure can.”

“Thank you.”

Gil took the tray and carried it to Nick’s room. When he pushed open the door a drowsy Nick looked up expectantly.

“Where’ve you been?”

“Ordering food and thanking people for their help; Peter, Ed and Dr Hollis. Ed says he’s going to try to get in tomorrow.”

“That’d be good; but I missed you.”

Nick sounded petulant, but as Gil looked at him, he recognised a terrible sadness in Nick and was immediately contrite at having left him alone. It had only been ten minutes, but when you’ve been subjected to the emotional turmoil that Nick had in the last few days… years really, it was bound to take its toll.

“I’m so sorry Nick. Here, you must eat and I won’t leave again, I promise.”

“You’d better not; I’m on my own now.”

Gil was devastated at the few, sorrowful words. He put the tray on Nick’s bedside cabinet and sat down on the bed; he took both of Nick’s hands in his own.

“I can absolutely promise you that I will always be with you – you will never be alone for as long as I live. I promise. Forever.”



“It’s a pretty big deal.”

“I hope so.”

“You promise?”

“I promise: forever. Nicky. Forever.”

“Okay then”

“Okay then.”

The End tbc with ‘Blah…blah…blah…’